
7/14/2020 I have a sure word for someone! If you are willing & obedient!! (Prophetic Drive Time)

Destination VS Relationship

There are some people who are focused on the destination, that they don't understand the real key to success in Christ in this life is through the door of relationship.

Too focused on getting to a place or they want so much things that pertain to life or good, and as a result because they don't really trust God, they have an impurity in their hearts

One of the greatest deception is to think you really have to contrive, that you have to scheme, that you have to consort, that you have to do these things to get to the good of the land.

Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land

Sometimes what holds mischief in our hearts is a slant on how we see ourselves.

They want to arrive at the place where they can be known as the thing that is godly, but they don't wanna take the godly path - TRUSTING IN GOD, KNOWING HIM

Relationship is the secret to real success in the body of Christ. Destination is irrelevant or it means nothing if you don't have relationship. The house that you build will be the house that you have to secure. Unless the Lord builds the house, the people labor in vain.

You actually put yourself on the wheel that goes nowhere when you don't know that God will surely do it for you.

I don't have to worry about it or this and that. I don't have to chase what's already chasing me. I don't have to chase what's been assigned to me. If you knew the faithfulness of God, if you knew the love of God, if you knew the certainty of God.

Sometimes how foolish our pursuits are, because we just want to get to a place or destination. When you learn to put your trust in Him, you learn how to cast the cares, you learn how to be filled with the substance that is His. You will eat the good of the land when you really put your trust in God, when you begin to know God and relate to God and have a relationship with Him. What you'll find is, you will never want what someone else has, because you know what God has for you.

People who covet or chase what somebody else has, is because they don't know God  in truth for themselves. They know of Him, but they don't know in Him, because if you did, you will contact with the surely. 

The plan He has for you is phenomenal, because the enemy knows how phenomenal it is, he exploits your slant view of yourself, because you secretly feel like you're unworthy, you're inadequate or you got some issues because you secretly have those issues. God doesn't see you that way! You don't believe God will do it for you because of the slant view of yourself. So you are in the place of blessing but unable to grab hold of it. You're in the place of blessing but unable to take hold of what belongs to you, because your gaze is set on the somebody else. But set your gaze on God!

Don't believe at any moment that what you surrendered or gave up for God, what you sacrificed was in vain. 

The Lord is opening up and bringing you into the SURELY!

It's important that we understand what the process is about- It's about a heart reveal. 

Sometimes the Lord asks us to give up things that are difficult for us because it shows where our hearts is. It reveals that to us. It reveals it to the atmosphere, who our heart belongs to. God says, I don't deal casually with your sacrifices, or with your offering. He knows how important it was to you, that's why it is called a sacrifice. If there was no loss in a sacrifice, is it really a sacrifice? When the Father sent His Son, it was called a sacrifice, because of the loss it cost. And the same way you poured out your heart to God in your sacrifice, is the same way God is going to pour out His heart to you. It will never be uneven. We will never be more honorable than God. Your ambition is unnecessary. Even exchange is when you give God your heart, He gives you His heart in return. It's an even exchange, but it's not an even measure. Because when you give the little things that God asks you. He gives you all the things that He has for you. He said, I know the thoughts I have for you. They are good. They will establish you. They will make you, equip you, protect you, lead you onto life and life in abundance. When God's heart comes back to me, it overtakes me. It does things like this- blessings will overtake you. They will stampede you. They will run you over. Ambition had nothing to do with that. Covetousness that is irrelevant, because all those things are unnecessary in the place where God has already given you all things. Ambition and covetousness can only be generated through deception, because God has already freely given you all things. If you covet something, you are actually settling for less. You are being tempted into the lesser the same way the enemy tempted Eve with the lesser. She was already made in the image of God but he sold her a lesser identity of God, a fallen, a dead version. 

When you covet something or ambitious about something, what you're doing is settling for less than what is already yours. 

It's a waste of time. You are already been blessed, with all spiritual blessings and the place that God will give you or build for you- though the storms raised up, though the critics raised up, though the things come up against you, they will not topple your house. It's one thing to climb a rock and plant your flag. It's another thing to be placed upon the rock.

I'm building my house with the materials God have given me. You gotta know in your heart that's who your Father is, that's who your God is. That what He has for you is spectacular. If  you only knew what I have for you, it's so much better than what you've been chasing. Isn't it so amazing how you can covet the third floor when God has prepared you for the penthouse. That's how deceptive the enemy is. But it takes a pure heart. It takes that relationship, to ride the elevator to all the way up, you looking around thinking you're missing out when you don't understand. It's got to go past what you could ask or think. It's got to exceed what you have been able to ask or think. It's not about how you feel about yourself or what you think should God feel about you. He don't care what you think you should feel about because Bible says while you were sinners Christ died so it doesn't matter how you think God should be feeling about you or what the enemy told you He feels about you. God sits on high. God does what He wants. He will show favor to who He shows favor to. He will do what He wants and who will tell Him otherwise. And when He says, "I love you" then you better believe that's exactly what it is. The only One able to provide my life with what it needs, I want to know what He feels about me. 

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