
2/15/2020 Freedom Friday!!! Begin Again!! (Prophetic Drive Time)

Begin again. 

He's inviting you into a place of new life. Sometimes the days become a little stagnant and we're like, "Lord where are you?" He's in a new place. 

Sometimes it can be hard for people to transition into the space where God is. Sometimes the Lord will tarry with us in a place of disappointment, He'll tarry with us for a while. But then there'll come the times when the glory moves, when the cloud moves and we have to be able to transition with God. But there are some people who are being held back by their failures, by the opinions of other people, that they have limited themselves based upon what other people think about them and the Lord says this, "Begin again." 

Everyday is a new day with God. He says, My mercies are new every morning. Everyday is a new opportunity for you to begin again. If God woke you up today, today is another opportunity for you to begin again. Start all over. 

God is the God of the living and not of the dead. Some people are trying to find God in their dead spaces- "what I've done, what they think about me, who I've been, what I feel about myself..." The Lord says, I'm the One who justifies the ungodly.So get yourself up and come grab hold of this life that I have for you. God is not interested in your pity party and how long you do wanna wallow. You can sit there and talk about how you failed, and what you used to do so much, and that provides a sort of comfort because it allows people around you to not be triggered, but your job is not to make it comfortable for them, but to magnify the work of Jesus Christ at the cross. You need to grab hold of that life regardless who don't like it, who it frustrates, who don't think you deserve it. This is hard for you to continue to try to reconcile what God is saying versus what you believe about yourself versus what you've done. He said, behold I've done a new thing, shall you not know it? He said, I told you about it. And the Lord is drawing you in to discover what His thoughts are about you. That's why sometimes you can feel empty, a little displaced, and like, "Lord, where are You Lord for me? Where are You Jesus?" He says, I'm in this new thought that I have for you. I'm in life. I'm in this place called life. And I need you to transition into life. 

Lamentations 3:22-23
It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.

Hebrews 8:12
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

Some of you are in a place talking to God about something that He don't even know what you're talking about. You talking about issues that He don't even remember. Don't let people steer you wrong. You still being held by something that God don't even recognize.

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Psalm 103:10-12 
He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Can you measure just how far the east is from the west? That's how much God has separated the stench of sin, the horror of our failures from us. See sin is an actual spiritual substance, that when we sin, it produces a real spiritual substance, and the Lord says, I've got to remove that far from you. It's our responsibility to let go of the memory. Bring it under the blood, this is how we magnify the work of Jesus Christ. And just because we have the memory, we think that God keeps the memory -No, that's not biblical, that's not the truth. 

God wanted to redefine us with the thoughts He has for us. "I want those thoughts that I have for you to begin to reconstruct you. I want those thoughts that I have for you to be infused with you and become your new identity. But you gotta be willing to begin again, even at the frustration of other people. 

Whatever you hold in your heart that is contrary to the new life in Christ, even though you may want it or pray for it, you will resist it spiritually because secretly you'll say "I don't deserve it". So when it shows up instead of  you saying, "Thank You Father" and receiving it, it don't feel comfortable. You can ask for it, you can pray for it, but do you have room enough to receive it?And that old mindset, sometimes why it's not manifesting, the blessing don't fit. You won't let it in, because secretly what you whisper about yourself, what you really feel about yourself, so when the blessing starts showing up, you can't recognize it because your blessing  is coming trying to identify who God has purposed you to be and it doesn't make sense with how you really believe you are. "This might be too good for me." I want God's goodness but secretly I deserve the things that I feel. 

Philippians 3:13
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead

One of the keys to flow with God is having a short memory when it comes to our failures and a good memory when it comes to His goodness and His power and His dominion. 

The merit system is a system that exists between man. Grace is a system that exists between us and God. What's more amazing about God is the greatest thing that He's done for us, there's no way we could deserve it. The realness is about us coming to magnify the Lord. You justify the ungodly. It's about You. If you can't say it's about Jesus at every turn, this is what makes what we have different than what other people have. They got statues, idols and things that they worship even though they say they don't. They worship things, we got the Person who addressed the most sinister issue that we have and that is ourselves. It's one thing that nobody can escape is that we've all fallen. And so the Lord is saying, I'm calling you into a new life. Begin again. Start over in Me. I want to make an exchange for you for the life and the good thoughts that I have for you, He said, I'm ready to be found of you in this new place. You've been tired. I'm ready to be found of you in this new place that I have for you, in these good thoughts that I have for you, He says, I'm ready to be discovered. Are you ready to let go of the things that have been holding you back and let me remake you with the thoughts I have for you? Are you ready to put on the garment, on your kingly and priestly apparel? The first thing we say is Lord, I don't deserve it, but the reality of it is, is which one of us do? It's all Him, He did it for us.  When He says begin again, He wants your life to shine, He wants your life to sparkle and you got to be willing to let go and say Ok Lord. 

