Finish the race. Be faithful until the end.
There are so many people who are distracted by different things, and different times and different seasons. With each event, it causes people to stop and say, "What's going on and where am I with God?" With each event, people are tempted and they find themselves looking off their responsibility, looking away from what they are called to do and bringing into question their commission. But the Lord is saying to you, "Be faithful until the end."
When you don't allow the moments and situations to shift your focus, it keeps you on target, it keeps you on course, on path to achieving, to arriving, to doing the things God called you to do.
Stop being concerned with everything that is going on around you. You have to know that you are in this world but not of this world. And it very important for you to know that whatever assignment God has given you, your requirement or God's expectation of you is to be faithful over the thing that He has given you until the end.
We're subtly programmed to think that every time a situation arrives, then all of a sudden it augments what God has spoken, the first thing we bring into question is what God has spoken. We have to disavow ourselves from this ungodly, pollution of an idea and a notion. We are responsible which means I don't care if it's all falling down around you, God's expectation of you is to be faithful until the end. Faithful in your belief, that Jesus is who He says He is, that He is the author and finisher of your faith, He is your salvation, the key to your salvation.
Luke 18:8
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?
Faith is an action. Will He find the action of faith permeating the atmosphere? Or will people be so lukewarm, so broken by what they see, so enamored by their own situations that they have lost connection to what God has spoken?
A lot of people got a lot of things to say about what Jesus is looking for. But Jesus will tell you, When I come, you know what I'm looking for - faith. I wanna see it in action, I wanna see it in your belief in Me. I wanna see it in your belief to heal your body, I wanna see it in your belief to stay faithful to Me, while they're changing laws and doing all these things, I wanna see it in action.
-The story of when angel Gabriel come to visit Zacharias and Elizabeth-
Luke 1:12-17
The Lord is saying for you, there are some of you that the Lord is talking to you about something very dramatic, something very life changing, something that is so far beyond you and you have been struggling at the preponderance, weight or size of the Lord's communication to you. You're like, "Could God really do it?" You find yourself a little intimidated by it. You kind of don't believe it. Reality is you're struggling to believe what God has said.
The Lord says, He can't even tell you what He has planned for you right now. He's going to strengthen your faith little by little to be able to even take.
The Lord says, I have so much more for you but you can't even stomach it. You can't even take what I have to say to you, you would throw it up, you would just vomit it, you wouldn't be able to take the word. So the Lord's gonna feed you that gerber food until you're strong enough to handle. Some of you don't even know the significance of what God wants to do, willing to do, is able to do for your life right now. So you are snacking on the very morsels of words that are coming through, that God has given you but they have not even tapped into the full weight of what He wants to do for you, what He's able to do for you, what He's willing to do for you. You haven't even been able to knock on the door of the provisions that are assigned to you. You're not even in the hallway. You're not even in the room. It's one thing to collect treats being in the favor of God, being in the goodness of God, but it's another thing to knock on the door and see what God has in store for you.
In this passage (Luke 1:12-17), Gabriel is giving the run down of what's gonna happen, showing Zacharias what's at the door.