
10/1/2020 This is still important to God (Prophetic Drive Time)

Matthew 7:12 
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Lord says, "This still matters to Me right now"- how we treat each other. In fact, this is Jesus making the statement that, however you want people to treat you treat them, sowing to others what you want out of others, sow into other people, the kind of things that you want from them, and He said, "This is the law and the prophet. It's all contained, if you would just treat people like you want people to treat you. This still matters to Me, how you guys treat one another." 

How the Lord showed me, this was the spirit of the law. The Bible goes on to talk about how the letter kills but the spirit gives life. This was the spirit of the law behind the letter, and there are some people who believe that they keep the law, but they're trying to pursue the essence of God through the letter. But the letter gets you killed. It's the spirit that brings life. The spirit of the law remains, which Jesus summed up this way, "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." This can be a tough word for some people who don't love God, who have every excuse, every reason not to do what He says. But for those who love the Lord... This is a cord that strikes tenderly on the heart of God. 

2 Corinthians 3:6
Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

Matthew 25:40 
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

There is something very significant in this process as well, because the Lord takes personal what we do to one another. Which means, whatever we are doing to who we perceive to be the least of us, whatever we are doing and sowing to somebody else's life, we're actually doing it unto the Lord. It's how He perceives it. Sometimes we can think, "No, I'm just doing it to them. This ain't nothing to do with Jesus." But the whole time, Jesus was like, "They're made in My image, I see that as a direct offense or a front to you doing it to Me."

Remember, 'THEREFORE' is a word that connects two thoughts, the previous thought with the one that will follow.

Matthew 7:11
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

On face value, these statements don't seem that they connect to one another. 'Therefore' seems like an inappropriate word to connect verse 11 and 12. 

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

In this dynamic, when we are walking after the Spirit of the Lord, and we are treating each other the same way that God says for us to treat one another, then what happened is this, everything that comes before verse 12, you have the access to. 

Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

You bring yourself to a place where you open up the freeway of heaven into your life, you change the very dynamics to where you could ask God something, and it will be done unto you. You can knock on the door and it will be opened. What the Lord is saying here, this is emphatic. This is not subjective, like, "Maybe it will happen." He says, "Ask and you shall receive. Knock and it will be opened." And sometimes we find ourselves saying this, "I've asked, I've knocked. I've sought." But the question, how have you been treating your brother? Because this is a tender matter to God. 

At some point, we have to stop allowing what our relationship with God to be dictated by men. The same way we didn't deserve what Jesus did for us, is the same way sometimes people won't deserve what you do for them. But you don't want people to allow you to be out of place with God. When I go to my Father and I can ask, when our relationship is established and strong based upon our unity and intimacy, based upon who He is to me, and me reciprocating all that back to Him, it's not by works, this is about relationship and this is about my submission to Him. This is about my faithfulness to God in return, "Will you do what I ask you to do?" And what happens is, we allow so many people to trip us up, but this has nothing to do with you, but this has to do with who I am to God, it has everything to do with the Lord. Why? Because that's the One I love. Jesus said this, "You call Me Lord, Lord. But you don't do what I ask you to do." And oftentimes we think we have legitimate reasons to not do what the Lord says. 

When Jesus was talking about the brethren, the least of men, He was talking about all those who are in the family, all believers. We should do this to all men, because we wanna reflect Christ, and the only way to reflect Christ is to reflect light, is to reflect who Christ is. And sometimes we have to take it out of merit system, whether people deserve it or not, let's just be led by the Holy Spirit. This is not about you putting yourself in a position that is unfavorable. But, I'm gonna treat you like I wanna be treated, because this is me saying who I am, the way you treat me, speaks of who you are. You've announced yourself by your character, and your conduct, you declare who you are. As believers, you make sure that we don't allow them to replicate themselves in us, we don't allow them to make us who they are, but it's more important for us to be who Christ is. So it's whether or not people are going to love you, it's not those things that demands a response, because you don't need a response for them, you only need a response for somebody when you're doing it for somebody. But if you're doing it for the Person of Jesus Christ, then His response is "Ask, and you shall receive. Seek, and you will find." How many of you want to ask and receive and seek and find? The Lord says this, "I have good things to give you." But when we sow discord, nastiness, these things become hindrances to us spiritually. It doesn't mean that God doesn't send, God doesn't give, but they affect our ability to receive.

Who are you? People will know you by your fruit, by what you're sowing into them, and we should be sowing into them who we are in Christ, not by what they deserve. Because I wanna go to God at any moment and ask, and have my asking be unhindered by the yuck that I'm sowing into other people's lives. We say, "Lord give me all these good things." But I'm sowing all these bad things into the lives of people around me, it's uneven. It doesn't mirror heaven. It's not on earth as it is in heaven. It's not in alignment, not reflective. I want You to give me good things while I sow all of these bad things, and you wonder why your blessings can't find you and you wonder why it's hit and miss, and now you're bringing God into question of whether or not He is good but the question is, "Have you sown any good?" But then you turn around and say, "Well Lord, they don't deserve it." But once you say Lord, they don't deserve it, how can you go to God and tell Him to do it to you even you don't deserve it. You see the disruption you're bringing into your own life. At a certain point, we gotta put our relationship with God above everything, and above everyone. 

And it's not just who we say abide to, but our relationship is predicated on us doing what God said for us to do. You're not putting your relationship with God first, until you can do what God says. 

Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.  

Most people look at the law, and they see the commandments, "Touch not, taste not. Don't do this. You do this, you're gonna die. You do this, you're gonna live." They see the letter. But behind the letter is the spirit of the law.  "Don't go stealing from nobody, if you don't want nobody stealing from you. Don't go hurting nobody, if you don't want nobody to hurt you." The spirit of the law is revealed. Jesus said, if you do this, you have successfully fulfilled the law and the prophet. You've just come out of the letter of the law. You're keeping the Sabbath, not eating pork, not eating shellfish, keeping the newmoons, keeping the feasts, but nasty to everyone else, and you think you are keeping the law- it's dead works, you are in full-blown deception. And you think you got God on your side, but you are stuck in Mount Sinai and have not transitioned into Mount Zion. 

These things that are important to Him, when you allow them to be important to you, it puts you in a space of clarity, spiritually. Because it doesn't change God's love for you, it's not like God's gonna love you anymore, but it puts you in a space of clarity, it removes the clutter out of your life, that allows you to ask and then receive, that allows you to seek and find, that allows you to knock, and watch that door swing open to you, because you are not sowing contrary to what you are petitioning God for. Which is I'm not relying on my good works to get God to bless me, but what I'm doing is I'm cluttering the highways, the exchange between heaven and earth, so everytime if I'm sowing nastiness into the lives of my brothers and sisters, I'm sowing no good but then I go to God and petitioning the Father for all these good things, and He says, your highway is clogged. 

I know this is a difficult message. Most people won't be able to grab how much of a blessing this message is, because they'll immediately look around and say, "They don't deserve it." But we want to always be able to go to God, not bringing that conflict of whether or not we deserve it, because if we establish that parameter, "Well, I'll do it if they deserve it." It's not who deserves what. It's about the same grace You poured out on me, it's the same grace I'm gonna pour out on somebody else. What You have freely given me, Lord, I'm willing to freely give. It's about being reflective. I don't want to put nobody on the merit system if God don't put me on the merit system. 

