
9/29/2020 Your Prayers have been answered (Prophetic Drive Time)

The Lord says, "I answered your prayer when you asked Me. I already said yes the first time you asked Me."

It's significant to know who God is and where God stands on your communication to Him. Oftentimes, the break or delay in time of the different things that come up, and we attribute it to God and it has nothing to do with God. There's a set of circumstances and dynamics that happen for between the time you petitioned the Lord, just like in Daniel. The first time Daniel prayed and the angel came to Daniel and said, "Before you even opened your mouth, the Lord sent me and had already answered it and sent me to speak to you." The first time was immediately. The second time Daniel didn't get an answer for two weeks because there was this hindrance. The enemy came to hinder but it didn't mean that the Lord already said yes. The answer from God's perspective was already yes. The reason why you need to know that, when you ask God, it helps you the way you receive. It's not God who's holding it up. You need to understand that because if you wave in your thought process at all, on whether or not God has said yes, or where God is on that matter, then you become the hindrance and you will attribute it to God when God has already said yes. So if you can keep your eyes on God's perspective, then it keeps you in perspective. If you know where God stands on the matter, then you know where to stand on the matter. But the enemy comes to make you think that God has not said yes. God has not done it and what happens is that your perspective of God changes and when your perspective of God changes, your blessing or your prayer changes. Now the enemy has come able to come in and bring full disruption, but God says, "I already said yes." This is so urgent for the Lord is because when the Lord brings revelation, He brings revelations to bring ability to bring life, and to bring you into a new dimension. I can't access what is not revealed, but once it becomes revealed, I now have access to what was formerly concealed. Once He takes the lid off and reveals it to you, now you have access to it. Some people do not pray for things according to God's will, which means they pray for things that are ungodly. God's not saying yes to that. All of the promises of God are yes and amen.

The Bible says when you pray, believe that you received because God is not the issue, your ability to receive becomes the issue. Problem is that, most people only receive it when they see it. But the spiritual dynamic is, my prayer is spiritual, so if my request is spiritual, then also my receiving has to be spiritual as well.

Mark 5:40 (Jairus and his daughter) Jairus went to Jesus for petition to heal his daughter, so Jesus said yes and was on their way. Along the way, came the woman with the issue of blood, which seemed as a distraction, and then people came to Jairus saying, don't bother the Master anymore, your daughter is dead. Jesus said to Jairus, don't be afraid, only believe. Don't get taken by what you heard that the contrary to what your petition is. You made a petition to Me and I said yes. Now in the natural, people are coming to tell you that it ain't gonna be, or it don't look like it's going to be what you asked God, or what He already said yes to. Jesus didn't say, "Oh, sorry, if only I would have been there." NO! What He said was, that won't stop Me. That won't stop your prayer from being answered. If you stay in faith, stay believing, and stay receiving. Don't let that information or that news affect what you asked Me for. And what happens sometimes, we'll let the news, we let the things around us, new developments, affect our ability to believe, to stay in alignment with what we ask God for. You ask God for something, things look another way, you hear some news, you see some things and then what happened is that you're no longer in alignment with what you ask God for.

He's adding this new dimension to you, of exchange between heaven and earth, because He wants this to be a constant in your life. This is not a word just for the moment. As the time goes from today, and you start seeing things showing up. This is not for the moment, but this is when you go back and new requests, new desires become part of your heart. When you begin to pray according to kingdom alignment what's going to happen is this- the Lord is adding this to you for life. He's adding this to you for your walk. Not just for the moment.

People get flighty in their head and they don't allow the word of God to set the standard or dynamics. They say "If God is all powerful and God is almighty, why?" It's not only we come under structure, the word brings Himself under the same words that He professed. So if the Lord sets the standard and criteria, then He abides by that as well. The Lord can do whatever He wants to, and if the Lord decides to do something, who will let Him. But when the Lord establishes a dynamic- exchange between heaven and earth, that's what that dynamic must be. Sometimes He has overruled it but when He says this is the pattern I want the exchange from heaven and earth to be, then He abides by it as well. 

Jesus is now coming into the house and Jesus is making known what His intent is. He says, "Look the child is not dead but she's asleep." And they begin to laugh, scorn. But Jesus did something very significant. It was significant for unbelief to be out of the house at a time of manifestation, or a time of miracles. What did He do? He put them out. Which shows you how powerful unbelief is. Unbelief is a spiritual force that interrupts, disrupts the yes of God, intent, desire of God, in the manifestation from heaven to earth. How often have you been in a place where you've been excited to share some news with somebody and then that unbelief came in and the next thing you know, you become undone and now you've become the hindrance, because you haven't stayed in place with your petition to God. When God already says yes, the only person who needs to remain in place is you, so God will never be the issue. It's where did you go? Did you move?

You prayed and asked the Lord for something and then this came, or I got this news, or this happened, somebody said this, and then you're no longer in place, because I'm no longer receiving it or believing it. Now people enter into the place where the wait and see, "Alright Lord, I'm gonna believe it when you do it." And the Lord's like, "Well, I've already done it but your unbelief." Your belief is the position that you need to take to see it manifest and so when you know God has already done it.

So they laughed and scorned but when He put them all out, He take the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with Him and entered in where the damsel was lying and perform the request.

When you get unbelief out of your circle, some of you there has been people strategically put in your circle by the enemy to affect your faith, because if your spiritual disposition changes, it affects the manifestation, that's why there are some people who are like, "Hey, what's going on with you? What's happening with you?" Answer like this, "God is good!" Because when I'm in a time of transition or manifestation, you'll never know. When I'm in a place of believing and receiving, you won't see it until it manifests... "Where that come from?"

There are certain people the Lord brought with Him in the place of manifestation because not everybody wants to see the damsel arise. Not everybody wants to see that thing brought back to life in your life. Not everybody wants to see the best, the goodness of God manifesting in your life. It's a shame, but it's alright. So sometimes when you ask the Lord for something, you don't want to go around telling everybody because people got to prove that they want God's goodness for your life. But the Lord is good, the Lord will expose them for you. When the Lord came in the house, He said, "Listen, she ain't dead, she's sleeping." Everybody was like, "Hold on.." and they begin to laugh. Sometimes the Lord will have to expose some people around you so you can see, who's believing supernatural, who's on that level with you. They laughed and scorned, now I know who to put out. Because you're gonna see the manifestation, but you ain't gonna see the process. Because a blessing happens when you can see the process. There's something that you get when you see it happen for somebody else, but it's another blessing that you get when you're in the room. Because when you can see that thing happen, your life will be changed forever. It's one thing for the thing that was dead to be presented to you, but it's another thing to be in the room when it gets up. It's a place of honor that changes you and it sets you up to see even greater.

Mark 6:5 
He could there do no mighty works except for that He laid hands upon a few sick fold and healed them. 

It shows that the Lord is limited. This is offensive for some people because they can't rationalize their place in the manifestation of their prayer requests. They can't rationalize the responsibility that they have for their own. Never underestimate your value or your place, role that you play in your ability to receive from God because God doesn't.

Mark 6:1-2 
Then He went from there and came to His own country and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished saying, "Where did this man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him that such mighty works are performed by His hands?" 

