
God knows what He's doing (Emily-Rose Lewis)

Whatever it is that you're going through, don't let that thing push you away from God. Don't let that thing get on top of you. Don't let the trials and worries of life push you away from God, because trials and tribulations must come. Jesus said it would come, but He said to cheer up, He's overcome the world. Don't let the painful things push you away from God. God does not intend for those things to push us away. If you look at the parable of the sower, the seed falls in different grounds, depends on the condition of your heart. If you just feel sorry for yourself, you complain, you push away from God, you don't trust Him anymore- this is the seed of your heart. Because the seed that's been planted in the right soil takes root. And the seed that's been planted in shallow soil, when trials come, it chokes out the word that's been planted in our heart. So we gotta let God change our hearts.

If you're having a hard time going to God in your trials, and don't understand what's going on, and you feel like God is unfair, unjust, or not loving you, and you just can't comprehend God's goodness in the midst of what you're going through- you know your faith is gonna falter. And it's by faith that you receive the good things from God, through the stuff that you're going through. So the enemy wants you to think that God's not good or just, He's forgotten you or He's not working on your issue, or He loves other people better, or that you're just a special case, that He's just against you or something, and when you think like that, you don't get the same benefit from the trial. You're going through trials either way, but when you have a right heart attitude about it, and you go to God, the trials and tribulations make you a better person. They make you more Christ-like. They tenderize your heart and you will get through them. God will bring you through and He does have a good plan, that He is working through all these things and you'll get to see that come to pass and unfold. Just because God has a good plan through the thing you're going through, doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to fully manifest if you don't get into alignment with God and trust Him and put your faith in Him working it out because we are co-creating with God. And so one person could have trial and tribulation and become ugly and bitter and resentful and make these decisions out of that place in their heart and not end up in the same place as somebody else who's going through those trials and tribulations who goes to God and becomes more loving and kind. 

No matter what you're going through, the grace of God is there to help you through it. So if you're not able to bear up something, you need to ask God for a greater measure of His grace to come and enable you to go through what you're going through. A lot of people don't get the grace of God because they're too busy begging Him to get them out of whatever situation they're in.

Be grateful that God knows what He is doing in our lives. God is trying to get us to those places and He's trying to get us our character built so that when we get to those places, satan can't destroy us. Because as you grow in the Lord, and as He releases more blessing and more influence, the character flaws that we have hurt more people. 

God knows what we need, He knows what He's created us for. He knows where He is taking us. Trust His goodness. Trust in His plan. He's purifying us. 

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