This is not a mandate for relationship. It's a mandate to reflect who Christ is. So we don't have to be in a relationship, but I'll still love you. It's a mandate to release bitterness, to pour out forgiveness, and mercy. I'll treat you like how I wanna be treated. But does that mean I'll trust you? No. If you have proven yourself unfaithful, unworthy, then guess what? I would be unwise to enter into any kind of relationship with you because we're not equally yoked, when you have proven yourself unfaithful and untrustworthy. But don't ask if I can treat you right or with respect, or be kind to you. But I'll just have more "No's". But I won't hold any bitterness against you. You can love somebody from a distance. I can love you in truth and in spirit without being obligated in a relationship with you, but I will be kind to you, and treat you with respect and give you food when you're hungry, but we can't partner together. 

Anytime you make your life about God, God reveals how He's made His life life about you. You never come up on the losing end.

That's when we're talking of walking into the blessings, the goodness, the faithfulness of God, the open doors of God. The quick exchange and before you can even ask the Lord, and He's already answering you "Here I am"

Value your blessings, value God answering you speedily, because that's life. Me being able to ask and receive, seek and find my answers everytime I go to God , and knock and the door is open, that's life. Me being hung up on you, no life at all. And you can tell by how many blessings have been hindered by what you've been sowing into the lives of other people.

There is a blessing in this word for you. The aforementioned word that goes from Matthew 7:7-11. Because with this word the Lord has brought clarity and He's giving the opportunity to remove those hindrances that affect our exchange from heaven. The Lord wants to bless us.

Your walk in this life is about you and God first. Your responsibility is that, we can't continue to allow people to affect our blessings. So we have to make sure that we are structured spiritually, that we're structuring our house right, and Christ is the foundation, "What's on Your heart, what do you want me to do, what's in Your mind?" Not about people, people are sand. Don't hang your blessings on people, hang it on the Rock. And you can build your relationship with people based upon God. 

Oftentimes, because we focus on doing, we fail to see the real key to success in Christ. It's not about doing, it's about being. Because it's hard to walk out something that you're not. So it's about being. As Christ is, so am I in this world. This is about getting it in your heart, when you can see it as this is who God made me to be, because the reality of it is, anything we do outside of the spirit of God, we do it in our own strength. The reality of it is, God made you a brand new person, so it's already true, it's already something your spirit man is already loving, desiring to do, it's already who you are, it's already a spiritual instinct. But oftentimes we try to do it for God in a way to try to do it, as opposed to this is just who I am- this is who I am in Christ, this is who that new man is. And we take away the struggle when we can integrate our mindset- having a renewed mind with who we are truthfully already spiritually. It's not something that God is gonna do for you, it's something that God has already done for you, you've got to walk it out. And the only way to walk it out is to realize that you are who God says you are, and it becomes less of a struggle in the work of the flesh to always try to do, but it becomes just a process of being. This is just who I am in God, I am a son, I am a daughter, I am blessed, I am loved, I am a king, I am a priest, all that He says that I am, I am these things and it just becomes a process of walking it out. A bee would never make honey if it wasn't instinctually, he would never know because there's no books to read, he would never make honey if he wasn't doing what he was. The ant would be trying to strain to make that honey, you'll never see a jar of honey again in your life. 

We all wanna do for God. But it's not what we do for God. It's about who we are to God. From the reality of who we are, perceives all of the actions, the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace...) and the resemblance of God just come forward. Amen. 

8/30/2020 Revelation 12:11 Major Word from the Lord (Prophetic Drive Time)

Love not your life unto death.

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

There are some people that your hindrance is you love your life too much, even though it may not be the life you desire to have, you want something different. You want what God is talking about, you want to move with God, you want to transition with God. In order to follow God into the good, you got to be able to follow God where He goes and where He leads.

There are some people who've gotten comfortable. When you love your life, you're holding on to your life. What happens is that, there are people who won't say what God needs them to say. Why? Because they got something to lose. In order to follow God, you can't have nothing to lose. 

But there are some people who've got a name that they don't want to lose. Even they got nothing at all, they don't want to look crazy following God. In a sense, it's like saying, "Lord, I love my life too much. I love people's opinion of me too much. I love what people are going to think about me even though I'm asking you to bring me out of this, to bless me, to promote me." The Lord says, "The problem is, I can't do  none of those things because you love your life too much." That's why certain people won't say what they need to say, or touching the topics important in the church, because they love their life too much. 

The Lord is swapping some people out. While the enemy is busy causing and wreaking the havoc, the Lord is also busy exposing people, but at the same time, the Lord is swapping some people out. 

The Lord have been preparing you to get yourself together because in the movement of God, you always got to be sensitive to how God moves.

There are people being swapped out and they don't even know it. They don't even have time to fight you on the position that God has given you because they're too busy distracted. That's part of the judgment that God has placed on them, is their distraction with other things. The fact that they're so distracted, they don't even see the Lord putting you in place. Just like Saul, he was so distracted with all his folly, he didn't even know that another one had already begun to take his place.

When the Lord is preparing the church for the next iteration of believers, now it's time. As the time change so do we. We don't change to accommodate the times, we are transformed, we are moving to another level to reign in the times. As the enemy adjusts, the Lord adjusts us. So when there's new warfare, there's new spiritual dynamics, then what you can expect is new spiritual dynamics birthed in the church, to combat so that we are never outnumbered or overtaken by the sudden surge of demonic oppression, it must be met by the rise in power of the Body of Jesus Christ. So the Lord will start amplifying boldness in places, and you're like, I'm hearing things, revelation, insight, hearing the fire of God move in a way that I haven't heard a move before. Because it goes against what was necessary then, because the warfare was different. Look at how this year has forced the devil to come out of hiding. How many of you can remember a year like this in recent memory? Where the enemy is not subtle, for those who are spirit-led and spirit-filled. The carnal man or the natural man or unbeliever, they see just a bunch of situations and circumstances, but to the men, women, children of God, you can see the devil come out of hiding, and you can see him. But also this reveals not so much about him, but you can see what God is doing as well, there's a new boldness arising in the church, there is a new anointing, a new power that is arising from the remnant, from the children of God; a new power to combat, to see, because if there was nobody able to see, then many people will be led astray, and even though there's those who see and say, some people won't even listen. But sometimes, it's very necessary, even if they don't listen that but there always must be a witness that the word was declared. Jesus said, "If I had not done these works, then you would have been covered. Or if I had not spoken."

Love not your life unto death. There are some people who won't go to say what God puts on their heart to say, because they're wondering how people are going to respond to them, wondering how people are going to feel about them. And when you allow that to be a controlling factor over your life, what's happening is you are loving your life, or you are not loving your life unto death and that becomes a hindrance unto, it becomes an impasse unto you. Likewise for those who've been wanting God to do something for you, to bless you, but you have been unwilling to take that leap of faith, because you were so focused and concerned about failure, you were so focused and worried about not succeeding, you were so focused and worried about how you are gonna look in the open spaces of faith, you were not loving your life unto death and because you weren't willing to lay down your life, you weren't able to find the life that Christ has prepared for you. 

Matthew 16:24-25
Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Let not yourself get in the way. Cross: sacrifices - some people won't like you, some people will persecute you etc.

The life that you've been looking for, is on the other side of your obedience. It's on the other side of you not loving your life unto death. It's on the other side of you not worrying about looking crazy to people, not worrying about their opinion, it's on the other side of being vulnerable. It's the willingness to go where Christ says go, say what Christ says say. The promise is- the life that you laid down, you're actually going to find the life in Me - abundant life - love, peace, joy. 

