
7/27/2020 TRY ME Part 28 Wifey Material (Redefined TV)

 Ephesians 5:25-32
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

* Marriage was designed to be a representation of what Christ and the Church looks like. This is why it makes so much sense why that God will use "Unfaithful" terminology when He was speaking about the children of Israel indulging in idolatry - "They went whoring after other gods." "Adulterous and unbelieving generation."

God views it as cheating when we have a 'lifestyle' living according to the flesh but then yet claimed to be the bride. This is why the enemy sends you counterfeit after counterfeit, distraction after distraction - it is not necessarily about you. The enemy is messing up the representation. This is why a lot of people have issues with the church and a lot of issues with Jesus. It's not that they have a problem with Jesus, but with the people who claim to be followers of Jesus. 

2 Types of woman:

A. Doesn't have value application
Doesn't have any requirements thus whoever applies she hires. 
Even businesses and corporations understands the importance of application. If you want this position or want to work here, you have to apply- needs background check / info, do you meet the requirements for this position, degree, license, trainings, credentials and former employer to check if they're lying. If you ever know somebody's lying (not think or assumption because assumptions are the termites of every relationship), when you know that they're lying, don't tell them, just ask about it because I need to see how many problems am I really dealing with. Am I dealing with you just being a liar or with you being a liar and denying about you lying to.

You can do all of that, fill up application, background check and 3 interviews and still not get the position. Why? Because we know who we are looking for. They have a value of application.

She doesn't have full awareness of who she is and there are a breed of men looking for a woman like that. They know, she'll tolerate me, take care of me, she'll even make excuses for my poisonous behavior because she doesn't know who she is. She has all of these insecurities, she doesn't know her value in Christ. She doesn't know she's a queen, a woman of purpose, that God has a powerful plan for her life. Women do it too, you know this man has no chance, you don't like him at all, he has no chance but he likes you, but use his feelings to get a free meal, use his feelings to get what you want.

B. She knows who she is. She has a requirement and standard.
 There's a difference between standard and preference.
Standard orbit around godly fruit. Example He must be saved.
Preference orbit around flesh. Example 6 feet tall, curvy.

Sometimes men won't mess with her, they want her and they know that this is the type of woman that they need but they won't mess with her because she requires for someone to be mature, won't tolerate your boy type ways, abuse, narcissistic behavior, manipulation, and since these men can't get you, they'll settle for type A then sometimes you'll question yourself, "What's wrong with me?" Many have tried but many have failed. But you are the one that's favored. The Bible doesn't say, when he finds you, you get favor but, when he finds you, he gets favored. You're favored in your single state, and you're favored in your married state. You are the ticket to favor. Don't question yourself, because you're the one with the favor and men will begin to walk around and say you know what, that's wifey. 
Men / women - you are Christ's wife. You're the bride, He's the bridegroom.


Am I asking God to send me somebody when I'm not even a good wife to You already? Instead of trying to get people to understand your love language, how you try to understand God's love language.

1. Jesus loves quality time
When you spend time with Him in prayer, when you dedicate the morning and bask in His presence, and seek His face and dwell in His word.

2. He loves words of affirmations
He loves words of affirmation, not because He needs to be affirmed but He knows when you affirm Him it affirms you. 
You don't read the Bible for God. All of these are for you.

You praying won't make God any more faithful, more holy, more righteous. You worshipping is going to help your mind stop worrying. because you can't worry and worship at the same time. A lot of us got it twisted. We think we're doing God a service because we attend church, we're giving, praying, fasting - you're doing this for you. God has no competition / adversary.

3. He loves when you use your gifts.
Because He gave them to you. When you worship, He gave that gift. When you exercise your gift of artistry, gift of speaking, gift of business skill. I LOVE WHEN YOU DO THAT BECAUSE IT SHOWS ME OFF.

4. Acts of Service
When you're serving your community, your husband / wife, because you're the hands and feet of God.

5. Physical Touch
When you touch the heart of God. Anytime you choose His will over your will. Anytime you say "God, I want to do this, but I trust You and You're my husband and I'm gonna follow You and I'm gonna submit to You." It gives glory. 

God loves us so much. If it hurt Your heart so much, why give me an opportunity to choose between the tree of good and evil, and the tree of what You said not to eat from - why give us a choice?  I love you and I don't want you to have control, I want you to have free will because anytime you choose Me over choosing what you want to do, that shows Me that you love Me.
Will you listen to Me? Or will you listen to culture? Me or your flesh? Which one will you choose?

It'll be hard to choose if you're facing the wrong tree. It wouldn't be so hard if you're surrounding yourself with people who aren't eating from the wrong tree, if you're seeking God's face.