Which means He was bringing forth revelation which was preparing them for what He was wanting to do. So He came speaking, bringing the Word to prepare them for the miracles, that He had in His heart for them. He could have just showed up and start touching people, but first thing He had to do was to speak to them.

Is not this the carpenter the Son of Mary? 

The reasoning kicked in, "How is God going to do it when the bank account says this, the corona virus, etc.?"

After they begin to reason, and then they were offended at Him. Understand when I make a petition to the Lord, He says yes. And it's my responsibility at that time to receive it, believe it. When I ask Him for it, don't even ask until you're ready to believe. Pray in the Spirit and build up your faith. Praise and worship God. How good is He, how faithful is He, and then when you can feel your faith rising, when you can get your flesh out of the way, and when you know that God is faithful, God is good, then you make your petitions known, because it's at that point when you're making the petitions, you got to be ready to receive. Be ready to receive when you ask, not when you see it because if you're waiting to see it, you're already too late. Your prayers have already been answered. You'll about to see things pop up in your life. 

10/15/2020 Major Revelation!!! Somebody is about to be set free (Prophetic Drive Time)

Not believing right is demonic. When you don't believe right, it opens the door to demonic activity. Example: Some people don't believe they're saved. Believe what the Lord says!
If there's darkness prevailing in your life right now, it means that you're living by something other than the light of God's word.

Darkness doesn't just come to oppress and cover but it also come to kill, steal and destroy. So while you're being oppressed, what you gotta realize is something is being stolen, killed and destroyed. So while you're walking around in torment, you think it's something that's being isolated, and that's just happening to you, but no, at the same time, he's stealing your destiny, destroying your opportunity to have healthy relationships, trying to steal your marriage. This is what he's trying to do, it's working on multi-levels. The same way the Word of God is working on multi-levels. The same way you could be experiencing the relationship with God, the intimacy with God, the favor is going on creating avenues for you, blessings, opening doors for you. I'm enjoying this relationship with God through the light of His word and at the same time, I'm being blessed as a result. He's adding unto me the blessings also in conjunction with the relationship I'm having with Him.
The same way when you gravitate to darkness through how you feel, to the accusations of the enemy, you are now in darkness so now the relationship you have with enemy is now oppressive. It ain't good. Not only he's oppressing you, he's also killing, stealing, destroying. Stealing your days, moments, joys, peace, wherever there's a dirt or deficiency in your life. Then you can look to it, and say what goes the word of God say, and how is the word of God applying and affect in this area of my life.

If you ask the Lord for forgiveness, believe immediately that He've forgiven you. Don't ask forgiveness for the same thing over and over again. What's the habit of people who are more religious in nature- they wanna create their own atonement. If they ask the Lord for forgiveness, they won't receive God's forgiveness unless they feel like they've undergone a level of suffering, so they'll reject God's blessings or goodness. They'll feel unworthy of God's blessings. But when God forgives you, He wants to bless you right away. It teaches your heart also how to be like your Father, and to mimic Him and to reflect Him. So when somebody offends you, you'll be able to forgive them, and be a blessing, so now you're working in conjunction because you know who your Father is. Who is the atonement? Jesus Christ. Darkness has no rule over light.

10/24/2020 Setting the atmosphere for breakthrough! My God provided for me (Prophetic Drive Time)

* Cultivate the atmosphere for breakthrough.

* My God provides for me.

* The pathway through His love is not by earning. Expression of His love is freely. 

* It's not what you do, but why you do - because of love.

* The actions are not the issue, it's the motivation

* He tells you to do it out of love because He do it out of love. We are His reflections

* One of the greatest things that the enemy does against you is to supplant, overthrow, usurp your revelation of God's love for you.

* When you come against somebody who offended you like you've offended God, then you give them what God has given you freely, but the reason why we don't is because we think that once we get off track with God, now I gotta do to get back on track with God. In reality it's not what you can't do to get back on track with God. You gotta receive to get back on track with God. Because what I receive from God, allows me to do it with the right motivation because without touching the love of God, if I start preaching again or to be right again to do all these things, if I'm doing it not in love, then I'm doing it empty. It don't register with heaven. The first thing you need to do is receive. It's gonna put you right in the will of God. When you fall to the wayside, the first thing you need to do is receive. Repent. Ask for forgiveness and then the exchange is not complete until you receive it. 

* There's no limits to God, no hindrance to God, the goodness of God is far reaching. He's real about His love, His yes, about what He purposed for you. He desires for you to have what for you to have.

* It's two fold, what I'm unable to receive from God affects me with Him. What I'm unable to receive from God also reflects Him to other people. Which means I'll tell people who God is. By what I'm able to receive from Him, by my relationship with Him. And for some people, you may be the only witness that they see, until they see Christ, until the end comes. So the Lord wants to give you the fullness of His treasures for you and Him personally, that you may know Him and that others may know Him through you, that you may be adequately able to reveal Him. I can see how you know God by what  you say to me. My God is good.

* God is not moved by your flattery. If you just sing to God, things you don't believe true, it becomes flat. He don't need it. Why? Because the truth about Him is sufficient to represent Him. 

* God is good. He's faithful, loving, kind, who provides, all good. That truth gets inside your knowing, your understanding and it allows you to touch what is given by Him. "Go in peace. Your faith has made you whole." "Do you believe I can do it?" They touched the Lord. But they also was able to touch what God has given which was healing. That's why never underestimate what you bring to the table. The Lord shows up with all power, all might, all ability, but He says, "What do you believe? Do you believe I can? I will? Where you at this exchange? All I need you to do is to see Me correctly." It says, "Lord, I believe that You can heal, You can provide, My restorer, My healer, the lifter up of my head, all these things. And in that belief, God was touched by their ability to see Him. They touched God and they also touched their petitions from God- healing, breakthrough. God says, "Continue in My love." 

* God is determined to break loose on your life. My place of power is in the love of God. 

10/6/2020 The Lord said believe right (Prophetic Drive Time)

Miracles are coming. The Lord said, believe right. Example, the Lord says I'll never leave you nor forsake you. If we didn't believe that, then the Lord says we're not believing right. You're not living the word and you don't believe right. 

Psalms 3:8 
The salvation belonging unto the Lord, the blessing is upon thy people. 

God says, the blessing is on my people but my people didn't believe that, they don't believe right. They want the blessing, pray, call for the blessing.

You can't judge God's word based upon your past, what hasn't happened, and what you want. You judge God's word based upon what you believe. This is the same criteria that Jesus operated with when He was going around healing people, said, "Do you believe I can do it?" DO YOU BELIEVE, NOT DO YOU WANT IT. Not even, do you need it. But, "Do you believe?" Then be it unto you according as you believed. The Lord said, "Believe right!" 

If you wanna hear from God, open up your Bible, turn a page. The blessing of the Lord is a force filled, is a place of power and protection, is in itself will increase you. Wanting something is not the same as believing something. The Lord didn't say "Want right." He says, "Believe right." All of the blessings of God are yes and amen.

The primary system that was in place was the even exchange, which means you bring your faith into the table and God will do it. Why He do it that way? So that none of us can be left out. 

