
2/25/21 Do it God's way (Prophetic Drive Time)

• There's a way that we think a thing should be done and we grew up learning the process from point A to point B.  And there could be a difference between families and friends, you could have different ways from your neighbors across the street.

• Oftentimes without us knowing, we tend to pose the way we believe a thing should be done onto God.  And oftentimes our breakthrough or victory hinges on that fine line between wanting it, believing it, but finding the way to execute it sometimes eludes us because it's at that moment, that fine line, we start to interject how we think a thing should be done versus relying on the simplicity that is in Christ. The Lord is saying, I have not crafted things to be so difficult, the answers to be so difficult that you can't find. There's a simplicity that is in Christ that we oftentimes struggle and stumble with because sometimes it can be hard to see how - "if the Lord tells me to do this, how it could relate to producing these things to my life." And so oftentimes, we lean on the more complicated processes of - "this is how I grew up believing a thing should come to pass, this is how I grew up believing how you accomplish a certain thing."  And so we tend to interject some of those things. It's the simplicity that's tripping some of you up. Who would have thought that for Naaman (2Kings 5:14) the answer to his prayer was just to go dip seven times. And as a result,  people bring all these convoluted extra dynamics to the Body of Christ and present them as answers and people fall for it a lot of times because there'll like, the more complicated it is, the more it seems so deep. In actuality, where you really find the power of God is in the simplicity that is in Christ. He has not made it complicated. 

• Confidence triggers the power. The enemy is bringing in relentless pressure. For My people, to find the peace that I have for them, to find the victory, cast the cares. When the Lord says "Cast your cares upon Me because I care about you." That becomes a way the things that you think you have the right to worry about, or to be concerned about are the doorways that the enemy will come and thwart you, derail you, it's a constant pressure , the unrelenting pressure on the mind on the heart in dreams in thoughts, in your daily. The Lord says, these things cannot continue to have a hold.

• When you can rightly align your sight and your mind and see God clearly not everybody see the benefit of that but this becomes your ability to access your power. Because nothing happens to the Lord by you seeing Him as He really is, but something happens to you. because it empowers your confidence. Once my confidence is empowered, then I am no longer available for the enemy to devour me. 

• What The Lord is showing me was really about peace, how to find your peace and in this time that we're in, one of the most important dynamics is to be able to cast our cares. This is also a form of laying down your life. The reason why the enemy's been so successful over many of us at times, is because we're trying to figure out how we protect ourselves. But the Lord makes it very clear, those who look to save their lives, they're gonna lose it along the way, but those who lay down their lives, they're gonna find it. When you effectively cast your cares onto the Lord and you're no longer worried about you, you find something. 

But the devil wanna tell you and some other people, that's wisdom - you got to take care of yourself. If the Lord is not in control, then what are my efforts? So they discourage people from discovering the life. When you are no longer worried about you, what you find is how much God is concerned about you. The Lord says, IT AIN'T NO NEED BOTH OF US WORRYING. IF YOU'RE GONNA STRESS, I'M GONNA REST. IF YOU GONNA REST AND I'LL TAKE ON ALL THE STRESS.  That's the dynamics. If you would just do it God's way, what you would see is the life. The enemy wants to wear you out, he wants to stress you out. But the Lord ain't gonna stress with you. Jesus will never come into the hall with you and be like, "Lord I'm stressed out." "Yeah, Me too. What we're gonna do?" No matter what the storm is saying, no matter how bad the winds are. If you're going to Jesus, "Lord I'm so concerned." He'll be like, "Why?"

As soon as the enemy loses his advantage, you gain the advantage. Never underestimate the part you play. 

The Lord wants you to know that He is good. The Lord wants you to know that He loves you. You got to see that. You got to know that to be true. Because It's not that the Lord won't take your burdens, but you won't give it to Him. Jesus will be like, if you give it to Me, I'll take care of it, if you keep it you deal with it. That's the agreement. YOU GIVE IT TO HIM, YOU LET GO. The first thing is you're gonna find the life, you're gonna discover the peace that comes with your trust. And that would be your receipt, that the Lord has it under control, and as that peace begins to move into your life, as you begin to receive that peace what you're also gonna start seeing - things begin to level out and the Lord begins to lead you to a different direction. Some of you will find your way of escape, some of you will be catapulted into promotion. And what you're gonna find out is that there's actually life in the Word of God, if I am willing to do it God's way.