If you're married or want to be married - let's say, you roll upon your spouse on their work and noticed they're not wearing the wedding ring. How many of us will have problem with that? It's one thing if you have an agreement, but you ask him or her about it and they pull it out and place it back. Most of us are like that. Ashamed of it, taking our ring off. Jesus is like, "Why do you keep taking your ring off that hang in that relationship, when you go around your friends, when you go to happy hour with them?"

"I want everybody to know that you're My bride. Represent Me well." You are the bride of Christ.

Story of creation; God spent 5 days establishing the order, the waters, the light, day and night. Heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool. Our God is so powerful, He spent His time focused on the environment before the arrival because God knows the power of atmosphere. He's showing us a portrait of how He operates. "I don't breathe in it until there has been a created space for it." 

A lot of us keep on window shopping at our dreams but then purchasing our excuses. It's really not faithing it if we haven't prepared space in our life to receive what we're asking for God to extend. Because sometimes God will bless you with double. Story of Isaac and Rebekah- Rebekah couldn't conceive so Isaac prayed (power of having a praying man), asked God for his wife to conceive, and God gave him twins. Sometimes, if you're bold enough to ask for one- I'm big to bless you with 2. 

When opportunity calls, only the prepared could answer. 

Value closed doors. It's the off season teaches you how to prepare, where nobody sees your mistake, where you train. Change your perspective. Just because the curtain is closed, doesn't mean the production is over. All it means is God is switching scenes.

Never mislabel a bad weather as a bad season. When the weather gets the most severe is due to the seasons changing. It could just be irrefutable evidence that you're in transition. 

God focuses on the atmosphere before the arrival because I need an atmosphere that could sustain what I'm about to do. I need a system in place for what I'm about to send. 

This is why you don't want to surround yourself with complainers, because it sets forth an atmosphere.

CHURCH (EKKLESIA) - assembly / called out ones.

I'm pregnant with a ministry, with a destiny, a calling, a purpose, a business, and due to what I'm carrying, I can't eat that. Because when you become pregnant, certain things now make you nauseous.

It's due to what I'm carrying. Things I used to consume, they now make me sick, just the smell of it now makes me sick.

You need to work out your own salvation. Don't expect only the pastor or preacher needs to study the Word. You study to show yourself approved, not just the pastor or preacher. It's recognizing that I also need to be diligent with my growth. Evolve so hard that you need to reintroduce yourself. This is why it's stupid for people to gossip about you because most likely that's outdated information because you evolve on the regular.


Need to have that proposal energy. The energy showing off that He proposed (posting pictures of the ring, etc) Let everybody know that you're a believer.

Matthew 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Jesus is saying, I want people to know you're married. I want them to know that you're Mine. The same way you're flexing that ring.

How to represent Him? 

1 Timothy 5:16
Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

Represent Me the way you behave, with loving one another, in Word, in the Spirit, in your faith, in your purity.

It's the highest authority in our life. When I encounter a situation, I always reflect back to the Word of God. SCRIPTURE IS BOSS NOT MY FEELINGS. Feelings are wonderful servants but terrible masters.

It's not about going to hell. A lot preach - "If you do this, you're going to burn!!!" 
Don't do things because you fear your spouse will divorce you. Do good things (going to your spouse every night, cleaning, flowers, etc.) - you do those things because you love your spouse. 

As a wife and being the bride of Christ, there's a lot of things God is going to ask you to do and you're not gonna want to do them, but at the end of the day, it's not about me, I'm trying to please my husband.

If you live a life making much about Jesus, everything that you really want, you're going to collab with on the way.

This is why seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto you.

A lot of us want the things but we don't want to seek the Kingdom. We don't want to study or to live pure, but we want the things. People who want God for His hand and not after His heart.

Be passionate about evangelism.

God won't submit to you. You submit to Him. The hardest thing about a marriage context is that the man has the final say. Why are you with a man that you don't trust Him out of the final say, in the first place? Submission is never demanded, it's modeled. As a Kingdom man, He never puts His foot down, if it's not for the better of his family (Christ on the cross). It's never gonna be about him. He never abuses his position, like God never abuses His position. The final say - it's always for you and the children, not himself. 

If you can't submit to God now, what makes you think this person will be submitted to you. If she can't submit to a God who is perfect, how is she going to submit to your behind, you being imperfect.

He has to be kingdom of course. It's going to be hard for you to submit to a fool. God is saying, this man is already submitted before you ever came into the scene. He was already submitted to Christ. Getting behind him is going to feel like something that you already have because he's never going to use his position to treat you with disrespect. If you're with somebody who disrespected you, you kind of already disrespected yourself. 

Everybody wants to be kingdom until it's time to do kingdom.