There are times of suffering, but just as Peter said that we will have trials and testings but when it is over- there's more to the life of Christ than just suffering. But some people get into suffering and never find their way out because the suffering becomes a doctrine, that they no longer have the sight to hope and believe themselves out of it, through the Word, and as a result, they don't see goodness in God. Even Jesus' suffering came to an end. Even Jesus arose from the grave. To suffer with Christ is not supposed to be a perpetual situation, it's times. But in those times, we also see the goodness of God, the love of God, the grace of God, the promotion of God. In those times we also see the variations that make up the completeness. It makes up a complete picture of life in Christ. Even the systems of God tells us that, that sometimes the night season comes, and it's darkest before the dawn, but the Bible also says that joy comes early in the morning so it tells us that there are times of darkness, dark season of trials, testings. But it was never designed to be dark always, we need times for the light to shine.

What's in your heart is eventually going to manifest. It will overtake your life. Plant the Word of God in your heart.

2/14/2020 as much as they could carry (Prophetic Drive Time)

The Lord says, "You can't exhaust Me." 

2 Chronicles 20:25 
And when Jehoshaphat and his people came to take away the spoil of them, they found among them in abundance both riches with the dead bodies, and precious jewels, which they stripped off for themselves, more than they could carry away: and they were three days in gathering of the spoil, it was so much.

So what the Lord was showing me, in this new space in time of life, what the Lord was pouring out, as much as you could carry. Some people can carry more than others. You will only be limited by your capacity to carry. When Jesus multiplied the bread, you got to know that these supernatural events are common with God. These type of events are common, this is nothing new. This is a historical truth about God, an outpouring from the Lord. He said, "Some people can carry more than others." What He's been working on, is all the words, what has it been doing, He said, "I've been working on their capacity to carry." You will only be limited by what you can carry. 

When Jesus multiplied the bread and fed, He gave them each until they are full, which means some people got full before others. You were allowed to eat until you were full. And what the Lord is saying, "In this outpouring, don't get upset if you see the Lord doing more in somebody else's lives. Why? Because their capacity to carry more is different than yours." That's why these words have been coming for to increase your capacity to carry. Because whatever your capacity to carry, that's what the Lord is pouring out on you. Remember when Elijah was with the widow woman, and he said go get the water pots, and he filled until she ran out of capacity. If she had a hundred more water pots, that thing would have kept on pouring. This is biblical truths about God. You know why people don't believe God, or believe these things about God, because they have not seen it. But do you know what it is to be in a chosen generation like you are in? It's amazing, you've gone through a level of trial and testing, even though the world itself was not in, like a depression, or we were in a situation that didn't affect the world, but it was affecting God's people. Which means, while people were increasing, God's people were decreasing. It was something specific. We were being drawn out of the world, led through these very dark and difficult times, that in itself was astounding for others. The same way it was astounding for people to see you in that situation, is the same way it's going to be astounding when God turns the situation. It was a miracle for people to see you, it was a sight to behold for them to see you, it caused a lot of stirring for people to see you in the place that you were in. What's happening to you is not consistent with what is happening with everyone else. It's not like the economy was bad, the stock market was bad- it wasn't a natural occurrence that puts you in the situation that you were in, which is what caused people to look and gaze. So if the hand of God could cause a visible observation of you coming down, then how much more will the hand of God cause the same visual observation of you coming up. Because collectively, the Body of Christ, for us to all have this kind of experience in this time of trial, and it's very rare. It's usually sporadic- this person over there, that person over there, but for the Lord to gather a remnant, for the Lord to gather a group of people, send them to a series of difficulties that wasn't consistent with everybody around, it was as much of a supernatural display of our going down, as our arising- it's all the same. It isn't an event that is uncommon that God has performed. And see people had no doubt, they didn't doubt when you were going down. Because you felt so alone, but you didn't know it was a group of us in this place, there was many of us taking through the wilderness. Have you seen the amount of people traversing through the backside of the wilderness, the Lord is doing something, that's a whole lot of people, but it was still the hand of God leading.

The Lord says this, "As much as you can carry." The display of what God is doing, it's the same spiritual dynamic, I bring you down, people marvel, people point, they mock, they do all these things. I lift you up, people are amazed. But it's the same phenomenon, and it was isolated for a remnant of people. He's been working on your capacity to be open to receive, to strengthen your hands, arms for what God is pouring out on you. This is like a historic biblical context we're living in, where we see the kind of things the Bible talks about. It is not uncommon for God, but it's been uncommon to the world around. They've lost perspective, like God is not the same yesterday, today; like He's not the same, like somewhere between Him being amazing, being all powerful, being faithful, Him being the One who would do the above and beyond, somewhere He got to our generation and lost all kinds of power, ability, He don't do this anymore. And it couldn't be further from the truth. 

As much as you can carry. I don't even know how to really describe this kind of season, but there is a witness, there is an Amen in the spirit of those who hear, of those who know the voice of the One. I can point it out to you historically, look at how God moved there. Even when you look at 2 Kings 7, when the four lepers went out, it was the turn of seasons - a season of great drought or great depression, of great lack, of great hardship, to a season of great increase. How would we think that God is different? You think that's a time and that season of lack wouldn't equal a season increase? That's how He turns the tables. That's just His way. That's just how He does it. That's just Him. 

Do you know why I can count on Him? Because I don't allow men's opinion to change my mind about Him, I look at the consistency of Himself through His word. And because I don't allow my mind to change because of somebody's hardship, this or that, then I'm always able to see Him come through for me. I'm blessed, I'm blessed because of my understanding. Whatever you believe God to be, remember this, you'll always have access to it. 

The same way it was divine for you to go down, the same way it's just going to be as divine for you to arise. It's no difference. It was divine, because there was no natural event that brought you into the pit that you were in. It was divine ordination. He's been working on your capacity to carry, your capacity to widen the breadth of your hands, strengthening your hands for as much as you can carry, is what the Lord will be pouring out on you in this time. He's been working on our hearts and our understanding and our focus and our ability to carry what He purposed to pour out. 

When you see somebody carrying a little bit less, or a little bit more than you, don't get mad, don't get upset, don't get envious, don't get none of that stuff, because the Lord has been processing your ability to carry, more to the full. Amen.

8/28/2020 This is the real problem you're having (Prophetic Drive Time)

What you thought was the problem is not the problem at all. The real problem is that you don't know that you're blessed.

Your problem wasn't what you thought it is. The real problem with you is that you don't know that you're blessed. How many of you have been asking the Lord to bless you? How many of you have been wanting to be blessed? That's not your problem and as a result, you've been looking around, "This is my problem..." And there's a pressing in the spirit.

You're praying to be blessed, you're asking to be blessed, so you're thirsting after the blessing. The problem is, you're already blessed, if you would just come into the ownership of that reality, of that truth, that you're blessed, then you would not be spending your time turning after or begging. Lord says, "You don't have to beg Me." It makes it seem as though our Father is not a generous at all, that He's not good at all. And that's of course not true. You've been looking at the situations and thinking that those were the issues, and those were the problems for you. And the Lord said, "Those are not the problems at all.  This is your real problem, is that you don't know you're blessed." The blessings are supposed to come and overtake you. 

You notice how much you want to be blessed, no matter how much you beg to be blessed, that it rarely ever changes anything. But how many of you have ever met somebody who you could just see the Lord showing up for time and time again, who didn't chase the blessings, but the blessings chased them. 

After so long, we lose our perspective of who God is in this place, and we lose our sense of relationship to Him, asking as the terms or making our petitions known to Him. Believing that He's doing and is He really good? He says He is. The Word says He is. So where's the disconnect? It's always a walk of faith.

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ

Now, how many of you know that the Word of God is real? Ephesians 1:3 - it has to be literal! But oftentimes, our sense of being blessed is determined so much of what we see and what's around us in seasons. And sometimes it's difficult to distinguish seasons, and times of correction, testing and trials, to open back up to the platform to where the platform is, where we are back in the place to where we are established, and when we've come out of the wilderness- in this place, all the blessings of the Lord are Yes and Amen. 