As your perception with the Lord changes, you'll find out that the dynamics change. When I know that I am loved, then I am aware that God is here. But He's here as the Person who loves me. It's not that Jesus is here, some see a powerless Jesus with them, that's why they are crying every single second, 'I know that God is with me but.' You got to take the 'but' out of the situation. When you know that the Lord loves you, not only you know that He is here, but His love for you is here. That changes everything. Faith works by love. 

3/28/21 there is no substitute for relationship with Christ!! Major revelation (Prophetic Drive Time)

• the systems of God remain: I put before you life and death, blessings and cursings
When we choose to follow Christ we choose life. We choose to remain in ourselves we choose our flesh.

• In relationship with the Lord is what you begin to see all that the Lord has for us that await inside the Kingdom. that's why the Lord says this, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you." Why would all these things be added unto me just by seeking the Kingdom? Because you never have to labor for what God has already in store for you in His Kingdom. If it wasn't good, if it wasn't right, then God would never add it to you.

But He says seek first the Kingdom, so you can discover what belongs to you. And the Kingdom is where you find your inheritance, and the Kingdom is where you find God's heart, and the Kingdom is where you find relationship. 

You don't have to feel bad for what God has for you in this hour. You don't have to feel bad for what God has purposed for you in this hour. 

• A young lady said, "You know I just want to have a relationship with the Lord." And the Lord began to speak to me, "How will she know Me if she don't see Me?" There's no other way to know God than how He has made Himself known. Most people struggle with a relationship with God or knowing God because they won't accept the fact that He is love. They won't accept the fact that He is good and because of that it's hard for them to come into intimacy based upon who He really is. You can't have a relationship with God based upon a misconception, based upon your insecurities, based upon what you feel comfortable with Him being. You can only have a relationship with the Lord in truth, which requires humility sometimes. If I want to know who He is, then I gotta allow Him to speak, and them I make a decision, do I want to accept this kind of person in my life. Do I want to accept Him? Because you want Him to be something else and that's why you can't find Him, you can't touch Him. But He makes it clear who He is. He wants to be made known, He's not hiding from you.

• How many people don't understand, in darkness, what does light do? Don't you know that you were born for times such as this? We are made the light for a specific reason, and that's to shine. To shine, to reflect Christ in this darkness. However the Lord chooses you to do it through your personal relationship, whatever He's placed on you, is to be focused on Him.

• One of the scariest portions of the Bible is Matthew 7 where the Lord says depart from Me for I never knew you. People's like, "Lord did I not do all these things..." "But I never knew you." I was never intimate with you, we never had a relationship, but I never knew you. Which sets the precedent of what's important to God is that we are in a relationship. So when you think about this, after repentance, when you see these things change and shift, and it's like the Lord is coming back. Now's the time for us to get to knowing Him. 

All this revelation coming forth about who God is and bringing us deeper into knowledge and deeper into revelation about His heart and seeing His heart. Why? So we could see Him and begin to establish intimacy, which is He is craving to establish intimacy with you, which is what - He's preparing the bride. You see, the Lord is coming back for a bride that He knows, not one that He doesn't. So when people see these things, they automatically get offended, because they're emulating. And what's happening is, what they don't understand is they're bringing conflict to the work of God. They're bringing conflict to what He is doing- to merge His heart to your heart. Bringing confusion. You want victory over sin, fall in love with Jesus. Let Him reveal. 

• How do I have a relationship with the Lord?