Begin again. Let it be a fresh start today, let it be brand new today, just like My mercies, to remake you, to rename you, to reshape you, to reform you by the good thoughts that I have. How long you'll gonna carry the burdens? There are some of you the Lord says, "I can't even talk to you. Cause everytime I talk to you, you're trying to talk about what you did way back then. I can't even talk to you. Why? Because we're not in agreement. I wanna talk about something new and you keep trying to talk about something old. Things that I don't even remember no more. I forgave you the first time and I removed the literal stench and substance of that sin as far as the east is from the west. Now you gotta let it go to grab hold of the new."

Begin again. He's calling you into a new place, it's a space secured for you by the blood of Jesus Christ, that your life will magnify the work of Jesus Christ. There's an abounding life that the Lord has for you. and the enemy's been working real hard to keep you in the form of bondage in your mind, to keep you in an old place. But see, old place quickly becomes a dead place. It's dead and the Lord ain't there. 

What is a dead space, a dead place? Any place that the Lord is not. When the enemy is tempting you to a place of shame, guilt, condemnation, that you have placed securely under the blood, then the enemy is calling you into a dead place, where God won't be found. And that's why you wonder when you get into that place, it feels like the world is piling on you all of a sudden. Why? Because God's not there. You entered into a dead space- no life flows, it disconnects you from life, then the enemy starts to flood in depression, loneliness to try to drain you and compress you before you realize that you are out of your mind. That's why you feel the way you feel when it happens, because the Lord is not there.

You want life to be abounding towards you, life flowing in abundance? You got to always stay where Christ is. The Lord has not orchestrated depression, loneliness. Anytime you find Christ, you find freedom, liberty, the opportunity to discover the abundance of life that exists in Him.

Many people find it hard to find, because God got good thoughts for you. He's got good thoughts for you but you're carrying around this belief system of all these bad thoughts. So it's hard for you to reconcile His voice, hard for you to feel and grab hold of Him. You don't know when you found Him. Because people condemned you, people judged you, people said you weren't no good and you're wondering if God feel the same way, I'm here to tell you, No in the name of Jesus. 

Sometimes we can get caught up in what we think people gonna feel and what we think people gonna say, sometimes we find ourselves in bondage to other people's opinion. But you get to a point when you gotta choose life, like I desire to live more than I desire to think what people think. If you're waiting people to give you permission to live, they never will. Live anyway. Because the Lord gives you life, because He offered it to you. 

There's something so good that the Lord has for you in this new beginning where He's inviting you to put down the old mindset, old concepts, all your failures. If it's not an issue for God, why is it an issue for you? 

Good people, they really want the best for you even at the expense of themselves, the expense of their own desires. They won't be a stumbling block, won't want you to sin. Because of the people that I'm really for, I make the sacrifice. I endure the cost of my desires for the ones that I love. If any is doing things to you that puts you in conflict with God, then they're not for you. They're with you but not for you. When you settle for what's good to you versus what's for you, the exchange is you lose out on the one who would have been down for you. The one who would have been the same business that God is about. You miss out on the 'one' entertaining someone - that's the compromise.

Isn't it funny how it can feel good and not be good. You may think ain't nothing bad happening, sometimes it's not about what's happening but sometimes it can be about what you're missing. While you've been occupied by someone, you could miss the one. If they're good, show me, put it to the test. Somebody who's good for you wants you to achieve your life in Christ. 

If they are not willing to pay the price to be with you, they are not worthy of you., they're not the one. Because the right one that is really for you is gonna be willing to pay that price. Bible says, test every spirit - let me see what your love looks like. 

In the process of living your life and going about your business and enjoying Christ, you will meet the people that you need to meet. Be careful of that spirit of desperation, anxiety. Who is for you is looking for you in your natural state. When you are in a state of anxiety, desperation, you are spiritually unnatural, so they don't recognize you. They have been encoded to find you in your natural state. That's what's going to draw them. But when you're like, "Are they here yet Jesus?" It's spiritually unattractive. Even though they may look at you, you may not even know that they are beholding you, and they may like you, but there's something not right about you - it's your desperation. It gives off a spiritual energy. Relax. Find yourself in Christ. Go about your business. Because that's who they are looking for, they're going to be drawn to you. Desperation is not a very attractive spiritual fragrance or aroma. Relax. People are going to find you in your natural disposition and be like, "That's the one." 

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