But we take the wilderness personal. We take the times of trying personal. Sometimes people are broken in it. And so the Lord has to spend some time building you up, and sometimes we can lose perspective on who we think God is. 

In order to seek the Kingdom, you have to be able to take the Word of God and live in, take it as the very literal decree, as very literal. "I am loved." So if you say you're seeking first the Kingdom but you don't believe that you're loved by God, guess what? You're not seeking the Kingdom. If you're feeling bogged down in condemnation and all these things, then you're not seeking the Kingdom. Because the Kingdom is a Kingdom established in truth, righteousness, love. You notice how there's people who all the time talk about how they're doing everything right, but they keep missing the Kingdom. Even the notion that you're blessed takes away the stress and the angst of the pursuit. One, it rid of you that kind of barren, that wanting, lack, that creates anguish, the sense that you need something that you don't have. But how many of you know that Jesus walked on earth, during His time His walk on earth was a walk from the Kingdom. Why was He anxious for nothing? Because He knew. When His ministry started "This is My beloved Son, who I am well pleased." That even it was witnessed by Martha that says, "Everything You asked the Father, He did for You. So even if you ask Him this thing, I know He will do that for you, He always hears you." Why? Because these are established truths. So even knowing that you're loved, blessed- what is a situation or a need that arise to you when you know that you're blessed? But when you don't know that you're blessed, when a sudden need arises, what happens? You're tossed immediately into panic, anxiety. And in those places, it's hard for you to see your provisions manifest. The Kingdom of Heaven is a real place, and there's a real disposition. Why? Because nobody in the Kingdom of Heaven is stressed, pressed, lacking, in want, in need, in poverty - none of it exists there. So even if I don't have here, I can pray to My Father and He will send, He will multiply some bread, some fishes for me, He will send the provisions. That's why He said, "Seek first the Kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." 

Romans 10:2-3 
For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Righteousness of God which is by faith. If you want to enter the Kingdom of God, then you got to believe what God says. It's not just what you do, it's also what you believe. Because we know that no whoremonger, no adulterer, no murderer, no fornicator, no thieves are gonna enter the Kingdom of heaven. So it's a combination of what you do or don't do, with what you believe. Then you got to believe the Word of God, you got to believe the statutes of God, you got to believe the judgments of God as well. But for most people when they hear that verse, the only thing they do is they focus on what they're doing or not doing, but they don't enter in because of what they fail to believe. 

Bible says in Ephesians 3, that Christ dwell in our hearts by faith. So regardless of how you feel, you got to believe like Lord Jesus "I thank You for living in me. I thank You that You are with me." So what happening is you are pursuing the Kingdom because you are set out in faith according to the Word. It's the Word that gives you access. So if you don't believe that you are blessed, if you don't believe that you are loved, then how can you be pursuing the Kingdom? What will happen is by the conduct of whether what you're doing or not doing, that will show you approved to men, but it's not the complete package for you to enter in. Because ultimately, it's the trust in God. Abraham believed God, and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. Without faith it is impossible to please God. So it's not just what you're doing or not doing, which is a form of righteousness in the form of godliness, but also you have to tap on what you believe. So not only by the fear of the Lord, I am not doing this or doing this. 

We also have to believe the Word of God. So when the Lord tells you that you are already blessed, unless you believe those things- you want the Kingdom to come to earth, you want what is already established in the Kingdom to manifest in your life on earth, on earth as it is in heaven. 

So Jesus will always tell, "Fear not. Why did you doubt?" What was He saying? He said, there was no reason to doubt because what was available for you or to you, was already established in heaven. When if you keep looking at your natural situations, trying to get God to congeal with the natural environment, and the Lord is trying to get you to congeal with the Kingdom environment. It is already established in heaven. Isn't it crazy how we can be sitting around begging about something, worried about something and the Lord's like, "Fear not!" And you're like, "Lord, I got some pretty legitimate reasons to fear." And He's like, "No you don't." Why? "Because, I'm trying to conform to heaven where it's already established." You're pressing, compromising, slick, doing all these things, trying to get the blessing, trying to chase the blessing, when you're already blessed. It's weird. Toiling, thinking, "Lord, if I can just get you to bless me." Instead of saying, "Lord, I acknowledge that I am already blessed." And because I'm already blessed, the blessings are supposed to do one thing- hunt me down. They're supposed to be searching for me, to overtake me.

The Lord is saying, "I'm good." The question is, do you know that? Because this is the real problem that many of us face. It's a choice you make. I choose to accept that I am based upon the Word that is declared. And even if you have a mustard seed of faith, the Lord says, that's all it takes, because the Lord wants to change something very significant for you. 

This becomes that moment where things do change, where you start noticing favor pursuing you. Hot pursuit. And time is an interesting thing, it's one of those things to where we try to brace ourselves with expectation, with belief, but with the wisdom of how God does a thing. It's one thing for the Lord to say "I'm gonna do this for you."But this has nothing to do with the Lord's timing - because it already happened. It already happened in Christ. And He says, "My people come into it now." You see the difference? That's what happens, when we've been waiting on the Lord for specific things for a long time, we do what we can to guard our faith, but also to protect our heart, to keep us. But when you're talking about a spiritual identity, there's no time frame into which it will develop. When I am born again, I am born again then. Not, well, I'm going to be born again. It's something that happened when I believed - it happened in Christ. I'm already blessed in Christ. When I became born again, there is no time constraint on that, it is my reality now. Because it is my reality now, what is already established in heaven, I can see manifest and become a reality in my life. 

We pursue our petitions, instead our petitions are supposed to come back to us. But people will pray for those petitions and pursue it, until they become salivating and dried out and wanting and just desperate and faint. But when you know that it's already established in heaven, and that you are what Christ already said you were, you don't pursue it. It pursues you. Because when you're blessed, you can go about your business being occupied by the blessings, the other blessings that are flowing in your life today, and that shows up, and you'll be like, "Oh, Lord, that's right, I did ask you for that." I wasn't desperate for it. Why? Because, I'm blessed. The other blessings, all the other stuff in Christ, was already looking for me, because I'm in my right mind, I'm in my right spiritual mind. When you're not Kingdom minded, you're out of your mind. And a person whose out of their mind, they never see clearly. They always over or underestimating the reality around them. Their perception of their reality around them is skewed. So they don't make sense, and while they may make sense to somebody else, but it's crazy talk to the Lord. You are blessed in Christ. David said it this way, "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." What does want have to do with the Lord being your Shepherd? What is it about want that David realized wasn't good when it came to God? What revelation did he get that made a statement, "I shall not want."What did David see about God? This was before Christ came, and all the blessings in Christ were revealed. Because he got a glimpse of God's provision and how want is something that is not good in God.

The Lord talks about this all the time, "Be anxious for nothing. Look at the birds, the flowers." Jesus said, your evidence is if God's going to provide for the very least of the thing, what do you think, He'll do for you.

But see the problem is, we don't know what's already been established by God in heaven. Because you don't know what's already been established by God in heaven, how can you walk in it? Without a vision, the people perish. They perish for lack of knowledge. What you don't know is killing you- what you're lacking in knowledge.

The blessing must be chasing you. There's supposed to be a peace and a rest, and a steadiness that comes from being in Christ. 