Paul said this in the Book of Galatians, as you have begin in Christ, continue in Him. This is the foundational truth, which means, I begin by hearing the gospel, receiving the gospel, believing the gospel, that produced my transformation. So when I hear the man of God, the woman of God speak about how God loves me, everything I do in God must be done in the same way. The same way I started with Christ, it's the same way I continue with Him. So if I want to know God, if I want a relationship with God, I got to hear God's love for me, I got to receive God's love for me, and I got to declare it and what will happen is, this process, will bring forth the manifestation, of that reality, that transformation. So you got to accept it. The Lord designed us. We have a specific design that affects how we interact and relate to one another. It's not a simple process. We hear about a person, we hang out with them, we like them, I just love being around you, I'm just free in your presence. Whatever the process. And you begin to fall in love. And as you begin to learn, He said take my yoke upon you and learn of Me. You got to learn of Me. But there's places that are so busy speaking against you, speaking at you, that they're not revealing the One, the way for you to see Him, for you to see. 

• It takes relationship to value what's important to God, not what's important to you. You think these things are important and everybody's out of line except for you, you believe that because you're emulating, you're not relating. But when you relate, you see what's important to the Lord is what's important to me so I see the value in you because you're important to the Lord. 

3/29/21 Something very significant is about to happen for you! (Prophetic Drive Time)

• Situations don't change who God is. And if I don't understand something at the moment why this thing happened, once I count God faithful, the revelation will come later, and then I'll be like, "Oh Lord, now I see. Now I get it."   But we live in a time where since we don't count God faithful, we're not attributing any honor and glory and if you don't attribute any honor and glory and esteem to God, you're not attributing the level of righteousness to God that is due Him then how can you be intimate with Him, and as a result, this is why religion is so appealing to people because in religion, you don't really have to commune with God, you get to commune with yourself and tell you how good you feel, how good you doing but there's a criteria to communing with Christ. Those who come to Me, you must believe. 

• The Lord will attack you with His love. 

• You should never want to pretend to be whole for nobody when you can be whole for real. You should never pretend like you got it all right when you can have it all right for real. I don't want to wear a mask but sitting here entertaining all these demons. I don't want to pretend. I want to be free for real for real. That's what the Lord offers, He offers real freedom, for real. You never have to pretend. Amen.

2/18/21 The Lord said He's not done (Prophetic Drive Time)

Oftentimes, situations arise to expose our own frailty. You try to hold everybody up so the Lord's got to show how weak you are. You leaning on people so the Lord's got to show you how weak they are. Because the only One to be glorified in any work is the Lord.

How you supposed to hold them up? By prayer. By your faithfulness to God. When you get into that space with the Lord, and that faithfulness with Him, and you surrendered your life to Him, and it becomes just about you and Him, the Lord will protect and hold everything that is pertaining to you. He'll do it for you.

It's interesting because at the same time that you could be a natural offense to some of your family members, to some of your friends, at the same time you could be a saving grace because they don't know that the Lord will be sparing their life for you. That's why it's so important - your relationship - it goes beyond you. They don't know how valuable you are in their life. They may be seeing you as the black sheep, the outcast the whole time, but your relationship with Jesus is covering them. "I'll save them for you." 

The Lord is loving on you by sparing them. Sometimes, you can't even quantify just how much God loves you. And sometimes we look at just the things and the Lord is showing His love in so many manifold ways.

3/21/2021 The Grace was meant to flow freely! Watch the blessings that follow this word (Prophetic Drive Time)

Matthew 6:28 consider the lilies of the field
 How do they grow? So my question is, how do you grow? How are you growing, lily of the field? You thought you were growing by all the toiling you've been doing, but Jesus said, the real way to grow is to toil not, neither do they spin. 
How often times you and I found ourselves toiling and spinning into exhaustion and always seeing very little on our return, working and striving for the blessing?

 Lord says, "How can I be revealed to you, if all that you are considering is you?
I'm not revealed to you through you. I'm revealed to you through Me. And what you see in Me, affects you to where now you understand Me. You go out and do what- you begin to replicate Me, you begin to demonstrate Me.
There's little on your table because you have foregone the knowledge of your Maker. There's little on your table because of what you have not been willing to see about Me. And whatever you cannot see about God, you cannot reflect of God.
Look at the life of someone who's been touched by God, who's been set free, or who God has been good to. You will watch them and whatever you see in God is what you will replicate of God.
Those who see God as selfish, stingy, nasty, harsh, mean, judgmental, you gonna find them and they're gonna talk, they're gonna be to you exactly what they see in God.
Whatever you see in Him is what you will reflect of Him.

