
7/29/2020 The Lord visited me last night (Prophetic Drive Time)

 * There's none like God. If you ever had a moment with the Lord, you realize how no question seems appropriate in the full presence of the Lord. 

* Help is here. Vindication. Examination is here. Even the people who's coming after you are going to be examined. When the Lord sends His word to His prophet, the vindication comes to show you that the one that God spoke by the man/woman of God was of God. And those who rose up early to speak against the man/woman of God without consulting God, leaning on their own understanding will be examined. Because there's an order of things and it all must begin with God. So just as the man/woman of God must take great care to first seek God on the things that they believe, that they're hearing, or God is showing, you must still seek God first. And even if I take exception for some of the things I hear, the first thing I have to do is I have to go to God. And the examination will prove to you that you must acknowledge the order of God. It's not a light thing for God. 

* Our instinct should be, Lord what is this about, or Lord what's going on here? Our instinct should be go to God first. 

* Once you get in the system of your own understanding, hearing, reasoning, and leaving God out of the equation, is you are subject to cross God's path, because God is the one who uses the foolish things.

* The Spirit of the Lord is hitting the earth in a multi-purpose way right now. For some, it's going to be help. For some, it's going to be examination. For some, are appointed to see. Some are about to witness the hand of God move. 

* When my help came, I realized who were my adversaries. So the Lord is about to get real strategic in this move. Help is coming, far out matches those who you had been previously contending against. Sometimes you feel like you're out there on your own. The level of rest you get instantly - "You didn't forget about me." And to see the fierceness in God's eyes against my enemies. To see the fierceness and seriousness in His countenance, the love for me. At the same time, the seriousness against those who opposed. When you see the Lord show up.

* There was such a love, comfort and seriousness for you. Sometimes, you think you know how the Lord is for you. Sometimes you think you understand. BUT YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA. There's a seriousness in God's eyes.

* We all must submit to God's ways. It's important for some people to see the consequence. 

* A submitted heart says, "Lord, say what you need to say." But an unsubmitted heart says "Say what I want. Say what I say you should say / what I want to hear." 

* Don't be dismayed by what you see. Your help is here. There's a seriousness in the eyes of the Lord against those who have set themselves against you. 

* There's going to be a level of vindication to show - to show who's for God, to show whose speaking in behalf of God.

* Humility - Ask question to substantiate relationship -  Jesus made a habit of: "What do you want Me to do for you?" "What is it that you need from me?" Knowing already the infirmities that they are afflicted by. He never assumed. Even though God already knows, He still asks. "What have you done?" "What do you need?" That's why it's important for us to ask, to seek the Lord always. Always be in constant contact with the Lord. 

* Pray about it. "Is this you Jesus?" Feels right, seems right, "Is this you Lord?" 

* Sometimes people forget the severity of God. He's still God. He's not a game that you think you can master. You got to have respect all times for the King. Don't play around with Him. He's God and He's God alone. He's still the Supreme Ruler.


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