
7/2019 What's God's perspective Part 2 (Prophetic Drive Time)

Once God gives you His perspective on a matter, it open doors for you to just enjoy God. And then you can receive the spirit of increase. When you change your perspective, in alignment with God's the benefit of that is increase - power. 

From wilderness transitioning to promised land, there's resistance. Enemy attempts to make you believe you have no power. And so what God has to do is through faith, God has to reacquaint you with the fact that you got power on the inside of you. In Matthew 10, when Jesus called His disciples, He gave them power. If you awaken to the fact that God has power, that God has placed power in you, then what  do you think that does to your enemy? So what he does is he's trying to get you in the very critical stage of transition, he tries very hard to discourage you, to break you down, to keep you from realizing or awakening to the power that lies within. Because something happens differently, when you are coming out of the wilderness. 

When Jesus was done with the wilderness, He came back with power. It was a power play. It was like He didn't have power before He went there, but it's like sometimes when you go through the wilderness, it was like we're disconnected from the power because it becomes a matter of faith, so it's like we don't have access to what's inherently ours- the same Spirit that raise Christ from the dead dwells on the inside of us, and it is full of power.

You can't allow the wilderness to reprogram you, sometimes we do, because the wilderness was not just a hard time. The wilderness was fraught with a lot of spiritual dynamics that challenge us in the most extreme ways. Sometimes it's not just what we lose naturally, it's the warfare that comes with it and you rebuke it, cast it down, and it seems that those things aren't working. So we start or at that point we tend to get discouraged, lose confidence in the power that is within us. But coming out of the wilderness we have to be awakened again to the power that lies within us. Because as you're coming out, God says, "You now have access again." But we've been continuing the posture of the wilderness (false posture). And so God says, "I have awaken you to the power that lies within you." And so that becomes about us receiving a new perspective- divine perspective. And as soon as we seek God's perspective, He begins to reacquaint us to the power and what that power had: spirit of increase, spirit of abundance, spirit of authority. And so what the enemy does was he's trying to dishearten. But the Lord is telling you, "I have given you power. I'm going to do abundantly and exceedingly beyond all that you could ask or think, and I'm going to do it according to the power that's already in you, that works within you." And so we're excited for the promised land.

So having a divine perspective means, we become intimate or acquainted with the power that's working within us. God says, "You gotta be aware of the power that's within you. I have not left you powerless." So if you're in a financial situation, Deuteronomy 8:18 says: The Lord says, "I've given you the power to get wealth." In the outflow of the power of God is, the power - spirit of increase, authority, love, dominion - all of these things are the characteristics of who Christ is.

Can you reconcile, is God good? A lot of people say it, but not believe it. God is good and God is generous. Because if He gave us His only Son, Begotten Son, can you imagine what it takes to give up your son for somebody who loves you? But imagine giving up your son for people who go to curse you, disrespect you, be ungrateful. It's difficult alone to give a sandwich for people who will turn around who'll be disrespectful and don't appreciate the things I do for, let alone give your child. 

The goodness of God goes beyond my ability to reason, because when I was dead in my sins, I was unworthy of such generous gift. Some people have not reconciled in their heart that God is truly good. So when God comes talking about the spirit of increase or abundance, these people get the cringing, they can't stomach it, because they have not really reconciled. Because they dishonor Jesus. Because they dishonor the gift that Jesus truly is. And what they say is, it's not about Jesus, it's about my righteousness, it's about how obedient I was and how amazing I am, it's about me. But it's all about the gift- Jesus. It's the goodness of God that led me to a repentance that caused me to wanna walk upright and holy before Him. It's the love affair I have with God. It's not about me exalting myself, but it's about me exalting Jesus. So I'm discovering the power that exists in His goodness. So in His nature, in the power that works within us, there is love, kindness, goodness, authority.

Don't let the wilderness mislead you into thinking that you have access to no power. Because some are saying, or when are going through the wilderness we're rebuking, casting down the enemy, and it's like they couldn't, but it's like the enemy wouldn't flee. It didn't flee from Job either when he was going through the wilderness, but what about when Job was done. Because once God shows up talking to you, letting you know what it was all about, giving you revelation on the things that you had gone through and letting you know that your time has changed, then now you have freely access to the power. But some people, instead, they're moping around and they're afraid to tap back into the power that's within them, because they're like "Lord, You know the last time I try to tap into the power, there's none available. The last time I pray for increase, believe for increase, it didn't happen." Why? Because wilderness is in a time of manna. But when God tells you "I have a land overflowing with milk and honey, you shall eat bread without scarcity, will give you houses you didn't build..." then that's exactly what He means. Now you have access to the power: power to cast out/down the enemy, to tread on scorpions, power to get wealth, a power to be whole in the name of Jesus, a power to have intimacy and fellowship with God, a power to go to the throne of God boldly. 

The power that lives in you is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead - the same power that's raising you from the dead spaces in your life. 

When you pray, get out of that pitiful space because it's not pleasing to God. Though God pities us, He's not pitiful. Pray and thank God because He placed power within you, means, you're acknowledging the wonderful work God has done. Acknowledge the power God gave you. Ask God how to access it based on your situation, like, "How do I access the power for the funds that I need? Because You said, You gonna do it all." Allow God to be your teacher. We don't do it on our own. We do everything through partnership, so talk to God. It's one thing to say we do it by faith, but how does that really benefit if you don't know how to do it by faith, you just make a bunch of decrees. But when you partner with God, when you go to Him, this is about the same time cultivating intimacy. According to Jesus, He only do what He sees His Father do, and say what He hears His Father say. Because there are different ways God may want you to access the power For example: Jesus healed 2 blind men differently. One, Jesus spoke to. The other, He took some dirt/mud, spit on it, placed it on his eyes. The same healing but different method. Why God was using different methods? To make sure that He was constantly depending on God. And not going  before God saying "I'm doing it by faith and I'm just gonna do it" Ask God how He wants to do it through you. It's about intimacy. Jesus was sensitive to how God wanted to do it. Power is within you. But the Author of the power, ask Him how He wants to do it (divine strategy). Ask God how to utilize the power in a situation. God says, "I want to do abundantly through you." This is a time of multiplication.

Simile: "Feed the flock." "How? We don't have enough." But Jesus commanded them to do it, means, they had the ability to do it, but they didn't have the know-how to multiply. He told them, "Feed them." God does not speak empty words, so He didn't tell them to do it, if they didn't have the potential to. It's not they didn't have the potential, it's that they didn't have the know-how. Thus Jesus said, "Give it to Me." He blessed the food. Now God is releasing the power to increase you.

Wilderness - power to sustain you
Promised Land- power to increase you
Divine strategy - thinking as a child of God

"When I came into your life, I did not leave none of who I am behind. I came into your heart, I came into your life with all the power that I have." God does not leave part of Himself to come into your life. He brings all that He is into your heart. When He creates you brand new, He brings everything that He is. 

"I am God wherever I am." That's why He always tell, "Why are you worried? Don't you know who's with you? Fear not."

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