The Lord says, the blessing of the Lord is on His people, now who will refute that? Believe right. You have to believe that. And it goes for all of the things the word of God declares. That's why the Bible talks about all the blessings of God are yes and amen, but yet why don't we see all the blessings of God in our life? The Bible talks about we have already been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places but why don't we see all the spiritual blessings manifest in our life? It's not because it's not done, it's because we haven't believed. When we believe right, we really start adding value to God, we really start attributing value to God from our own heart, we really start to honor God and we really start to esteem Him, we really start to put God in His right place in our own hearts, we really start to elevate God and it does something for us. When we don't believe right, we're really not esteeming God right. God says this is one way, but we feel another way, and we go by what we feel or what we think or what we rationalize versus what He says. And then we expect all the rewards, all the things just because we want it. We expect all the rewards and we wonder why we're not seeing as many miracles and why some people do, some people don't. And we wonder why we're not seeing as much or able to tap in as much, and then we call God into question, when God is not the one to be brought into question, it is us. Where are we on the matters of God's discussion, on God's word? The Lord says, you have to believe right. 

What you believe in God is coming back around for you. Why? Because this is the system of heaven. This system of heaven is what the entire structure is held, is built upon. This entire structure of our faith system, of our belief, of the system of heaven, or the exchange between heaven and man, the entire structure is built upon this. And it's not as fragile as some people make it out to be and there is no other way. Your whole salvation comes through what other system? No other system, but then in your belief in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. For what the heart man believes unto righteousness and what the confession brings forth the salvation. Your confession is made unto what? Salvation. So I believe what God says, that I am blessed, I confess that I am blessed, I am exactly what God says. I'm in the full blown midst of the whole system of heaven and earth. This is the system. That's why the Bible says, as you begin in Christ, so continue in Him. Yeshuah is the system, Yeshuah is the foundation, 100%. So if Yeshuah's the foundation, without your belief, are you saying Jesus is the foundation regardless if you believe, because He is the foundation, He is the life, but you can't even enter Jesus if you don't believe. The structure, He is the doorway. But how do you get in there? Because some people come, some people don't, and what's the difference between you and another? What's the difference of Him being your savior and their savior? You believe. Jesus is the foundation but what is the system in which we acquire salvation? The Bible says you must believe on the foundation, you must believe on the One. You must believe right. That's the system of heaven, that even frames our salvation. And the same system that frames your salvation, frames your blessings, your healing, your restoration, your deliverance, your breakthrough, your relationship with God.

What you send out in faith will return unto you in substance. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for and it's the substance of things not seen. So faith is a seed. When I send it out, I send it out in seed form, and when I send it out as my belief- belief system according to the Word and will of God, it comes back to me in substance. When I send it out in seed form, it's in word. But when it comes back to me, it doesn't look like what I sent it out because now it becomes substance. Just like when I take a seed (orange seed) and I put it in the ground, what comes out of the ground don't look like what I've put in it but it's greater. So what the Lord is saying to you, what's coming back to you is more glorious than what you sent out, the faith that you sent out. What you sent out in belief of your marriage, home, God's word for you, breakthrough, healing, God's love for you, God's promotion, what you send out is coming back to you but it won't look like what you sent out, it's more glorious. 

People think because I'm blessed I shouldn't have no opposition, but we do, we have to stand. But when you know that you are blessed, this becomes your power of success, guarantee of victory. The only way to get the enemy flee from you is you gotta resist him. But how can you adequately resist him if you don't know that you are blessed, you are loved, that God is for you? Because these are all the areas that the enemy resist you - "God don't love you, God abandoned you, God left you, God is mad at you, God has forsaken you" - that's not biblical, it's not sound if you believe that, you are not believing right. You get the enemy out of your midst through the Word of God. If you don't believe right, the word that is coming out of the mouth of God that is written down for our edification, for our understanding, if you don't believe the word that God has spoken, then how can you resist the devil and get him out of your situation? You must believe right. 

7/19/2019 Will You let God bless you like He wants to? (Prophetic Drive Time)

We always don't understand what God is doing. And as a result, people tend to form an opinion of God. And some got disappointed, discouraged, and in those things that we find ourselves setting up structures in our heart that limit God, or that create barriers that say,  "God, You can't go beyond this point of my life because I don't believe You. God, I won't allow You to do these things in my life because I don't believe You." 

God is so good that it can be uncomfortable definitely for the religious. But for the broken, for His children, it's something completely different. God is so good that His blessings come with warning labels. Because of His nature - He is so generous, and He is so giving. Truthfully, beyond what you can ask or think. But what we confuse is the process to getting to that place. We could confuse sometimes by the things that we have to undergo. 

It's not the thing that is the issue- whatever it is that He purposed to give to you. But the issue is whether or not that thing has you. He don't mind you having possession of it. But will it possess you? That becomes the big issue. Because of God's goodness, He will bless you so much that people tend to forget about Him. People tend to trust on the things they have, instead of trusting in God. Because of the size of His heart, God will overdo it. God's math is different. He multiplies by the realm of heaven which is always abundance, which is always increase, which is always above and beyond, with extras to spare. When Jesus gave the parable of the prodigal son: when the prodigal son came to himself, what did he say, "How many of my father's hired servants, the hired servants have bread enough to spare? How many of my father's hired servants live in abundance? And I'm over here perishing." That was his recollection. When he recalled his father's house, he recalled it as the place of abundance.

So we look at our transition, we look at our walk and say -how did we end up in a place of lack, difficulty, where we are not necessarily reflecting the truths that exist in our Father's house, and not only that but the truths that exists in our Father's heart. We know that we serve a God that is good. And we know that we serve a God who if He gave us His only Son, how will He not freely give us all things?

But we've been looking around at our situation, in our journey through the wilderness and said, "Lord, but we've been without all things." In the wilderness, God had to test our heart. Example: when God says to leave your job, God will test to see if you would be willing to give up everything for Him, to receive everything. It wasn't to destroy you, but to test your heart. Do you trust God? What's more important to you, what God says to you or all the things that you have? When you're going through the wilderness, there are things we had to give up. There are things we had to surrender for God. Even it was difficult to us, to breaking off the flesh, demonstrating our commitment to God. But it is really to demonstrate our love for Him. The Lord said, there is no restraint on the things that He have for those who love Him. 

As we walk through the fire, as we willfully walked through that dry place, that was our demonstration saying, "Lord, I love you." Our faith works by love. Wilderness is for God. Promised land is for us. 

What was motivating our drive through the wilderness? Some people didn't stay or got mad and walked out on God, got disappointed and said, "No. I'm not following You. How dare You do this to me? How dare You take away all my stuff?" They got mad and left God. But for those of you who stayed, what was fueling your stay or your endurance to it? It was your love for God. And now, God is saying, "Behold My love for you. For I will make your name great. I will give you houses that you did not build. I will give you wells that you did not dig. I will feed you with the finest of wheat and the heritage of Jacob. I will lift you up on high for My own namesake because I have judged you faithful."