Go make disciplined ones. Discipleship requires nudity - have to be honest, open, nude. You can't heal when you act like it doesn't hurt. 
You can't expect the doctor to call you and you're the one with the virus. Doctors follow up but after a while, you got to let Me know that you got aches. You got to let Me know that you got issues, that something hurts. Because I don't know if you don't tell Me. Don't let all of the stuff that went from generation to generation, suffering in silence, that stuff didn't work. You would die miserable and in pain, and blame everybody else because you never recognize sometimes you got to get ugly for your deliverance. You can't care what people think, you can't care your issues exposed because they can't save me anyway, I need to be able to be held to somebody who could disciple me.

You need each other, many members, one body. You can't do this alone. 

 1-Church grows you. 2-Disciplines you. 3-Church is you.

7/17/2020 TRY ME Part 26- No More Entanglements (Redefined TV)

 * A lot of us want to change but a lot of us are struggling to change is because we're trying to change at a fruit level vs. the root level

* Store of Samson & Delilah - a lot of us don't even recognize that Samson was already in trouble way before Delilah came on the scene. 

Judges 14:1-3

Now Samson went down to Timnah, and saw a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines. So he went up and told his father and mother, saying, “I have seen a woman in Timnah of the daughters of the Philistines; now therefore, get her for me as a wife.” Then his father and mother said to him, “Is there no woman among the daughters of your brethren, or among all my people, that you must go and get a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” And Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she pleases me well.”

>>> God already gave an instruction not to intermarry with them because they would turn your hearts after their god

* We already see Samson with an issue of lust, issue with wrong picks. Wrong picks create wrong cycles. 

Judges 16:1
Now Samson went to Gaza and saw a harlot there, and went in to her.

Judges 16:46
Afterward it happened that he loved a woman in the Valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. And the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, “Entice him, and find out where his great strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and every one of us will give you eleven hundred pieces of silver.” So Delilah said to Samson, “Please tell me where your great strength lies, and with what you may be bound to afflict you.”

* The spirit of Delilah will always visit you in the valley - in that low season, season of uncertainty.
* The spirit of Delilah is anything that tries to attack where you're strong; wants to hit your strong spot and make you in bondage there. This is why we hear the enemy the most in the area that we're most effective

ENTANGLEMENT (Ensnared) - compromising relationship (example: relationship that you know won't last long but you're still tolerating it) 

* Pleasure
* Possessions
* Power
* Unaddressed pain

- they'll be intoxicated with things that are killing them and they don't recognize I'm killing them softly

- caught up with chasing things (cars, houses) but the enemy wants things to have you. You'll lie, compromise, forget Jesus to get them because I want more which helps me engage in idolatry

- doesn't matter whom you'll hurt or destroy (chauvinistic, narcissistic, dictator)

- not talking about your pain so that pain can add layers to you

Phases of Entanglement:

We have preferences for God. We have ways we want God to do it. When He doesn't do it, we think He's silent. Some people stopped praying because they think God is not answering them, but He is. He is just answering in a way that you don't want Him to. God does not have to do it the way we want to do it. We're not in control, God is. 

7/13/2020 TRY ME Part 25- The Trap of Comparison (Redefined TV)

1 Samuel 17:38-40 
Then Saul clothed David with his armor. He put a helmet of bronze on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail, and David strapped his sword over his armor. And he tried in vain to go, for he had not tested them. Then David said to Saul, “I cannot go with these, for I have not tested them.” So David put them off. Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.

  COMPARISON (Covetousness) - wanting what someone else have 
> Envy, Idolatry  "I'll praise God once I get what they have" 
- when you put anything before God

> Robs us of discernment and ability to perceive our season like 2 women being pregnant, one is 9 weeks, the other is 9 months. Maturity is recognizing we're both pregnant. Can you applaud when someone else wins?

> Comparison robs you of the ability to perceive your oil. There are levers to OIL:
* King Saul - flask of oil
King David - ram horn of oil
*Jesus - alabaster box of oil

If we don't understand our oil, we'll end up trying to get in the room that we don't have oil for.

Example: Moses and Pharaoh - God told Moses to go through on dry ground. Pharaoh saw it and tried to do the same thing and he ended up drowning, because this is what happens when you try to follow a Word God didn't give you.

> Comparison is the mother of infertility / keeps from giving birth to your gifts.
The reason why you can't give birth to your gift is because doubt keeps making you miscarry and why you're doubting is because you're so focused on everybody else. You're looking at their platform, views, at what they're doing. People don't post their failures, inadequacies, insecurities. Could it be they're not better than you? They're just a better editor than you. You're comparing an edited version to God's handiwork.