"I'm blessed, because Your Word says it, not because I'm trying to pursue or chase the blessings. Because I'm already that in Christ. This is my reality. I don't have to run or chase for the blessing, beg, and the main thing I'm looking for in God, that I made a petition for, I don't have to stress or be anxious about it. Because there are plenty of other blessings coming to pursue or overtake me when I'm waiting on that one. So when I'm waiting for this to show up, I have no problem receiving the other ones to occupy my time, to the point wherein I'm not stressed, desperate, and kind of like in the desert. You know it's almost like being in Christ, is like being in a desert - the way so many people describe it, always in need, never being provided for, just like in the desert, like God is a barren wasteland, of inability, and a lack of love, and a lack of provision, and a lack of goodness for this people, like just a couple of water Jesus if you be so kind. That's what it's like. It's an interesting thing how we perceive God, how even the mention of Him being good offends people because they dare not believe or they believed, and they pursued something and they chased something, instead of receiving something. And so now  their walk with Him is a bitter one and an angry one. They're like the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son - when the young son came back, the older was perplexed. 

The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11-32) - this is Jesus telling the story, how He saw the Father:

11Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. 
12And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. 
13And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. 
14But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. 

he began to be in want. 
Want is a bad place.

15Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. 
16And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything.

So many of us children, kingdom citizens have been so far outside of the place that we need to be. That we actually take the fruit and the bread, the food that's prepared or that's offered up to the swine, to those who don't believe or those who don't have a right standing. You think that your portion is supposed to be the world's portion, you think that because it's happening in the world, you're afraid of it happening to you, that means you're eating the world's portion. Because they couldn't close the deal, you're worried that you can't close the deal, but you misunderstand the favor of God in your life. You're looking at their situation and it's happening to them, and you think it's going to happen to you. There's food for the pigs and dogs. The bread is for you. So stop being afraid of what's happening in the world or what you see them get. It's not your portion.

and no one gave him anything.
Sometimes, God will stop somebody's hand to get you to the place where you need to be. God wants you to find your way back home. If people would have gave him, it would have kept him in a bad place. But the Lord says, "I want to reinstate you, to re-establish you."

17“But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 

But when he came to himself,
When you're in the wrong place spiritually, he came to himself, he remembered who he was. When he came to himself, it wasn't about where he was, it was about who he was. You think the situations around you is the problem, that's not the problem - who you are is. He remembered who he was and where he came from. Do you know where you come from? It's important that you know who your Father is! (John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life)

How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare
This is Jesus talking. My Father have bread enough to spare, even the servants of My Father, they walk in abundance. 
A good man, it's one thing to take care of your family, take care of your kids. How do you treat people that work for you? How do you treat the people under you? He is revealing the nature of God, that even His servants, they don't lack anything, they got extra. That's how good He is. And you think He won't be good to you. And think about what a ridiculous notion it is for you to be out there chasing the blessing, as if He would give to His higher servants, but wouldn't give to you. It's the notion that you really don't believe how good God is that's failed all of us. Your misunderstanding has cost you dearly. (Example: made you settle for the wrong man, it kept you in desperation and you chased after the wrong man even though you can feel the Lord saying, "No. I got something better for you." But because you didn't know how good God was, you didn't know that He was going to bring you the man of your dreams. Desperation - I just need somebody in my life. Why? Because you're in want. And you settled for the husk that I laid out for the pigs. But the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. Because He leads me.

This is Jesus. Paul is one thing, Peter is one thing. Jesus is describing the place that He came from. A servant in the kingdom is still better than the son outside the kingdom, because he's perishing in hunger.

18I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you,

I will arise and go to my father
He's concocting how he's ever going to get back, "into my father's good graces after all I've done." After all we've done, it's hard to be comfortable in the presence of God again. 
19and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” ’

Make me like one of your hired servants
A lot of people are walking ground like hired servants.

20“And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 

But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion
The young man have been gone for a long time and he had lost all. He left looking like a prince or royalty, confident, just like, "I'm royalty." But by the time you get to the pig pens, and you've lost it all, and coming to the place of want, unshowered, uncleaned, unkept, even the weight loss begins to disfigure you, the stress, the clothes...
But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him. The father recognized him. He didn't look the same way he left. How did you know it was him out of all the passerbys? God said, the father sat there everyday looking at the horizon as people went by. The father waited day after day for him to return. The eyes of love recognized his son even through he had been disfigured, disheveled, transformed by the failures of life.

21And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’
22“But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. 
23And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; 
24for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.
25“Now his older son was in the field. And as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. 
26So he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. 
27And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and because he has received him safe and sound, your father has killed the fatted calf.’
28“But he was angry and would not go in. Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him. 
29So he answered and said to his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends. 
30But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.’
31“And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. 

Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. 
What was he saying, at anytime you could have had because everything that I have is yours- absolutely represent law and grace. There's some people out there trying to work for your salvation, it doesn't appeal to the goodness of you. He was left all that the father have was already his, but he doubted the father's love. He never knew the father's love because he tried to work to earn it. Because he tried to work to earn it, it wasn't revealed to him.

32It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and is found.’ ”

6/21/2020 It's coming to pass! The Lord said check His credentials. Remember who He is! (Prophetic Drive Time)

You heard correctly. You heard what the Lord says, "It's coming to pass."

In Isaiah 46, the Lord was basically saying, you got to check My credentials. You have to really check the fact sheet on Me. It's important that we need to know. He's like, "Who do you think I am? I'm no one to compare to. You can't compare Me to anyone."

Isaiah 46:10
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

What the Lord was saying is that the things that He speaks, they shall stand. He said, it's coming to pass. 

Isaiah 46:8-9
Remember this, and shew yourselves men: bring it again to mind, O ye transgressors. Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

It's important for us to know who God is, to remember who the Lord is. This portion of Isaiah 46 is really about the Lord talking about the people who began to go astray, they lost their perspective of God, and when they began to lost their perspective of God, they began to transgress. So the Lord's like, "Check my fact sheet. Remember who I am."

"There is no one like Me." There is no one you can compare God to. Because when you start to forget, and start placing your faith in something else, someone else or other things, you have just begun to transgress. 

Sometimes we can go through the process and we forget sometimes how invested God is. It's important to understand how invested God is in our life. 

Isaiah 46:3-4
Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb: And even to your old age I am he; and even to hoar hairs will I carry you: I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry, and will deliver you.

The commitment that God has towards you is lifelong. This portion of Scripture, He's bringing those in covenant to remembrance of Him again. Not only His commitment, but the soundness of the Word that He speaks. He doesn't give you a word without careful consideration of His ability to bring it to pass. It's also important to know, the kingdom timeframe does not work on the same timeframe as men or the world's timeframe. The kingdom timeframe is not limited by what's going on in the kingdom of men. The Lord uses all things for His glory. But the lesser cannot impact or influence the greater. 

What a blessed time it is to be kingdom. And it is not for you being able to look around and limiting God by what you see, because what you see in the land doesn't limit God. For those of you who actually read your Word, who study your Word, what you'll find is the greatest moves of God happen in times like this. So what a great time it is to be kingdom. And the Lord is saying "Real quick, that is coming to pass."

I'm speaking to people who have a Word from God. I'm speaking to people who are in relationship with God, who are in covenanted, Kingdom people. If you've taken the time and spent the time and invested, made the sacrifices to seek and to hear from God, or if God is gracious and just spoke to you like, "Hey look this one I'll do for you." You heard from the Lord, the Lord spoke to you, this word is for you. Because the truth is, there are people who they don't invest no time, they don't seek the Lord,  they haven't prioritize relationship. This is not about excluding anyone but there is a benefit to seeking God with all your heart, mind, and soul. He begins to speak to you from His good pleasure, out of that wealth, out of those treasures of heaven. He'll share those things. And this is not to strict or to limit, but there's such a benefit. Seeking the Lord is not really hard, because He hasn't made it hard. What it does is that the sacrifices it takes to seek the Lord is denying yourself, and to really go against your feelings, and to exalt the Word of God. Some people think that seeking the Lord is just a time investment but in the same token, they're seeking the Lord but they have tradition or religion backing their pursuit and then the things that God speaks to them, they don't highlight. You want an awesome word from God then you got to lift the awesome Word of God. You got to know that what He did for Abraham and Sarah, He will do for you. If you want to find God, you got to find Him in His word, because if not, you will be seeking and you can find him in anyone speaking all kind of fallacies and all kind of erroneous things that go against the heart of God. But you wanna see majesty, miracles then you got to get it in the Word and you got to know that about Him. Because the Lord hasn't made it difficult for you, but you got to come in spirit and in truth, not in feelings and emotions. 