In the time of judgment, there will be judgment on those who said, "No God", who went about to seek their own to do their own thing. But there are some who said, "Lord, I will journey through the fire with you. I don't understand, and I am absolutely confused, because You said one thing but yet I've been summoned to endure another. I had to walk this walk."  But we've come to a place where the help is coming. In Matthew 4, where Jesus had and finished the temptation, and the devil began to flee after He resisted it, during that time of transition. The 40 days represented the transition of Christ. Jesus was going from not My time, to now it's My time. And the arrival of the help to minister unto Him was the indication that His time had arrived. And once the help came, the Bible says it ministered unto Him. Once the help came, the Bible said, He came through with power and they seen a great light. 

So we came through the wilderness and then we were in this place where it seemed like the fight got a little bit different. And we're like, okay I'm not necessarily in the wilderness but Lord where am I? It seemed like the devil is on my head, it seemed like I've been enduring all of this temptation. You were in the place of transition, where you would finally come to that place where you'd have to resist the opposition. But when the help comes, it is the sign that your time has come. Now, will you let God be God to you as He wants to be?

There are some people who have established borders, restrictions. They are limiting God, or only a certain amount of goodness they allow in their lives.  "Only do unto me Lord what I can fathom." When the Lord is like, "I need somebody who will let Me do above and beyond. I need somebody who will let Me break them. I need somebody who will let Me break their understanding of My process." Why? People are afraid because they don't want to lose God. People are afraid of the blessings, not because of God but because of themselves, they'll might lose control. People are afraid of that so they put limitations on God. But then, if you put limitations on God, I would advise you not to because that means you're losing trust in God, and that means you're not allowing God to manifest Himself through you in the way that He really desires. So you're saying is "Lord, I'm afraid of this flesh, so don't do too much." And what they're saying is "Lord, I don't trust myself with all that You really want to do to me." They don't allow God to magnify Himself as He wants to. But if you are afraid of what God wants to do for you, that can't become a doctrine for you to try to tell me to limit God for what He wants to do for me. You see, I've gone through the fire. You can't tell somebody who's giving it all up, to give it all up for the One that they love, not to be able to receive from the One that they love everything, that the One that they love what was willing to do for them. You see for me the things are nothing, but I delight in the goodness of my Father. And the reality of it is, it's His goodness that constantly transforms me, that leads me to a new perspective in Him, that leads me to a deeper understanding of Him, that caused me to changed my mind, that causes me to repent which means to change my mind on subjects, on things, on people, on situations.

"Will You allow me to be as good to you as I want to be?" Because I'm so good, that My blessings they come with warnings, "Hey, don't forget Me. When I do unto you what I please, when I bless you according to My will, don't forget about Me. Why? Because I have a tendency to overdo it and I will not change for you. Will you allow Me to be as good to pour out My goodness unrestrained, unrestricted?" Why? Because it's not just for you. It's also for people to see and to get a glimpse because where religion limits God and say you don't have access. See the Pharisees, they were always telling somebody who can't come in. And they were mad at Jesus because He was going to the place where it seemed like God's goodness would not go. The goodness is not just for you. The goodness is to be an example and a demonstration of the truth about the God that we serve, the real Christ of the Bible, the real Yahweh, the real most High who sits on high and so He says, "Will you allow Me to be as good to you as I want to be, as good to you as it pleases My heart?"

So you've endured the affliction, and for those of who you who've been secretly holding little grudges and disappointments, that temporary time frame that you had to give up some things, the Lord said, "It's coming all back. There is no one who's left families and houses and things who will not in this lifetime receive a hundred fold." He said, "It's coming back with interest." What you left up, what you gave up for God is on the return, it's coming back. It was all to see where your heart was. Do you trust Him? And this is what the walk was for. 

You see, Adam was the first one to receive a blessing without a test. He was the first one to receive all of God's goodness without having his heart tried. Why? Because there was no corruption in his heart. He was made in the image of God, he was made perfect. But ever since Adam, there has been examination. God has used different situations and afflictions and different things to find out where is your heart. Do you love Me more than these? Where do I stack up in the order of the things in your life? And so the Lord will tell you, "Leave that. Leave this." He'll put you in a situation where you got to choose. But you see, God is always offering a choice. Even with His disciples. The Lord start talking what appeared to be 'crazy' at that time, "Eat My flesh, drink My blood." And people start walking away, and the disciples were like, "We left everything, we don't have nowhere else to go. I know He's got the word of life, I don't understand what He's talking about. Where else are we gonna go, because we know life is here." 

Lord says, "Have I not chosen you?"

And that's what the Lord has done to this walk. The things that you had to let go of, the things you had to walk away from, the things that God has led you out of. He said, "Now I know have I not chosen you." The same way He did with Abraham. "Now I know that you fear Me." Which is translated for us in this generation: "Now I know that you love Me, by you choosing Me above the things."

And now God is going to manifest His love for you and His goodness. What you gave up to follow God, God is now bringing it back to you. He's bringing it back to you in ways, in multiplied fashion. He is bringing it back to you in ways that only He can. In ways, that you can't even count or even imagine. I don't quite understand why I'm going through what I'm going through but I trust Him. I don't necessarily understand the direction of my life that He's leading me in, but I trust Him. Because I'm on the mindset, that if He gave it to me in the first place, He can bring it back again. The Lord said, "I was just examining your heart. I just wanted to make sure that the things that I had promised you, would not be a thing that I would lose you to. The things that I had talked about giving you, would not become an idol in your eyes. The things that I had purposed to give to you would not be something that I would lose you to. Why? Because it's easy to do above and beyond, go the extra mile. And sometimes when I lay the goodness down, it can be so good, that people start to think it was them. People start to think that they own righteousness, they own goodness, they own things. They brought in their own hands, brought that and they forget that it was Him who gave us the power to get the wealth. The wealth is not the problem, you having the wealth is not the problem, but the problem is, will the wealth have you? Will you still be willing to lay it down at any time?"

Faith works by love. Your faith to endure wilderness, that was all about demonstrating your love for God. 

Now behold, God is demonstrating His love for you. There will be a vindication of every place that your name was smeared. There will be a vindication. He will establish your name that they dragged it to the mud, and now God is gonna put honor on your name and God is gonna stand next to you in a way that people are going to say "God is clearly with you." It would be the same testimony that they gave about Isaac, Jacob, the children of Israel, and Abraham. It is clear, the one who is really God, is God in your life, is standing next to you. The One who is really God, is with you. And that will be your testimony. People will know that God stands near you. 

7/29/2020 The Lord visited me last night (Prophetic Drive Time)

 * There's none like God. If you ever had a moment with the Lord, you realize how no question seems appropriate in the full presence of the Lord. 

* Help is here. Vindication. Examination is here. Even the people who's coming after you are going to be examined. When the Lord sends His word to His prophet, the vindication comes to show you that the one that God spoke by the man/woman of God was of God. And those who rose up early to speak against the man/woman of God without consulting God, leaning on their own understanding will be examined. Because there's an order of things and it all must begin with God. So just as the man/woman of God must take great care to first seek God on the things that they believe, that they're hearing, or God is showing, you must still seek God first. And even if I take exception for some of the things I hear, the first thing I have to do is I have to go to God. And the examination will prove to you that you must acknowledge the order of God. It's not a light thing for God. 

