
7/26/2019 Confidence! (Prophetic Drive Time)

God is the strength of our confidence. If you're really confident in God, it changes your disposition. Yes, God is faithful and doesn't lie. But have confidence in God because He loves you. Love of God is revealed through the manifestation of Jesus Christ. When you know God's love for you, you will arise in power.


The one who is looking for you will come and fight your battles. It'll have you in the level of courage in situations where you should otherwise be afraid. Key to accessing the power God placed inside of you, is to know His love.

People don't know how much God loves them, and so they created distance between God. And as a result you're constantly wanting God to do things but you never really have arisen in the confidence that it takes for you to go forward. For example, the enemy visits you and then you're full of fear and anxiety, and they go to God and say, "Oh Lord, please don't let this happen." And God is like, "Why would you even worry about that? I'm with you. I love you. I protect you. I keep you." When we know God loves us, we're able to turn to the enemy and say, "you can do nothing to me because of my Father."

Your greatest confidence you're gonna get because of God's love for you. Yes, God is righteous, His words doesn't return void. He is faithful to His words. But what really drives all of those things is His heart towards you. For God so loved the world, His greatest action didn't come about because of His righteousness. It came about because of His love. God's righteousness had nothing to do with His greatest gift for mankind. In His righteousness and in His integrity, what He had was absolute justification to destroy this place.

The enemy works so much through religion and tradition to keep you from discovering just how much you are loved, because if you find out how much God loves you, you will arise in confidence that would make you dangerous, that will give you access to the power within you, that would make you an absolute problem to the enemy. 

Love is everything. You go the extra mile for people that you love. You know when somebody loves you, it's when they're willing to go the extra mile, when they do what they don't have to do.

Some people have been walking around in fear and kind of doubting and a little bit of timidity. It's because they don't know how much God loves them. And as a result, they have not been able to rise up in confidence that it takes to go out and do the very thing that God called them to do. And so you're asking for prayer for situations that love will cover. 

God desires for you to arise in confidence, not confidence in yourself. It's really dangerous if we don't receive God's love, because soon as God brings forth the blessing, then guess you'll be more confident in? You'll be more confident in the thing that God is giving you and not confident in God Himself.


To know that God loves you, this gives you a confidence and it lifts you up above the strategies of the enemy. It puts you in a ever pleasing place before God because now you're walking in faith. Faith works by love- God's love for you that will ignite your faith. Because of His love for me, I have help that affected my disposition in the face of my opposition, so I say you can't touch me not because I'm so amazing but because the One who is with me is more amazing. Don't touch My anointed! Because their Father will come on their behalf. 

Without that confidence, you won't be willing to go where God says, and to do what God does. You're only be willing to do what you can see possible in your own strength. So God wants to do the amazing in your life, but you won't allow Him because you don't believe that He loves you enough to keep you, to support you.

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