> There's something God wants you to do, who cares what they're doing. You don't know what's behind the curtain and here you are feeling inadequate and they could be giving you false advertisement

> Comparison is the spawning pool of insecurities

> Could you be insecure because you feel as though you being out of dress code is a problem? So what you're not like everybody else. You're out on dress code on purpose. You cannot be part of the pollution and then be the solution. You cannot be God's example and the devil's sample at the same time. God has called you to be light, not shade; salt not sugar.

Galatians 6:4
Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else

 You match in the Kingdom of heaven, as a Kingdom ambassador, as a Kingdom trendsetter, not match with culture. God doesn't want you to be in uniform with your peers, God is making you His billboard, His example, His blueprint. You're so busy looking at everybody else that you're not looking at all the gifts God has put on the inside of you. 

1 Samuel 17:38-40 Then Saul clothed David with his armor. 

> David is about to fight but Saul begins to dress David with his own tunic. 
You have to be careful with who you are allowing to put stuff on you because wardrobe come with warzones. You know why your lust is raging, because somebody put their wardrobe on you. Why you're so bitter, complaining about everything, could it be your mother put her wardrobe on you? 

How to be free from people pleasing?

There's only one you in this earth. How do we get exhausted? We get exhausted when we haven't recognized that everybody's going to have a different version of you in their heads. Let's say we walk in a room with 20 people. There are 20 different 'you' in everybody's head. We get exhausted is when we go to each person and try to recreate the version of 'you' in their head. Freedom happens when you get to the place 'I don't care.' I don't care what version of me that you have of me in your head. The version of me that you have in your head is not my responsibility.' When you get to the place of as long as I'm the me that God created for me to be. It doesn't matter if anyone doesn't like me. I like me and God loves me. I love me. That you, that God called you to be. 

The truth that freed me is "I'm not for everyone". Whatever version of me that you have in your head, that's your business, but I know the version of me in my head. And this is dangerous when you don't have an accurate version of you in your head, you'll keep on following the trends because you don't have your own version of you this is why your feelings get so hurt when somebody tells you their opinion because you care more about the version that they have of you than the version God has of you in His head. Before you were in your mother's womb He knew you and all that matters is what God knows me. The best well-known is hearing well-done!

> Saul sees David is ready to fight, and so Saul puts his uniform on him. He puts him in dress code. He puts him in dress code with the rest of the soldiers because this is how you're supposed to look when you fight. Could you imagine if David struggled with security - he possibly would have thought 'You know what, everybody else is dressed like this, so since they have shields and they have armor, sword, maybe I should be in dress code too.' I think David would have lost if he would have went out there in Saul's armor because you will always lose fights wearing Saul's uniform.

1 Samuel 17:39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off.

Quintessential question - Have you just adjusted to what someone put on you? Have you adjusted to their opinions or do you have a David posture - "I'm taking this off."

1 Samuel 17:49-51 Then David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone; and he slung it and struck the Philistine in his forehead, so that the stone sank into his forehead, and he fell on his face to the earth. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. 

>>> A lot of us would be content right there 

But there was no sword in the hand of David. Therefore David ran and stood over the Philistine, took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it.

>>> A lot of us, there's some problems that have come back in 2020, that were your Goliath and you thought because the stone stuck in his head it was dead, but it really was unconscious - 'I thought I was over this.' David said, 'I'ma chop off his head.' Head is symbolic of authority. 'You have no more authority over my people.' There's some things in your life that you've allowed to have authority- comparison, insecurity. By the power of God, chop the head off!!!! 

How do we become cured from comparison?

When you have a focus, goal, vision, you won't compare yourself to others.
I'm so focused on what God called me to do. Did you hear? No. Have you seen? No.
You're so focused on what God called you to do that you really have no time to focus on the gossip or mess.

John 21:20-22
Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, “Lord, who is the one who betrays You?” Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, “But Lord, what about this man?”Jesus said to him, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.”

Jesus is saying, mind your business, why are you worried about them? But you can't mind your business if you're on everybody else's business.

The people who are most critical will always have something to say are the watchers - they're on the bench, they have so much to say, they always try to give somebody advice. Here's my problem - can we look at you and tell you your advice works? Not judging but if you're so wise, all the advice you have why we don't see any fruit in your life? Why your tree so fruitless? 
Creators - especially if they're not insecure - they give the most encouragement.

You're subscribed to your own criticism.

We live in a generation that everybody wants to arrive quick, fast.

1 Samuel 17:34
But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep his father’s sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them

Pasture season is PRACTICE - Nobody knows your name, no platform, no follower, nobody's coming to your business, nobody's making an order, but you're learning how to perfect that slingshot. You're learning how to improve your gift. So many of us want to hurry and get to the palace because you have oil for it.  If you overlook what God is teaching you in this pasture, you won't be ready to fight Goliath in the battlefield.