* Our instinct should be, Lord what is this about, or Lord what's going on here? Our instinct should be go to God first. 

* Once you get in the system of your own understanding, hearing, reasoning, and leaving God out of the equation, is you are subject to cross God's path, because God is the one who uses the foolish things.

* The Spirit of the Lord is hitting the earth in a multi-purpose way right now. For some, it's going to be help. For some, it's going to be examination. For some, are appointed to see. Some are about to witness the hand of God move. 

* When my help came, I realized who were my adversaries. So the Lord is about to get real strategic in this move. Help is coming, far out matches those who you had been previously contending against. Sometimes you feel like you're out there on your own. The level of rest you get instantly - "You didn't forget about me." And to see the fierceness in God's eyes against my enemies. To see the fierceness and seriousness in His countenance, the love for me. At the same time, the seriousness against those who opposed. When you see the Lord show up.

* There was such a love, comfort and seriousness for you. Sometimes, you think you know how the Lord is for you. Sometimes you think you understand. BUT YOU REALLY HAVE NO IDEA. There's a seriousness in God's eyes.

* We all must submit to God's ways. It's important for some people to see the consequence. 

* A submitted heart says, "Lord, say what you need to say." But an unsubmitted heart says "Say what I want. Say what I say you should say / what I want to hear." 

* Don't be dismayed by what you see. Your help is here. There's a seriousness in the eyes of the Lord against those who have set themselves against you. 

* There's going to be a level of vindication to show - to show who's for God, to show whose speaking in behalf of God.

* Humility - Ask question to substantiate relationship -  Jesus made a habit of: "What do you want Me to do for you?" "What is it that you need from me?" Knowing already the infirmities that they are afflicted by. He never assumed. Even though God already knows, He still asks. "What have you done?" "What do you need?" That's why it's important for us to ask, to seek the Lord always. Always be in constant contact with the Lord. 

* Pray about it. "Is this you Jesus?" Feels right, seems right, "Is this you Lord?" 

* Sometimes people forget the severity of God. He's still God. He's not a game that you think you can master. You got to have respect all times for the King. Don't play around with Him. He's God and He's God alone. He's still the Supreme Ruler.


7/9/2020 The Coming Favor for those in Christ (Prophetic Drive Time)

* There is a coming favor, bounty, flow.

* Flow of favor, goodness. Tangible.

* It's one thing to declare in faith that you've been favored. But it's another thing when favor touches you and you become aware. There's a weight to God's favor. There's a flow to God's favor that will tell you I LOVE YOU, that will cause you to be distinguished. Isn't it amazing how the journey can seem that the faithfulness goes unrewarded that it can seem like in the journey, or the faithfulness goes unrewarded in this lifetime. But the Lord is saying there's a coming favor that will distinguish, that will touch you. You'll be able to touch it. The favor that's coming is gonna put you in the know. 

* When that favor comes, it makes you special. It distinguishes you. He makes it personal. But when that favor discovers you, it lets you know that you're one in a million. It reveals the value of you to the One who values you. When God shows up and says I care for the things that are important to you.  When you get to feel that love, it takes things off for you. 

* The ministry of Christ begins in these words: "This is My Beloved Son whom I am well-pleased." It gives you power, gives you a disposition. It gives you fullness that where you don't need or you don't want the enemies enticement, because you notice right after that He was led up into the wilderness to be enticed by the enemy. But when you know you're loved, it does so it fills you. It gives you confidence in the Provider. 

* It's gonna show you that you're not one amongst the million, but you're one in a million. 

7/27/2020 Feeling Stuck? Your Breakthrough is in His Hands! (Emily-Rose Lewis)

Feeling Stuck? Your Breakthrough is in His Hands!

God is wanting to do an amazing turnaround in your relationships this season. Feeling stuck? Feeling like you keep coming up against some of the same ongoing issues and the same people holding you back in some way? Guess what? God wants you to know that your breakthrough is in His hands! God is wanting you to partner with Him against the forces of darkness and those things that are blocking your forward momentum in relational growth. This is the day and hour to move into a spacious place of unity in an abundance of love, joy and peace.

The Word of the Lord today is this:
Humble yourself and I will exalt you. Examine your life before Me in the secret place, and I will show you how to come up even higher in Me. It is in knowing Me more that you come to know yourself better. Spend time in My Word and bask in the light of My presence. Share your heart with Me.

I would much prefer you come to Me in humility, asking that I reveal any area where I want you to come up higher, than for you to suffer any pockets of deception you are carrying in your heart about yourself and your life. In coming to Me in humility, you avoid Me having to touch your circumstance to get your attention, or having to be humbled by someone else uncovering what is in darkness. I am happy to reveal what is needed to remove the blocks directly for you.

It is I who purifies and refines. It is I who reveals and elevates. It is I who heals and redeems. I am the One who can make the changes that you long for. Allow Me to form in you a character that is strong enough to carry the high call I have on your life. Allow Me to have full reign in your own heart. Defer to My loving ways in all relational interactions. My Word applies to you. My ways will work through you. My interest in people is to be manifested through you.

You are My Ambassadors – See Yourself as I See You

To those who have ears, hear Me speak. If you want to see Me formed more fully in others, allow Me to form Myself more fully in you. You are longing for others to see Me as I am because you rightly understand that if they see Me as I am, they will be smitten by My beauty and majesty and will never be the same. You are My ambassadors. You are the light that is to shine. Light cannot be overcome by darkness! When I am on the throne of your heart, no darkness will overcome you.

Set aside your need to be understood by others and come before Me. I know you completely, and you will completely love what I see. You are the apple of My eye. You are special. My personal love for you is uniquely yours. There is a facet of Myself that I created within you to reflect to the world. Come to Me. See Me as I am. See yourself as I see you.

I love the way you are. I not only notice all the little things that make you distinctly you, I thought them up. I was there when you were in your mother's womb. I rejoiced with the angels when you were born into the world that I created for you to fill and subdue. You are My idea and My creation. I have planned out all of the details of your life. I know the end from the beginning. There are things about you that you have yet to discover. When you walk closely with Me I will unveil you, first to yourself and then to others, to bless them with the gift that you are, and to help them become more of who I created them to be.

Set Your Sights Higher!

Shift your focus and relinquish control. Focus on Me and cooperate with My work in your own life. You will come into greater alignment with My thoughts and plans to use you to impact and change those relationships that are in your inner circle. Your influence will have a ripple effect, growing in ever widening circles, as your light shines brighter and brighter. You are called to be a light, shining in a wicked and depraved generation, to draw more and more people to the beauty of My glory revealed through your life.

Allow the work of the Cross to be completed in your own life. The power of My resurrection life in and through you cannot be contained. The power of the Cross always spreads in ever widening circles through those who have truly been transformed by it. Set your sights higher!

7/24/2020 You will rise (Prophetic Drive Time)

* Isn't it amazing that you've come all this way, the Lord kept you all this way, that you journeyed all this way with God to get to this place and the Lord not be able to take you to the other side or not be able to call you up higher? 

* There has to be a preparation not only for the place God is calling you to, but for the time God is pulling you into. We're being called into times and we're being called into places.

