
10/19/2020 A heart to heart with God! Time to be transformed (Prophetic Drive Time)

There's a new level that the Lord is calling us into. Which has been clear where you can't win on the old level, when the Lord shows up saying, "Here's this next level" that you must come into. But sometimes we don't want to come up into and what you find is that the Lord is no longer on that lower level. When the Lord is no longer on the plains with you and He's now on the mountaintop, then the only person down in the plains where you choose to be is your adversary. Your help, your breakthrough is always gonna be where Christ is. It's time to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Your emotions won't transform you, the Word does.

Your natural history can't subvert your spiritual history. Your natural history can't overturn your spiritual history. So even though your spiritual history which predates your natural history comes in the middle part of your natural history, it still becomes the truth about who you are. For example: Gideon, you mighty man of valor. His natural history says I'm least of the least. 

You are what the Lord says you are regardless of how you feel. If you hang on how you feel, you are only going to be in destruction. In that place, there's no good thing- there will be a form of disappointment, destruction, delay in yourself. But in the Word that God has spoken to you, there will be life, peace, abundance, blessing, protection, all the good things that God has said. Like with Paul, he was killing Christians even though the Lord has said, "I have chosen him before." You have a history with God that predates your crimes against God. If it's not a hindrance to God, then why is it a hindrance to you?

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