If you want to find God you got to find Him in spirit and truth and His Word is truth. And how do you find that accepted, through the blood of Jesus Christ. Once you believe in your heart that He died and rose again, and confessed Him, the Bible says for what the heart the man believes unto righteousness and the mouth is confessing unto salvation, so once you go through that process then you're born again. You got to believe Jesus' blood is sufficient for you. But people start to put a lot of additives and they wonder like why is my relationship with God not flourishing. You got additives in there that is steering you astray that are kind of affecting you so allow the Word of God to purify your disposition because He says, "Come unto me." So He's not hard to find but you got to go pass your emotions and how you feel. "I feel unworthy" go anyway because the blood of Jesus will give you access. Go beyond yourself, that's the kind of strength, the kind of faith that you need to go in and find the kind of salvation, love, intimacy because God will never have intimacy with you based upon lies. Because the Holy Spirit is a spirit of truth, so you got to come in truth and God's word is truth. "Okay Lord, I'm coming to you based upon what You said not based upon how I feel." It can be a challenge for some people because they don't feel like they're worthy to go in. Well, your worthiness never brought you to the table in the first place and your worthiness couldn't qualify you, it was the blood of Jesus. Jesus said, "I'm going to prepare a place for you. Which means when I speak sprinkle this blood, My blood is worthy, now you get to come through the doorway which is Jesus Christ. 

If you don't have a personal word from God, the Lord says, "I know the thoughts I have for you." The key is to get the thoughts that God has. Because God knows the thoughts, don't mean you automatically know the thoughts. Don't you know how many people are walking around and don't know the good thoughts, the plans that God has for them? You got to get in there, "Lord I wanna know the good thoughts that You have in Your mind." Because the revealed thoughts from God is a revealed purpose, a revealed plan, that's why He don't share, you got to seek Him, it's not just automatic. He said, "I know." The question is: Do you? Will you?

A lot of what we do here is preparing people for the acceptance, when the Lord is making that great separation or when He says, either "Come in" or "Depart from Me because I never knew you." Sometimes a lot of the word that we release they have to do with intimacy, not just telling you to have a relationship, but the Lord releases word to bring you into it. So that what you're gonna find is not only will you be blessed in this life, but you will be accepted in the one to come because your title alone ain't gonna help you make the transition. There's gonna many people who say, "Lord did we not prophecy? Did we not do this? Did we not do that?" But the Lord is gonna say this, "But did I know you?" I put such an onus on knowing God because that is going to secure you. Some people run around looking for, "Lord I just wanna do this in Your name." Well, that's not as important as knowing Him. You want to be about your Father's business, that's great. But the first order of business has got to be relationship because Jesus went out as a Son beloved of the Father. His relationship before He started anything, "This is My beloved Son and who I am well pleased." And even before that when He was a kid, when He told Mary when He was about 12 years old, and He stayed behind, and they were like, "Where have you been? You caused us to worry." "Don't you know I got to be about My Father's business?" It's like but at one time yet you know the one thing that will never fail you is your relationship. You want to be known of God. You want to know God and be known of God. It's relationship, that trumps what you think you're gonna be doing for Him. That is the first high calling: Do I know Jesus and do He know me? What benefit would it be if we preached up a storm, saved many people alive, did all this thing, to come to the end and the Lord's like, "Yeah you did a fantastic job doing all that stuff but who are you? Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity." Relationship is the most important. It should be terrifying. A lot of people are not scared enough, because these things, they are not talked about like they should. If you never preach another word, if you never prophesied another again to nobody else, do you know Jesus? Because at the end of the day, where you spend eternity is more important than where you spend the temporary. It's not about works, it's about relationship. Relationship is the high priority of God. Jesus came to start a family: joint-heirs. 

The quickest way to see God is through truth, His Word is true. And you got to go to the heart of God. If you want to get right to the heart of God and kind of  jump that line, then you want to prioritize love. 

Foolish empty pursuits, they fail you. It's an illusion, they will win in this lifetime but they will fail in the one to come. It's an illusion. Why will I settle for that when I can win in both. If I can be just as blessed in this lifetime as anybody else but still in the one to come, inherit eternal life, why will I settle that I may have things but things are nothing. Soon you will find just how empty things are if God is not at the center of your life . Houses are big but they are barren if the Holy Spirit is not indwelling them. That's why you see people who have things, they need either more things or they start getting drunk on power or they need drugs or they need to supplement, that barrenness they need to hide it. They want to tell you they are living their best life but why can't you be happy with one person, then why are you running to different people? Why? If you are happy where is the reflection of it? Why are you destroying yourself? The only thing that gives value to anything is whether or not you're in relationship with God, then it feels good to be blessed by your Father. A thing is just a thing and time will rest on that thing and expose that, it's just that. Like, I'm in when that car was brand new, five years later, you don't feel that same about it, but it's just a thing. Time will expose everything that you think you love or you think you need, and it won't stand up to the test of time or rest upon and then expose that it's inferior, that are beginning to rust, begin to fade away. Why you think homes need to constantly be remodeled? Some people are mad at God for a house. They turn their back on the Lord for a thing that perish, that's foolish. But by the Lord's grace He will supply all your needs including a place to dwell, He has no problem blessing you. Some people are mad at God over things that perish. Because the thing should not be more important than the Lord. 

He's not hard to find. The Lord wants to be found of you more than you want to find Him. There's a deep desire of God to have what you want, but it's more than what you want. He's not hard to find.  You couldn't even want to find God if He didn't give you that desire. 

12/27/2020 Everyone wants to live, but not everyone chooses life (Prophetic Drive Time)

Everybody wants to live but not everybody chooses life. It's one thing to believe in Christ. We all know that Christ is the life. But it's another thing to follow Him.

Choosing life is a path, and it's the path Jesus was laying out when He begin to tell people how to live, the most important criteria in terms of finding life. Life is not about what you acquire, it's not about the things, even though the Lord because of His goodness, His generosity, and because He created all things for us, because of those things, but the real quality of life is found in Christ. But believing in Him doesn't automatically give you access to Him, you must walk the road. There's so many people, they want life but they haven't chosen it, which means they haven't chosen to forgive, and so they're walking around with the bitterness and the issues that the bitterness caused in their heart begins to follow them in their life. The right that they feel they have their bitterness becomes the issue that they got to deal with in their life, the fear that they have because they don't know the love of God or because through unforgiveness- some people not walking in forgiveness. It doesn't mean that you're not forgiven, it doesn't mean that He doesn't love you, but what's happening is, it's affecting your life. Don't think you cannot do what the Lord says, and think you're gonna obtain the quality of life that He intends for you to have, you've got to be willing to walk that path- the quality of life in terms of the freedom that is available in Christ in terms of the love, the peace, the boldness, the confidence. When was the last time you're like, "I'm in Christ." and discovered the richness of what that phrase means, instead of always needing something in your life to be repaired. The fact that Christ is with you is not as significant as your need for this thing or for that. But what happens is this, when you begin to choose life, all of the things that are upsetting you or turning you over and flipping you upside down, you get to a point wherein, that don't even matter no more. There are certain things that you got to let go. But there are some people who have things that have been holding them for years, and its been holding you hostage, and it's been keeping you in a form a bondage, it's been putting limitations on what God desires to do to your life. Because people don't really know how the kingdom works and when God tells you to do something He means it. Oftentimes people seem to think that "I don't really have to listen to what the Lord tells me to do, He loves me and I can just do what I want and because He is God almighty, then I can put no limitations on God." But the Bible clearly says is that even the children of Israel, they limited the God of heaven by their unbelief, He couldn't do what He wanted to do because of them.