* There's been such a work by the Lord to address mindsets / idealogies / doctrines / things we've carried or baggages that He's now saying "Let it go."

* There's so much strength that God has been adding causing us to really separate, helping us by His grace and His love to bring our emotions under subjection because those who are in the flesh will be extremely vulnerable. 

* You didn't suffer like Jesus.

* Grace is so strong, love is so strong. Even you went the wrong way, grace was there. Even before you weren't aware of God's grace, it was working on your behalf, how much more now that you're aware. 

* There is so much more associated to your "YES" to God

* He is faithful forever

* Nothing is impossible with God

* Focus on God

6/20/2019 The Lord Says Rejoice With Him! (Prophetic Drive Time)

Zechariah 9

When God gives us promises, it's already guaranteed in heaven. God says, "I'm joying over your promise." God wants us to have kingdom mindset. Align ourselves with the ways of God.

Celebrate and rejoice over your promise. God is joying over the promise He gave you. 

If God said it to you and declared it to you, it already belongs to you. Natural situations and circumstances don'e necessary testify to what God is saying. Thus pray for your eyes to be opened to see how it is already done. 

God joys over the word. When the Lord spoken a word to you, that it moves His heart so good that He celebrates with you. God is celebrating, God is happy, God is excited for you and we have to come into alignment. We have to come into a kingdom mindset.

Fasting - is to break you free and to separate you from the natural realm and to help you connect into that spiritual realm, to help you connect with the truths that already exists. If you are struggling in believing, then fast and pray.

God celebrates the good things He purposed for your life. Look at it from God's perspective. You don't want to hear, "Do you not believe Me?" from God, cause you're moving out of the place of pleasing God. 

9/1/2020 They must hand it over! Confirming Word for many (Prophetic Drive Time)

Have Your way Lord.

The stage has to be set and that level of opposition becomes the opportunity for God. 
Even God told Gideon- you got too many people, the stage is not set for Me, Gideon.
Sometimes, people got the notion to think that God is reducing and breaking them down, and separating them when you don't understand that God is setting the stage. Like you have too many help, the economy was right, the most opportune time, and the most appropriate time for God to do what He said He was going to do. But the Lord said, "Nope. You got too much help." I got to set the stage so that there will be a clear, that it was the hand of God that moved in your life. God have to remove some things and align some things so that when My hand touches your situation, nobody with a sound mind will be able to say that, "Well, it's because of this." So that when they compute the ratios, they'll say, "It doesn't compute. It doesn't make sense. I'm broken by the math of your miracle. How did 300 of you get rid of 120000 of them?"

Ecclesiastes 2:26
For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.

Solomon amassed all of these things. His ministry or reigning began with Lord, "I just want to do what's right by You." But when God began to bless him, the way God does. When God begins to put that hand of favor upon him - it became less about God. It became less about God and more about who he was and the things that he had. So two things are happening here: Solomon is relaying a truth, but also Solomon is saying a reality that he came to find, "That all these stuff that I had and these stuff that God has done for me, it is all vanity and vexation." Because if you don't have God, it's still empty. 

We can be in a humble place, but then the heavy-handedness of God's blessing and favor, He gives without repentance. When your seasons align, and God has prepared a table for you, and a stage for you, understand something clearly- the weight of God's goodness can be overwhelming, not only for other people, but for you as well. If you're not careful, you will enter into that place where Solomon found himself, where he realized the emptiness, the vanity. He realized how empty it became because he became synonymous with his blessing, his wisdom. He married, he identified it, and that became who he was versus the One who began the journey for him. And Solomon was able to look back at a time after his falling, and saying- you know what, all of that stuff was vanity. 

Even the blessing, if your eyes are not on the Lord, it's still empty. For example, there are many people who dreamt of a house, prayed for a house, got the house, and after a time of celebration, it became just a house. But keeping yourself in the love, in the abundance of God, keeping yourself in the space of God's love for you allows that house to always be something. Why? Because God is something, and if you can always remember to give God praise for it, praise God for the things He has done for you, that's what gives the value in your life, but when that thing becomes standalone, then you've just entered into vanity.

You're going into a place where favor has already gone before you, so you don't have to go in fearing, worrying, and doubting, because in the natural, it may look like you only have about 300 men with you. But the stage is set. Favor is going before you to demand that they hand it over. Understand that this is God's way. 

12/14/2020 Born to be blessed! The Secret Strategy of God!!! (Prophetic Drive Time)

The blessing is a system of heaven, established by God. Anytime you scoff or mock or make light of the system of heaven, two things happen: number one, you will never receive a full counsel of God. Anything that God has implemented for His people and you scoff that, you will never receive the full counsel of God. Blessing is a kingdom institution.

Second aspect is this, the Lord is not behind anything that brings shame, dishonor to the systems that He implement. God is not behind things opposing His words. 

There is a strategy behind the blessing. The blessing of God is not just to satisfy you. But it's an essential operation of heaven that has many purposes other than satisfying you. 

The blessing is such a dynamic force that God has put on people, place on an individual/s or a nation or a city, to perform a task.

Oftentimes what people don't realize is the blessing complements the anointing. 

There are some people who have been born to be blessed- Joseph son of Israel, Joseph of Arimathea, Noah. You never know how God uses you. 

Joseph of Arimathea, born to be blessed, who will eventually provide tomb that Christ will lay in and rise from. 

Oftentimes we think about just what we consume upon our lust and all of those things but the blessing is a system of heaven that goes far beyond just satisfying you although in the interim it will satisfy you. But it goes so far beyond that. 

Born to be blessed, the interesting thing about that is, you won't always feel like it in your journey. You may be accustomed to finding favor in abnormal places, just as Joseph did. But going in these dark times that we were going in, one of the most instrumental things that people are not talking about- going into the times that we're going in, the things that are about to shift and change, is how necessary the blessing is. This is not the time to reject the blessing of God. This is the time to embrace it. Because what the Lord will be doing to some of you, will be saving your family, will be saving a city, will be saving a community - what the Lord will be doing through some of you. That's why He purposed the blessing, so you can be an ark, that you can be a place of refuge. 

Matthew 27:57
When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus' disciple:

Mark 15:43
Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.

Luke 23:50-56
And, behold, there was a man named Joseph, a counsellor; and he was a good man, and a just: (The same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them;) he was of Arimathaea, a city of the Jews: who also himself waited for the kingdom of God. This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid. And that day was the preparation, and the sabbath drew on. And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid. And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments; and rested the sabbath day according to the commandment.

The blessing is interesting because it may not just be monetary. It may be a place of influence. Look at Joseph of Arimathea, not only he have the monetary thing. But Matthew 27:57 describes him simply as a rich man and a disciple of Jesus Christ. But according to Mark 15:43 Joseph of Arimathea was a respected member of a council, so he have the finances and he have the position, who was also himself looking for the Kingdom of God. And Luke 23:50-56, as that he had not consented to their decisions and their actions, so he was the one dissenting from what the consensus was of who Christ was and what needed to happen to Him, so Joseph was like, "No, I don't agree to that." He was the dissenting voice. It wasn't about changing the outcome, but it's about establishing a witness in the midst of the council of "No I don't agree. This ain't right. This ain't God."