 Freely you have received, then freely give - I'm empowered from on high. I'm supplied from on high. The Lord says, I would not ask you to do anything that I have not given you the power to do. That's why so many people find themselves stuck with a stuck on a command, stuck on a command to forgive, because they don't understand as they look at themselves and all they see is their hurt, they don't look at the supply of the new life that God has given them. So they don't see themselves as having, or receiving. The Lord says, it would be unjust for Me to ask you to do something that you weren't able to do. The rub is, you never do anything that the Lord asks you to do looking at you, because in you, all you can see is deficiencies, inability, lack, the hurts. Oftentimes what the Lord asks you to do is often hindered by you. But the Bible says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Not through me who evaluates my ability to perform a task given by God. It's not about me evaluating me. It's about my estimation of the One who calls, the One who qualifies, the One who judge. 

 The provisions of the Master, tells a story about the Master. It tells a story about the Master, the spread, the dinner table. It tells a story about the Master that begins to etch itself on my heart, and when I go out, people begin to read me. They begin to read the etchings of the Master on my heart. And as opposed to me offering them myself, or I,  and I did this, when they see me, they see the handwriting of the One who's calling them. 
Let God write on you. The doodles that you are making on yourself ain't helping nobody but bringing more people into bondage. Let God write on you and watch some people get free. Let the Lord write on you and watch Him be magnified. Let the Lord write on you and He'll tell a story about Himself. He'll tell a story about Himself that will move the hearts of men to come running unto Him. 

 If you wanna reflect Christ, you got to get out of the way. If you really wanna see God's best then you really got to get out of the way. 

 For those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness, they will reign in life. By what- themselves? You will reign in life because of who Christ is. 
That's why it's hard to be transformed, you find it hard to be consistently doing what God is because - it's one thing to hear what the Lord wants you to do and then try to do it out of your own strength. It's another to see who God is and do it from the supply of heaven. It's one thing to be touched by God and do it as a result of being touched by Him. It's another thing to be trying to go. It's another thing to see the glory of Lord, receive the glory of the Lord, and walk in the glory of the Lord, then all of my testimony leads back to Him. All my praises lead to Him. 
Those who receive. Not those who toil. Not those who strive. 
The way you grow in God, is how you receive from God. You haven't grown to the next level, because you haven't received. The Lord says, "If you would just let Me be who I am to you. If you would just let Me do it to you. If you would just let Me reveal Myself, If you would just let it come freely, receive.

 Grace /HESED/ - graciousness, a manner or act abstract or concrete, literal figuratively or spiritual especially the defined influence upon the heart, and its reflection in life, including gratitude, acceptable, benefit, favor, gift, grace, graciousness, joy, liberality, pleasure, thanksgiving, thanks worthiness, merciful, kindness, by which God exerting His holy influence upon the souls turns them to Christ, keeps them strengthened, increases them in Christian knowledge and faith in all these things, loveliness, sweetness, delight.
You see, I gotta receive the fact that God loves me, the fact that God is good to me
As you bask in that generosity, bask in His love, what it does is, it opens up the door for you to grow in your understanding of Him and as your understanding changes, your life changes. Your ability to reflect God only comes by what you see in Him. I can't reflect what i don't see. I can only reflect what I perceive above me. So you look at the water, you go to a lake, you'll see when it's a nice still day, quiet day, the lake will always reflect what's above it. What's over your head? Is it not the love of God? What's over you? Because regardless of what you say, you're going to reflect what's over your head. And the Lord says My love, My kindness, My glory, I want you to freely receive it. Not because you deserve it, not because you earned it, not because you're straining and toiling to receive it, but because of who I am. And that's going to imprint you in such a way that you will begin to reflect that. It's going to etch and carve the initials of the Lord and you will be like the psalmist who pens an understanding about God that will draw many people to come and understand who God is through the writing of God on your life, a living epistle is what you'll become. 

 The religious they hardly receive but then there's a group of people that you see who the Lord is just good. You get to see the Lord do these explosive things in their life. He's free to reveal Himself in their life, because they receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness.