
7/13/2020 Strength is the only option! Stop empowering your enemy! (Prophetic Drive Time)

As you make spiritual progress, you're also calling into manifestation natural progress. But everytime you make a little spiritual progress, here comes the enemy meddling all around with your emotions, and what happens is you start taking steps back, you are allowing the adversary to come in, giving him place, to bring in the hindrances or delays to the very thing you are crying out to God for. Strength is the only way.

Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in strength of His might. 

The Lord says, if you would just be strong in My word, if you would just be strong in My declarations of you. IF YOU WOULD JUST BE STRONG.

When you are strong over a thing that God has spoken, you're being strong in the Lord. And that's why the enemy has been coming in like a vampire just sucking your strength, getting you to cave in to your emotions. If you really understood when the enemy is doing that, causing you to take step back, that he was undoing your progress. In strength is how you take hold  of. Being strong is how you take ground spiritually against all opposition. 

"I'm coming to awaken the champion in you" - God 

The lion in you, the victor in you. To do away with that synchronicity with that victim mentality. 

Let me get myself together because strength is the only option. 

It's the requirement. You wanna get here? Then you got to be this! Meditate on My word day and night. You gotta be strong in the word, that you want to see in your life. You gotta be strong and when you realize this truth, there's no other option. 

You gotta get there. God is invested in your arrival, because He says "I want you here." You gotta know that God is with you. It's not just about the destination, it's about the climate. The requirement for you to be strong right now, is not only for you to take the land but for you to occupy it. For some people it's been hard because in other times or past times, the Lord would move even in your passivity, but now it seems that something is wrong, because now, the Lord is requiring strength. And you're like, "Lord, what is going on? I used to be able to get to this place, with just a level of passivity. I can be passive and still get there. I can be wavering and still get there." But now, there's a requirement.

Joel 3:10
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; Let the weak say, I am strong. 

Which means that the instruments you used before they have to be redefined. They got to be used as instruments - instruments of war, instruments of strength. So before, you're be able to get it with a plowshare, but now that plowshare gotta become a sword. And from the perspective of your disposition, that the weak must say I'm strong! Strength is required, and in strength, it's gonna provide for you. It's going to provide for you. It's gonna protect you. It's going to take you. 

But some of you have been resetting. The Lord is gonna prove it to you. But some of you, you've been going, you can see the spiritual progress and here comes the enemy- he's trying to subvert your progress. He's trying to overthrow your progress but you gotta be committed to the destination through STRENGTH. We can no longer identify with that mindset. The call, the word, the destination- it required strength. Because you have CHRIST on the inside of you. You have STRENGTH. Your prayer should be "Lord help me to see." Your responsibility as Paul described in his letter to Philemon is "Let me acknowledge all the things that God has put inside of me." Sometimes we spend too much time in this kind of Christian-like process of "Lord, send in , bring in all these things that I'm needing from you, I'm calling it in!" But in reality I need to be working it out, because to think that God will put His Holy Spirit in you, and you will be void of God's strength on the inside of you, and to think that Jesus Christ would come into your  heart, into your life and that there will be no power- that is a foolish thing! And so what we've been doing is, we've been asking even try to call in because that's how we've been taught. But if I acknowledge all that Christ is, would any of you say that Christ is weak, feeble, powerless, barren, unable? What is it that you would say out of your mouth that Christ is lacking? So if you can identify it in Christ, then it is important for you to understand that, that's what you got inside of you. So what I need from God, I need to be awakened to what is already on the inside. And that's become part of the trick of the enemy - "I'm calling down the fire of God", it looked good but it left us powerless. It created a disconnect. It voided our understanding of a simple truth, that an ALMIGHTY ALL POWERFUL GOD IS ON THE INSIDE OF ME. So now, when I need resources, I'm thinking, "Lord, I'm waiting for you to give me, what's already on the inside of me", and it's not really a prayer that God can answer. You already got it, what you need to do is acknowledge that it's in your hand because soon as I acknowledge it, now I got access to utilize what I got already. The Lord wants to unleash a power dynamic but in order to have a power dynamic, there has to be an understanding dynamic that has to change. You have been laboring and looking for the very thing that you already have, and you miss it everytime. Because you've been looking for it to come from the clouds. YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT IN EVERY PLACE EXCEPT FOR WHERE IT IS. And at the same time, allowing your mind and heart to be blind by the treasure that's contained in this earthen vessel. Walking around in poverty, with wealth on the inside. Walking around in brokenness with healing on the inside. Sometimes, some of you just got to say, "I GOT IT. I GOT IT ON THE INSIDE!" So what is it that a man would need in this life that is separated from God? What is it that you think that you could possibly need that you can't find in Christ. "I got it on the inside." 