But people have been stirred to reject the blessing, to think about it as a bad thing or as something that is not godly. But the blessing was established from the beginning. 

Genesis 1:26-28 
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

So God thought about it, and had counsel about it and then He performed the action that He considered the thoughts that He had. So the blessing is an empowering force to go and do what God has purposed you to do. 

What some people don't know is that the very thing that they're doing right now, not only because of the anointing but they're doing it because of the blessing. And if the Lord was to strip of them away the blessing, then they will say, "Lord, I need the blessing to be able to do what it is You called me to do."

Some of you don't understand why your life has been the way it is. You don't understand your journey, you've been trying to figure it out. You had the sense that you've been kinda isolated, many from your family, your vision has caused your family to turn against you, the vision has caused your family to reject you, what God has spoken over you has caused some rejection. The interesting thing about the blessing is, oftentimes it follows rejection or isolation. Oftentimes it requires isolation, it will send you to isolation, it will cause people to turn their backs on you resulting in isolation. But it's all working for your good. Because you're born to be blessed. Instead of feeling awkward about it, the Lord doesn't want you to feel awkward about your purpose of being blessed or you being born to be blessed, ever again. Because there are other facets to the call to be blessed other than just to satisfy you. 

Anytime you reject the systems of God, you will never receive the full counsel of God. It is the Lord who ordained the blessing. So you can't nullify or call it to question, something that God has established. All because you don't want people to see God for what's in His hands. I totally understand. But you see, the way to get people from seeking God for what's in His hand, is to reveal His heart. It's not by you nullifying the system that God put in place, but it's by you revealing the heart of God. If you want people to look past God's hands, you got to reveal the heart. Because what's in His heart will draw people to His heart. But it won't come by you calling into question the system because when you do that you are not working in alignment with God. And there are many well-intentioned people is that they really want for you to find God's heart and to know that there's much more than a substance of a thing, they want you to know that there's much more to God than just what He can do for you. But our whole basis for finding God is about what He's done for us, "For God so loved the world that He gave..." See, it's the goodness and generosity of God that lead you past what's in His hands in terms of your bread or shelter, but in terms of the far reaching. If you are settling for what's in God's hand in terms of your bread, then you are still in poverty. Because what God has in His heart for you is far surpassing. See, that's where you will get the righteous never begging bread if you can see what's in God's heart for you, then you will never worry about your provisions of bread again. So you can't say it's not based upon what God gives, because it's in it what He gave, that I even know Him. See, if He didn't give me Jesus then how will I know Him, the way He desires to be known. 

You are born to be blessed. This is a secret strategy of God, that God uses to save a nation, uses to save a city, uses to save a family, uses it to save a person. It's a secret strategy, one that the enemy knows. While the enemy is stirring up you to condemn or to hate the blessing of God, the enemy knows that the blessing is a secret weapon, he knows that the blessing is a secret weapon to thwart the enemy's plans, so when the enemy thinks that he has gained advantage over you, the Lord will send somebody who He has blessed to be a blessing to you. So when the enemy thought that he just had you on the cusp of giving up, the Lord will send somebody who He blessed to be a blessing to you. And then you'll look back and you see the hand of God moved and say, "Lord, I remember when I was down here, that you sent this person here to do this to me, and I saw You."

See, if we will stop condemning the blessing, then people will see the hand of God. It's not necessarily the man you remember, but it's the hand of God you remember who sent that person, and they showed up just like an angel. That's why never reject the counsel of God. Never reject the systems of God if you want to have the full counsel of God, no matter how tempting, or how religious or how 'Christian' it seems. It is not God to reject the systems of God. It is His will. It came from His heart and His mind. "Lord bless me according to Your will." Now I'm in alignment. Bless me according to Genesis 22:18 that declare, in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. Christ was a seed. The blessing goes far beyond just what You put in my hands. The blessing has to do with what You put in my heart. The blessing has to do with how I see You. Do I see You clearly? The blessing has to do with what I'm able to do for somebody else.

You are born to be blessed. There's a reason why you are born to be blessed. It's not just what God has put in your pocket, what He has put in your hand, but it is what He is going to do through you. 

Many of you are coming into your blessings now is because of the dark times ahead. The Lord had gave Joseph his dream when he was about a youth, because of the dark times that were coming. That He was gonna put him in position, put him in prestige, to be able to do what he did for his family.

Genesis 45:1
Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.

Talking about the spirit of forgiveness, talking about letting go of burdens, letting go of the bitterness after such a betrayal. But some people find it difficult to do. If you only knew that part of the process of being born to be blessed is to find the living sacrifice that we often had to become before we are revealed as the blessing. Before they see God in you, they oftentimes have to see the fire on you, they often have to see you go through the fire, they often have to believe that they are right. Oftentimes the very same people who God has assigned for you to save a life, will be your biggest adversary, "You ain't who God said, you ain't who God said you are, you ain't that. 

Genesis 45:2
And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.

All of that pain coming up, part of the process at that moment when Joseph wept aloud, part of the pain of the rejection coming up the healing that was taking place even in the very moment while simultaneously he was receiving the revelation that God did all this now my dream is finally making sense.

Even some of you right now, your dreams have been making sense. The things that God has spoken to you have not lined up with the life that you had been living and your dreams have not been making sense, because they show you on one aspect, but yet you've been living another. You didn't understand why you had to go through the pit, to Potiphar's house, to be lied on, to be talked, you didn't understand. But at this time, a couple of things were happening that's why he wept so loud because he was being acquainted with the brokenness, bitterness; he was remembering the brokenness and the hurt that he felt when his brothers cast him into the pit and sold him, the sense of betrayal. But at the same time being healed by God, by realizing that this was no coincidence.

Genesis 45:3
And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence.

The blessing could be so transformative that even those who once knew you won't recognize you anymore. 

They didn't recognize their brother and it wasn't cause of the makeup. It was because the last time they've seen him, he was in such a low place that they could not even fathom that God will elevate him and put him into the place that he was. They couldn't even fathom that it could be him. This is what I'm talking about the power and the goodness and the mercy and the love of God, the authority of God all in operation in one dynamic. The power of God to elevate him, the strategy of God to use a dream to elevate him, the mercy and love of God to redeem the same people who threw him away. And they were troubled at his presence because he was so blessed by God that they couldn't recognize him. Their last image of their brother did not reconcile with the image that stood before them- this authority, this position, this status. 

Genesis 45:4
And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.

Part of real forgiveness is not to pretend like nothing happened. I know what you did. 

Genesis 45:5
Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life

This is one of the greatest secret strategies of God that  He uses the blessings for. 

Genesis 12:2
And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

Part of the aspects of the blessing is for what God will do through you for other people. The blessing is a multi-purpose system of heaven that God uses in our lives that is not solely based upon us. 

What we see here in the Word of God that the blessing with Abraham, He said, I'm blessing you so that you could bless others. That I'm gonna do this for you because of what I wanna do through you. So you see here with Abraham, he was a blessing to be a blessing; we see with Joseph, he was blessed to presereve and save; we see with Adam he was blessed to go forward to be fruitful and to multiply. It was an empowering force. 

