
2/12/2020 It is settled in Heaven (Prophetic Drive Time)

God wants us to have what He prepared for us.

How many of you are accustomed to praying to God like, "Lord, I need you to do this." Like you're bringing Him new business. Since it's new to you, you pray to Him like it's new to Him, you pray to Him like He needs to do something instead of praying to Him like He already done something. We go to God with new business, but we forget that it is new business for us, but it's old business for Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He went to the end of our lives to prepare everything we would need for us lives. So everything we would need for our lives, He already put in Christ.  So we don't pray from a finished work, we don't pray giving God the glory for what he has done, we don't pray in alignment to God's true nature and God's true work. He is the Alpha and Omega, so if we pray to Him with this understanding, "Lord, You have done..." Bible says, before the foundations of the world Christ was slain, before the foundations of the world, He knew us. 

We go to God with the sense of urgency. Part of the transition from the spiritual realm to natural realm is what we understand so we go to God with a level of desperation thinking, "I need You to do..." instead of going to God in truth, "You are the Alpha and the Omega." 

Lord says,  "I began your life from the end of your life. I prepared for your life at the end of your life, meaning I saw all events that will occur, I saw everything and I placed provisions for everything that you would need from the end of it." Which means there's no situation or circumstance that you can encounter that is new business for God. And  since it's not new business for God, but only new business for you, then what you can be confident in is there are provisions for my current need, that's why Jesus said, "In this world there will be tribulations but be of good cheer". It's kinda a weird statement. "BE OF GOOD CHEER because I've overcome the world." Meaning, I have put you in a place where you can receive provisions that triumph over the issues that present themselves "I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." Meaning the world is coming at me but I have overcome the world and put you in a position where you can receive the provisions from the Father for whatever you need. Be of good cheer! Because whatever is happening in the world is not greater than the supply that I provided for you. It is settled in the heaven - Jesus was talking to His disciples in Matthew 6.

When your understanding change, you will no longer pray amiss, you will no longer miss God, because you will be in alignment, because you will pray according to the Alpha and the Omega, you will pray according to the One who's at the end, who prepared for my life at the end of my life. Meaning, He started preparing for me.

Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven - bring in alignment Lord to my life, to what is already been established by You for me in heaven, for what is already been established by You in Christ for me in the earth realm. Let there be an alignment for Your will in my life, Your provisions for my life, the blessings you put in Christ for me. I pray according to what's already been done. And so instead of approaching God like it's new business for Him, it's ok to approach God like it's new business for me cause it is. But it's not ok to approach God like it's new business for Him because then we diminish the fact that He is the Alpha and the Omega. It's a surprise for me Jesus but it's not a surprise for You. Now I'm open to receive the unification of heaven and earth. To see manifest in this earth what God already established for me in Christ in the heavenly realm.

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ

You are already blessed in Christ. It is already settled in Christ. You have to acknowledge it. And wherever there is depreciation in your life, you can ask for the fulfillment of what's already been accomplished in Christ in your life. Anything that Jesus took on our behalf, we don't have to accept. For example, homelessness - Jesus took homelessness. If Jesus wanted a house, He could have a house. There's a reason why they had money but Jesus never carried it on His person. Judas kept the money bag. At one point, people were going to make Him king - people purposed in their heart to take Jesus by force and make Him king and Jesus said, "I cannot allow them to do that." Why? Because Jesus have to walk out the poverty, sickness, disease. Jesus have to fully accept it. It's written, "The Son of man has no place to lay down" and people been thinking like, "Oh that's something to emulate." No. Jesus was taking your place because if it was something to emulate then that it means in heaven He'd be homeless. He left in a state, the Bible says to come down here to take your place so that you could have access to His place. We got to take our place in Him - Jesus. John 14: In My Father's house are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you - where Jesus' blood has been shed, is now that's the place - the place as me. So you can come to My Father as Me (Jesus), as a son, as a daughter. Now you have a place to petition the Father because of Jesus, because before the blood, we had no place. When Jesus said He is going to prepare a place. He wasn't going in heaven to build something that wasn't or that didn't already exist. He is going to prepare a place that we could have to come boldly before the throne of God. It's important for us to see it as it really is with clarity and understanding there's access, and see we are going to have access to things that you didn't have before because you've been praying from the backside, from the wrong side- you've been praying out of alignment with who God is, with what God has done. What happens is you pray amiss, you bring a level of desperation, you bring a level of unbelief, the enemy gets you to waver. Imagine this you asked somebody for $10 and the enemy fights you the whole way like, "They won't give it to you." But then once they give you the $10, the fight is over - the enemy can no longer fight you whether or not you have the $10. And the fight is over once you understand that you have already been blessed. That what you need is already settled in heaven from the Alpha and the Omega, who prepared your life from the end of your life. It's important for us to walk in alignment, says call forth heaven on earth, thy kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let manifest in my life what You already settled in heaven on my behalf because You did it for me. The Lord says, "I did it for you." It's important for us to pray in accordance to what is already settled. It's important for us to pray in accordance with who God really is. 