There's a treasure in this earthen vessel and the Lord put it there so that the SUFFICIENCY AND GLORY may not be of me but that it can magnify GOD. What I gotta do, is I gotta acknowledge it. 

If I don't acknowledge that it's here, how can I use it? You see, this is meant for your use. As Paul would say, "Don't you know that you have the Holy Spirit on the inside you." 

When the Lord was ready to multiply the fish and bread, He said, "What you got in your hands? What do you have?"  And if you begin to acknowledge it, that you have Christ on the inside of you, it's time that we START MAGNIFYING HIM AND STOP BELITTLING HIM. And that's when deception comes. That's when empowering the enemy does. Because this is a dynamic that is clearly outlined in the word of God. But at the same time, there's been a cover up, to keep people separated from power, separated from intimacy, and we've been taught to always be in a space of need, never realizing what we have, and because we don't understand what we have, we find ourselves going through life with this lack of knowledge, causing us to perish in areas where we should be thriving. The fact that we have God living on the inside of us, there comes a time when a generation must arise based on the truth and all the benefits that come with God being on the inside of you. 


Does He come into your life as all that He is. When He takes you as you are, He comes to you as He is!
When the fear comes or how you look at yourself, you won't even grab hold of what God has spoken over you because it's not about what you think about yourself, it's not about what the enemy says about you those things are actually dead and gone because when Christ killed you out on the cross, He murdered you and all your failures and everything all your fleshly potential and He rebirthed you into Christ potential. You're already gone that's why the enemy is always trying to acquaint you with this sense of failure because He's trying to keep you out of Christ where power dwells. He's trying to keep you out of Christ where the enemy is defeated trying to keep you out of Christ where your blessings are, where your power is, where your healing is, where your peace is where your joy is. 

When you realized WHO'S HAPPENING ON THE INSIDE OF YOU - Paul had this awakening or realization and said "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME!" Because I'm no longer looking at the potential in there and the crafted imagery of myself. I'm looking at the person who God has remade, not the person who was dead, who got killed on the cross, he had no potential. Jesus doesn't speak to you after the potential of the old man that's why some people find themselves in conflict and why fear is always at the doorstep of self. He is only talking to you based upon the potential of the Spirit that He deposited on the inside of you, based upon the power that He put on the inside of you. When the Lord is speaking greater than you, is because He's speaking to you based upon what He deposited inside of you and that's what God is calling forth, that is what He is calling into destiny that's what He is calling me to tap into to walk out. "I've been anointed to do this! Like, you taught me how to war." But there's an anointing on David, anointing on Samson, which means you couldn't do- there was an anointing placed upon them to do great exploits, but you got GOD LIVING ON THE INSIDE OF YOU , THEN HOW MUCH MORE!

My acknowledging of the truth of God's word is what causes the sharpness of the word of God to be revealed. When you realize that God is in you, then watch how it starts to change your dynamics and don't put any hindrances to what that means. 

We grow up leaning on the flesh, processing what we feel, what we think, and that's been such a large navigation of our lives and then we make the transition, we become born again. From what we feel, what we think, to what God has spoken, what does God's word declare. And the enemy comes along, and it's the simple interaction to stimulate what you're thinking. And that's how people get carried away- what you're thinking, feeling. And they turn to God "Lord I thought you said..." and God's like, "What? My word didn't change. What happened with you?" then I'm thinking what I've felt , that means you've encountered the devil and you empowered him because if he gets you in your flesh, he gets you in defeat. Bible says, those who walk according to the flesh, they reap destruction . Stop considering how you feel as significant. Start exercising yourself to trust more to what God has spoken to you. Your emotions are like children running the house - it will be disordered/chaos. God loves you too much to leave you on the outside. 

Strength is the only option not just for you to get from here to there, or obtain a promise. I need to value what God is saying.

You should feel extremely blessed. 
You should feel highly favored because that's the truth. 

There's nothing that you've given up that God has not, or will not return to you in this lifetime, hundred fold and in the life to come. You're banking in God's economy. But the enemy tries to make us seem that we left it all. In order for it to yield a return, it must be an investment. So if I gave it up for God, which means I put it in a safe place in God's economy so I can withdraw interest and be returned on to me according to the word of God. Anything that brings forth a return is an investment, so I did it for Jesus. 

Strength is the only option we got to get out of our flesh, we got to start walking by the Spirit. There'll be consequences to walking in the flesh. The enemy doesn't want you to know how blessed you are, he don't want you to discover. If you only know who you are in Christ. You're gonna be a whole handful problem to the enemy, so he tries to keep you in that weak place, try to keep you in the flesh which is weakness, sensitive, easily triggered, easily offended. Because he's trying to keep you out of power. He's trying to keep you from advancing. 

Fruit of being sold out to the Lord- there's nothing to go back to.

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