Sometimes we think that the enemy is in our way, and it's us, it's us in our way because we've been refusing to; you've been holding on to things thinking that it's giving you an edge but it's only been giving you a hindrance- holding this grudge, bitterness, unforgiveness, choosing not to do what the Lord said. Do you know how often the Lord spoke of unforgiveness? And He spoke of it because these become the most significant things that impair your ability to receive or touch what's in His heart for you. He said if you are walking around with this and you won't see it but it doesn't mean that God won't do anything for you, so yes God will come through on your last minute rent, He'll send somebody to bring you food so that you don't go all the way under but you're not in the place where you are above only. So it's a difference between being sustained and eating at the table.

Deuteronomy 30:1
And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God hath driven thee, And shalt return unto the Lord thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and with all thy soul;

Which means this- you get to choose, because I'm going to put them both before you, but you get to choose.

Remember, they are already children of God, they were already the seed of Abraham, the seed of Isaac, the seed of Jacob, they were already the chosen. But in God's omnipotence, He didn't do what He could have done for them, not because He was unable, but because they didn't listen. They were already under covenant is what I'm saying. You can be under covenant, but not under the blessing because when Jesus made it very clear that if you don't forgive, neither will My Father forgive you. See, you can be under covenant but not receiving the benefits of covenant, because of the issues in your heart. God's not restraining you, what's in your heart is. What you got going on your heart is important, because there is a freedom in Christ. There is a freedom in Christ that the Lord wants you to touch, that want you to have so intensely. Why? Because it becomes the greatest testimony of who Christ is. Remember when the Lord says this, when He opened up the Bible and the Torah in the synagogue and He turned to the book of Isaiah and He read that chapter "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me" One of the primary things that you read in that portion of the scripture is how He has been sent to set the captives free, to bind up the brokenhearted. One of the things about the Lord is He can't take from you what you don't give to Him. Meaning not that He won't come and just deliver you, some people have supernatural deliverances and all those things, but for the most part, the Lord will come and ask you, "What do you want Me to do for you? Have you had enough of those things that have been limiting you? Have you had enough already? You seen the dead end that these issues of your heart have continued to bring you into, have you had enough are you ready to give it to Me?  Because you will do more for Me free that you will ever do bound." We've all come across these bound pastors and preachers, and even myself, when I was battling some things, I wasn't at my best. Even though the Lord will give me a word, guess what will start coming out, my issues, my frustration with the wilderness, my frustration, even though I would be speaking, even though the word would originate from the Holy Spirit in terms of what the Lord was telling me to do, eventually what will start coming out is my issues, my frustration with the wilderness, my frustration with the things I was going through. It didn't change the fact that I was anointed, that I wasn't called, it didn't change none of that. I was all that but the issues have placed a parameter that the Lord would not allow me to see the potential of my ministry until I was willing to lay down the issues.

As you begin to say Lord, I'm no longer willing to hold on to that unforgiveness, that bitterness, I'm no longer willing to hold on Lord but I give it to you and I choose freedom, I choose life, I'm ready to live. I thought the grudges was keeping me, was allowing me to have an advantage over somebody else, but the grudges were really keeping me bound, keeping me from soaring. The grudges were clipping my wings so I couldn't fly and I couldn't discover what it means to be free in Christ, I couldn't touch what it meant to be free in Christ. So the Lord doesn't want it to be a hypothesis, He wants it to be in actuality. He doesn't want it to be something that you are surmising and that you are just reading from the text with no experience in. We really learn and grow from who Christ is and the truth. And we grow out of that and we give God all the glory because He reveals the truth which when we come into agreement with and submit to it takes us out of the area of stink but the stink itself will never cause you to grow. Those things in itself cannot benefit you unless you overcome them and those issues, those nasty things in our heart they don't cause us to grow unless we overcome them and we overcome them by the truth. Them things in itself are, they're bad things, they're hindrances and by themselves they don't cause us to grow unless the Lord delivers us out of it then we can say wow Lord look at how you did that and we see how the growth comes from learning how we got there understanding what held us back learning about those things and that gives us growth because now I've become too great for those things to constrain me anymore. But it's the truth that does that, it's the word of God that does that, it's the Spirit of the Lord. 

Those who believe, isn't it amazing how you can still have a relationship with the Lord but still not be touching the fullness of the Lord. You can still know He loves you while you holding bitterness. You can still know that the Lord is with you, you still believe in Christ, the Lord will still help you out all while you're not experiencing the greater that He has for you, the above and beyond. And that becomes the thing and we think that we can just pray our way out of it but in actuality all you need to do is choose life, but choosing life is a path in itself. Choosing life is a road that we have to walk. I must forgive because You told me to forgive, that's high on the kingdom agenda. It's high. You want to enter into the kingdom? You're not going in with unforgiveness and the kingdom of God is where you experience the greater level of life that is in Christ. 

You got to know that being in the kingdom is different than being outside the kingdom. There's different benefits. There's a different expression of life being inside the kingdom versus being outside the kingdom. And those issues are what keep you outside the kingdom and the best of God is reserved for the kingdom folks.

The Bible talks about in Ephesians 3 the different levels of Christ, where Paul is saying that Christ will dwell in our hearts by faith and that as we get exposed to the breadth and the width and the height. 

Ephesians 3:17-19
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

Which means this, there's a greater capacity for us to be able to receive that there's a road that we got to walk rooted and grounded in love. That's a tough one especially for us because we are alive in the age where iniquity is abounding the love of many is waxing cold.

The Lord puts before us life and death and we get to choose. But choosing life is more than just our profession, that's one part but the other thing is what we allow the Lord to remove out of our hearts when we pray with the Holy Spirit to let go of that unforgiveness, that bitterness, those things that are actually causing these issues that are setting barriers in our life for out of the heart becomes the issues of life. These things have set barriers when you look up the word issue it speaks of a barrier so they become restraints.

Deuteronomy 30:9 
And the Lord thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy land, for good: for the Lord will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers:

How did He rejoice over Abraham, over Isaac, over Jacob? When we were born again, the Lord rejoiced over us. The Bible talks about how there was singing in the presence of the angels for everyone who was born again, for everyone who repents and turns back to the Lord, there is rejoicing which means that it is the Lord rejoicing. And what the Lord talks about here is that there is a rejoicing over you again as we so easily beset us let go of the issues that we have held in our hearts that have been setting the limitations that has not allowed us to experience the much more that is available in God, the much more that is available in Christ. It has created barriers because everybody wants to live but not everybody chooses life. When you begin to choose life the Lord brings you into a greater place in Him.

Even the issues create open doors for the enemy to come into our life. When Jesus gave the parable of the man who refused to forgive, who had the king had forgiven him for roughly 500 hundred thousand dollars worth of debt, but then he found a man who owed him about 500 hundred dollars and he had him locked up, well the king's servants saw that and reported it back to the king. The king said you wicked servant tossed him into torment which means his unforgiveness opened the door for the spirit to abuse him. Choosing life is so important. 