"Wait a second, why am I praying like God is not all knowing? Why am I praying like God is not the Alpha and the Omega?" Think about it, when you pray out of alignment, things don't work. Your prayers don't get answered. Jesus prayed in the garden, "Father, if it is Your will let this cup pass for Me, if there's any other way now's the time to do it, and the Father said No. Why? Because it's already established in heaven. You were already slain before the foundations of the world. My Son You must go through this, You must walk through this out, because it's already established in heaven. Jesus got any prayer answered. Lazarus resurrected, He walked on water, etc. because His prayers were in alignment to what was already established in heaven. So He said if you can believe it then you can have it. Think about the things Jesus said NO to. Heal my daughter, woman with the issue of blood - was able to come to take some- healing. Why was the woman able to take healing? Because healing had already been established and Jesus was like, "Who did that? Who touched Me?" And Jesus was like after the woman admitted, "Well done!" You didn't take nothing from Me that hadn't already been established. If it wasn't, she could have not taken from Jesus except what had already been established. Bible says, "I am the bread of life." The communion is all about My body being broken for you. She said, "If  I just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole." In that moment her declaration put her into alignment with what was already established in heaven, and allowed it to manifest for her on the earth. The earth was created to be a reflective realm of the parent spiritual realm. When Adam and Eve was deceived, they broke the unity. Jesus came to restore that order between us and have the ability to be in alignment with God again. If you've read Exodus or Leviticus, and you see the Lord spoke to Moses, I need you to create these things in exact alignment with how I showed you. Create the tabernacle in the precise way that you've seen, the exact measurements, everything you do on earth, bringing forth on earth, do it according to the exact measurements of what you see in heaven. Why? Because then they've been when you do it precisely- this becomes alignment and this is what prayers according to what has already been provided for in Christ are prayers that get answered. Desperation doesn't necessarily bring the manifestation. How many of you know that? How many of you prayed on something desperately but didn't see it happen. Now try praying with understanding, "Lord, that is Your will has already done for me in Christ. I acknowledge that this is already done for me Lord. " The Lord is always trying to sync heaven and earth. So He says, "Build a tabernacle according to this." Because there's a tabernacle in heaven and you need to build it in an exact alignment because that alignment brings unity between heaven and earth. It presents if you will the Jacob's ladder- where the prayer goes up, supply comes down- it brings the merger. Alignment from God, brings the merger from heaven to earth. Jesus said this, "I only do what I see My Father do. I only say what I hear My Father say" - walking in alignment. 

Hebrews 8:5
They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, He was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.

In the Old Testament, when they wanted to seek God, they had to burn some offerings. When they wanted God to bless them, they had to sacrifice. Sacrifice - that's an example of what had already been established in heaven- that your access to God's wisdom, supply, blessings, protection, would all come through the sacrifice of the Lamb. All your provisions would come by the sacrifice of Jesus. So they had to manifest, execute in the earth to bring the unification. Why? Because Jesus Christ had not come but His sacrifice was already settled in heaven which means the way we approach God is through Jesus. 

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