
11/4/2020 Someone needs to hear this word! Powerful revelation (Prophetic Drive Time)

God does everything to ensure our victory. At the end of the day, we have no excuse. God says, Rejoice now, Rejoice later. Rejoicing is a form of warfare. 

Rejoice when you get there. You will be excited when you get there, but what happens is that the enemy comes quickly to try to plague your mind with doubt, worry, of you wondering how long will this last or will it stay, or will something come behind and take it. The reason why you rejoice always is that it doesn't allow the enemy to bind you spiritually with the negativity that will invade your natural promotion. Rejoice, because it keeps you in the spirit of being above only. It doesn't allow the enemy to grab hold of you where God is taking you. 

There are so many people who get to where God says go. They get to that place and they're excited for the moment then the enemy comes with doubt. He starts plaguing them and next thing you know things starts showing up naturally that God had not assigned. The reason why these things are showing up naturally is because people had been bound by them spiritually because they didn't continue in their rejoicing. The enemy does things naturally to affect you spiritually.

There came a time when Paul learned, before he got to Philippians 4, when he said rejoice always and I again say rejoice. Before he got to Philippians 4, there was a Romans 7- where Paul was constantly disappointed in himself. Things weren't working out, he's like, "Man I don't do, what I need to do or what I should be doing I don't." There was this tossing but Paul learned the power of rejoicing always. God says, when you rejoice always, it keeps you in the spirit of Deuteronomy 28 - of being above only and not beneath. Even though the situations may seem like they're above you naturally, if it can't get above you spiritually, it cannot rule over  you. If it can't get above you spiritually, it is temporary, and it will be removed. Rejoicing keeps you connected to the spirit of the overcomer, of being above only.

When I rejoice, I don't allow it to bind me spiritually. I stay in victory. Wherever you are spiritually, you will soon be naturally. It's a light affliction for the moment. This word is not only going to take you above only spiritually, but the Lord says this, what He has been waiting to do, He is about to do . The natural shackles or the natural hindrances, they must give way to the spiritual truth, that you are in agreement with. I am in agreement with Christ, that I am above only, and as I come into agreement with Christ by rejoicing, I tell the devil that you can't hold me, with this natural limitation. With this natural thing, because you can't hold me spiritually. You can't hold me naturally. The spirit comes first. It's the spirit that gives life, it is the spirit that quickens, it is through the word. The spirit first and the natural comes after what is released through the spirit. The light be, it was spoken and then the light came, it appeared, after it came from the spirit. So when the enemy can't bind you or grab you spiritually, then what he was doing in the natural has no claws to sink in and to hold you. It must let you go.

We're talking about a timeframe where the Lord is giving you your heart's desires. When He's bringing that word to pass, where the Lord is elevating you. The Lord is transitioning you into something so amazing, wonderful, where the Lord is taking you into a new place, in that new place is where He put His name to give you rest. But also in that new place, the enemy will be waiting to try to find a way, to make you unsettled, to try to grab hold of you, through insecurity. Some of you may be insecure, going into this new place like "Man, this is too much for me. Do I deserve to be here?" Through that dark curiosity. Dark curiosity- how is this gonna work? How can this be sustained? Because the One who led you, the One who overcome, the One who tore down the walls of Jericho for you to walk in, and take the land is gonna be the One who secures you in the land. Also some of you need to be taken out of the mindset of the old place, in a place where you're wanting God to do. Needing God to do, is different than being in a place where God has done, in a place where you are wanting God to do, needing God to do, you develop these mindsets of wondering when is the next shoe gonna drop, how's this gonna work, and that becomes a way of that we use to try to navigate our daily lives of being in faith and warring. And so there's a mindset that we adopt, that in the place of contending for the blessing, waiting on the blessing, believing for the blessing, there's a mindset and there's a certain precaution that we take, and where we start to anticipate bad things. We try to anticipate so that we can kind of protect ourselves. That mindset won't work where God is taking you. That mindset won't work in the place where God is placing you. So the rejoicing allows you to be purged from the old mindset to really set your focus on God being not only the One who promised you, but the One who sustains you, the One who keeps you, and the One who increases you in the place that He's called you into. So the Lord is saying take hold of Me. Take hold of Me through your rejoicing. The Lord says rejoice. I have not called you into this place to fail but I have called you into this place to expand you. Through that old mindset, the enemy has been trying to bind you, he's trying to bind you and limit you in the place of increase.

The Lord says, He puts you in there, now He wants to break the floodgates open. He wants to give you a new expression of life. The Lord says He is establishing victory. I am bringing your enemy as your footstool. All of us, we really don't even have no idea of the magnitude of what's happening at this very moment. The great honor that God has given because Lord is saying right now that, what has been plaguing you before has now become your footstool. The one who has an advantage over you before, could no longer have or will no longer have an advantage over you in this area again because He's bringing forth the insight, and what this insight does is the kind of insight that makes the enemy your footstool. The one who was once contending with you, has now become under you, which means He's changing things for you in such a dramatic way.

The Lord said, what do you think it's gonna be like in heaven? What do you think I'm gonna be like when you come into eternity- He was like, the things that I will be, I am now. So many people struggle with the notion of who I am now. They paint Me as this mean spirited angry unloving unkind this venomous God and then they try to tell people you'll come believe in God and come in heaven and then when you get there, He's going to be all  love, all wonderful. What I will be, He said, I am now. If He wasn't that now, Christ would have never come because it took God who is that now to send His only begotten Son that He loves for you.

My people have no confidence in coming to a good God. That a God that will do good to them. A God that will be good to them. They have no confidence in My goodness. As a result, they put their confidence in themselves. If you look in yourself, and see a level of cleanliness, that's not as a result of Christ, but is a result of you, then you are blinded to the righteousness of God. Congratulating and taking Gatorade showers, pouring Gatorade over your head like you have some type of victory, only because your measurement of righteousness has been parallel with people in the world - I'm better than you, than that guy or woman. Then what happens is that we have propensity in that place is to not see people in their walk, not see people in their struggle, and we condemn them, and we cast them down. And we do these things and we don't know how to restore our brothers when they're fighting, when they find themselves caught up in a fault, with the same spirit of grace and meekness. But we get on our high horse and be like, "Oh well, you were just so..." and it's really an unfortunate thing. You're not in great spiritual position. There's some people who are accepted by themselves but they don't even realize they're rejected by God because they're Pharisees. But they have learned to live with their self congratulations instead of the approval of the Holy Spirit. So they're living and they're thriving off of how good they feel about themselves but they've already been rejected by God until they repent. 

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