Even as you begin to lay down those burdens, those issues, the Lord says, "I'm returning My rejoicing over you, I'm gonna rejoice over you like I rejoiced over Abraham, like I did over your fathers." And what the Lord wants to do is exceedingly and above, beyond what you can ask or think. But as you begin to submit to God and begin to release those roots of bitterness, begin to release those issues of the heart, that those erroneous mindsets and those things that have kept you out of the much more of Christ that is available, because you haven't been rooted and grounded in love, as you begin to let go of those things that once shaped your personality, that once shaped your character, as you begin to let go of those things the Lord says, "I'm opening the door to freedom in Me. Freedom in Me that will bear a witness that is worthy of Me." Don't we all want to give a witness of God that is worthy of Him? Haven't we all known those bitter Christians those hate-filled judgmental overly critical Christians haven't we all known them and were discouraged by them?  They didn't reflect the highest glory of God. For me to reflect the highest glory of God is for me to be free in Him. Why? Because His ministry was about setting the captives free. So everybody talks about, "I want to glorify God." But then you want to get that freedom because the freedom is what glorifies Him, because His ministry was centered around setting the captives free, breaking the chains. Your platform don't glorify God if your issues have you bound. That's what really glorifies Christ is my freedom in Him. The freedom that I discover in Him. That's what He wants so they can see the One who sets the captives free. He doesn't want you bound. And not only does He not want you bound because He wants you free, but He doesn't want you bound because He doesn't want those issues creating barriers or limitations in your life for what He wants to do through you, to you, and the places He wants to take you. And so the Lord is saying to you today, "I'm rejoicing over you again as you lay down that unforgiveness, that bitterness, as you begin to lay down all those issues of your heart and of your life as you begin to lay those down I'm gonna pick them up."

7/16/2019 Dependence on God (Prophetic Drive Time)

Matthew 18:1-3
At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Unless you become completely dependent. There's a lot of us who are not completely dependent on God. We work with a mixture, sometimes we lean on our own selves, sometimes we depend on God and sometimes we take it into our own hands. But what the Lord was showing me is it's not just a  matter of going to God, but the completely dependent, understanding how helpless you are, meaning I depend on God, like a baby is completely dependent on their parents. And the Lord says, the greatest in the Kingdom are those who are completely dependent on Me.

Matthew 18:10
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.

For those who are completely dependent on God, their help is near.  You got angels.

In Genesis 3, look what the enemy sold  Eve. The enemy was soliciting independence from God. The fall of man began with their own independence. One of the tenements of the enemy is do thy will, do what pleases you. But look at Christ, He said, I only do the things that I hear My Father say and I see My Father do. The Lord says, I'm not working on My own but My Father He works with Me. What was He saying, "I'm completely dependent." and Jesus was never far away from power. Jesus was never far away from the Word. He was never far away from everything that He needed. 

Sometimes in our minds and in our hearts we think that everything that we need is so far away. But for those of you who are dependent on God, your help is near. 

Some people say they're dependent on God, but they're frustrated, angry. They don't have a confident expectation of good. They don't have a confident expectation that this thing is gonna turn around. So what they do is they have it structured in their mind, "This is how it should happen, this is what's going to happen, this is the timeframe it's gonna happen." And when it don't happen in that way, they get upset. Which means they are not completely dependent on God. They're going to the right place, they're going to God, but when you go to God, you gotta believe that He is. When you are completely dependent on God, you know that the petitions that you placed before your Father, He's gonna do it for you. The things that are pertinent to your situation, you know that He's gonna perform. The things that He spoke over your life, you know that He's gonna do that, you know that He's not a liar and so when you are completely dependent on God, it allows you to come into a place of rest. 

But the root of the enemy's game plan is to create independence from God- be your own god, do what you will.

True kingdom development is absolutely being dependent. Adam when he was created, he was created dependent on God. Adam wasn't worried. And the Lord talks about this as a conversion, it takes humility. He said if you would humble yourself, this becomes part of the life that we have to lay down our right. The Lord says if you lay that life down you'll find it. If you lay down that Adam's life you'll find Christ's life. You'll find the life that Christ had for you.

Those who are completely dependent on God- you become the most dangerous to the kingdom of darkness.

This is why you pray for those who do harm to you. Because if you touch somebody, if you put your mouth on, put your hands on somebody who is completely dependent on God, then you are in trouble. It is better for you that you weren't born, it would be easier if you take the millstone over your neck. That's why it's always better, if you open your mouth to talk about somebody, God's got to speak first. You got to  be careful because you don't want to be offending someone who is completely dependent on God. This is what happens when people get in their independent mind, they just got thinking and speaking. Jesus said, I don't say nothing that God ain't said. You don't know God's opinion on others, so before you open your mouth, pray about it. You never know who you opening up your mouth against. It's dangerous to be talking about somebody who's fully dependent on God, to be slandering somebody. You can give rebuke, you can give correction, you can give iron sharpens iron, you can exhort. If you open up your mouth to slander anybody who's fully dependent on God, you better make sure that God is signing off on it. Because if you cause them to stumble, if you cause them to lose hope on God, you are in dangerous territory. So better humble yourself. Stop trying to look important. There will be no reward but there will be judgment. Always find God's heart over a matter before you get to opening your mouth or speaking carelessly. Find out what God says about it so that way you know that you have all of heavens authority on what you are saying and you can speak with boldness and confidence. 

Pray for those who harm or hurt you, to fall in God's hands. What they did to you, God is not turning a blind eye, even though it seemed like they got away with it. Your help is coming, your vindication is coming. God is gonna vindicate you what they did to you. God saw it and your vindication is coming. They didn't get away with it. That's why I'm encouraging you to pray for them, because it's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Lord. And when you know that you become completely dependent on God, first thing I do is pray, "Lord help them Jesus, Lord have mercy on them. Bless them Lord." Because I know that He takes what they did to me personally. He takes it personally. Jesus Himself said, "When I was thirsty you gave Me nothing to drink. When I was hungry you didn't feed Me. When I was naked you didn't clothe Me. When I was in prison you didn't visit Me." Then they asked, "Lord, when did we not do that to You?" Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of man, you did it unto Me." What's amazing is they think that they did it to you but it's the Lord who's taking what they did personally. Pray for them because it's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the Lord. 

The last Adam came to reestablish, to bring us back into the fold, and what does that mean, where Adam failed, Christ succeeded. And He opened up a door again for us to lay down our Adam life and to find our Christ life and to be fully dependent on God again. And as you surrender whatever burdens you're carrying, the Lord is saying, your help will come. For those of you who've been looking around and you've been tempted to worry and the enemy's been soliciting all these things, exhale all your problems and cast them on the Lord, the Lord says your help is coming, your help is here today. Because your angels they're standing there beholding the face of God. See you got angels. For those of you are completely dependent on God, the bible says, there's angels assigned to you. The Bible says, when Jesus was done in the wilderness, angels came and ministered unto Him.

Dependence on God is the greatest form of faith, childlike faith. There is a benefit or blessing to being dependent on God. Extreme benefit: you thwart the overall goal of the enemy which is to create independence in you. Independence from God is death. Because God is the only LIFE. He's the way, the truth and the life. So if you separate yourself from God, you got is the - wrong way, lie and death. 

So the benefits of being dependent on God, is that God will never fail you. God will never take His eyes off you. God is not like man. So anytime that you leap, He will never fail you. Men will fail you inspite of their best intentions, but God never will. This is why your dependence on God will bring you to places that you can't imagine. This is why your dependence on God will open up doors for not only you entering into the kingdom but it'll open up doors for your help to arrive. God always got His eyes on you.