There are some ministries in operation who God has clearly blessed, but yet they take exception to the blessing, not because they are trying to be against God, but because they want you to look deeper in God. And what happens is what the Lord is speaking to them, "Don't hide My hand, just reveal My heart. If you will reveal My heart, because it is My heart that empowered My hand. So don't hide My hand, just reveal My heart." And if those who are seeking Me are just seeking the hand, and have no interest in the heart, God will deal with it but first with this people He'll create a thirst.

How do you reveal God's heart? For God so loved the earth, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. The Lord has not sent His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. And how did He save it? Through His love and kindness. 

The blessing is an institute of heaven. We got to be careful not to scoff that, not to open our mouths against it. Because by the grace of God, even you right now are benefiting from the blessing. If God is empowering you to do, if God has used you to affect somebody else's life. It's the blessing. If God has used you as somebody else's  angel in the moment of their dire need, it's the blessing. So don't reject it. 

The only way to know God is by what He's given, and what He gave was Jesus Christ. The only way to know God, to know His love, to know His level of kindness, to know His power is through Jesus Christ. So He sent His Son who not only died for us, but He raised the dead, healed the sick, He multiplied the bread, He went about doing good. And in Him, I can see the Father. Because He only came doing what He saw the Father do, and what He heard the Father say. And it was all good. It is what He gets is what He gave. He gave His love, He gave His Son, He gave His life. And in that I see Him, and in that I know Him. Who can go up to heaven and search Him out? So He reveals Himself by what He does, by what He's done. I'm known in My gift. And in that gift we see the immense love of God. Christ was the ultimate blessing. And in Him, we are blessed. 

If God implements a system, He knows what He is doing, He doesn't need you to ratify, He doesn't nee you to alter it, to cut it. He needs you to submit to it. He needs you to humble yourself.

I saw this meme and it was hilarious, there was a flood in some specific areas, and you see these people carrying out these deities, statues. And the meme said, the awkward moment when you gotta save your god from calamity. How many of you know that our God is a real God? You never need to save Him, to help Him out, to pick Him up and save Him. You never need. I don't need to save Jesus. Jesus came to save me. And so my obligation is not to defend God. Do you know how big and real our God is? What you are supposed to do is to defend your faith, the reason why you stand, the reason why you believe.

Our God is real. He knows how to get that somebody's heart. He know how to convict that heart, to move on a life. Because He is real. We never need to run to a burning building to carry Him out, but He'll run to a burning building to carry us out. So what you need to defend is why you believe.

I serve a God who is real, who is the God of all creations. And when He determines judgement... I ain't gonna blow up your building, because if the Lord determines to judge a situation, He'll touch it, and your building will come tumbling down. We lose perspective sometimes, and we find ourselves in strife with one another, not knowing how to walk in peace with one another, we find ourselves in these foolish things thinking that we are helping God. Our God is real, so act like He's real, act like we know.

You are born to be blessed. It's a strategy of God that uses, that is multi-faceted, that there are so much purpose to being blessed so embrace it and thank God for it. Because He already blessed you, Lord reveal how You blessed me. Bless me Lord according to Your word. Let me see. Reveal the blessing that You poured out according to Your word. I receive it. Because that is the institution of heaven.

2/12/2020 It is settled in Heaven (Prophetic Drive Time)

God wants us to have what He prepared for us.

How many of you are accustomed to praying to God like, "Lord, I need you to do this." Like you're bringing Him new business. Since it's new to you, you pray to Him like it's new to Him, you pray to Him like He needs to do something instead of praying to Him like He already done something. We go to God with new business, but we forget that it is new business for us, but it's old business for Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He went to the end of our lives to prepare everything we would need for us lives. So everything we would need for our lives, He already put in Christ.  So we don't pray from a finished work, we don't pray giving God the glory for what he has done, we don't pray in alignment to God's true nature and God's true work. He is the Alpha and Omega, so if we pray to Him with this understanding, "Lord, You have done..." Bible says, before the foundations of the world Christ was slain, before the foundations of the world, He knew us. 

We go to God with the sense of urgency. Part of the transition from the spiritual realm to natural realm is what we understand so we go to God with a level of desperation thinking, "I need You to do..." instead of going to God in truth, "You are the Alpha and the Omega." 

Lord says,  "I began your life from the end of your life. I prepared for your life at the end of your life, meaning I saw all events that will occur, I saw everything and I placed provisions for everything that you would need from the end of it." Which means there's no situation or circumstance that you can encounter that is new business for God. And  since it's not new business for God, but only new business for you, then what you can be confident in is there are provisions for my current need, that's why Jesus said, "In this world there will be tribulations but be of good cheer". It's kinda a weird statement. "BE OF GOOD CHEER because I've overcome the world." Meaning, I have put you in a place where you can receive provisions that triumph over the issues that present themselves "I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." Meaning the world is coming at me but I have overcome the world and put you in a position where you can receive the provisions from the Father for whatever you need. Be of good cheer! Because whatever is happening in the world is not greater than the supply that I provided for you. It is settled in the heaven - Jesus was talking to His disciples in Matthew 6.

When your understanding change, you will no longer pray amiss, you will no longer miss God, because you will be in alignment, because you will pray according to the Alpha and the Omega, you will pray according to the One who's at the end, who prepared for my life at the end of my life. Meaning, He started preparing for me.

Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven - bring in alignment Lord to my life, to what is already been established by You for me in heaven, for what is already been established by You in Christ for me in the earth realm. Let there be an alignment for Your will in my life, Your provisions for my life, the blessings you put in Christ for me. I pray according to what's already been done. And so instead of approaching God like it's new business for Him, it's ok to approach God like it's new business for me cause it is. But it's not ok to approach God like it's new business for Him because then we diminish the fact that He is the Alpha and the Omega. It's a surprise for me Jesus but it's not a surprise for You. Now I'm open to receive the unification of heaven and earth. To see manifest in this earth what God already established for me in Christ in the heavenly realm.

Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ

You are already blessed in Christ. It is already settled in Christ. You have to acknowledge it. And wherever there is depreciation in your life, you can ask for the fulfillment of what's already been accomplished in Christ in your life. Anything that Jesus took on our behalf, we don't have to accept. For example, homelessness - Jesus took homelessness. If Jesus wanted a house, He could have a house. There's a reason why they had money but Jesus never carried it on His person. Judas kept the money bag. At one point, people were going to make Him king - people purposed in their heart to take Jesus by force and make Him king and Jesus said, "I cannot allow them to do that." Why? Because Jesus have to walk out the poverty, sickness, disease. Jesus have to fully accept it. It's written, "The Son of man has no place to lay down" and people been thinking like, "Oh that's something to emulate." No. Jesus was taking your place because if it was something to emulate then that it means in heaven He'd be homeless. He left in a state, the Bible says to come down here to take your place so that you could have access to His place. We got to take our place in Him - Jesus. John 14: In My Father's house are many mansions and I go to prepare a place for you - where Jesus' blood has been shed, is now that's the place - the place as me. So you can come to My Father as Me (Jesus), as a son, as a daughter. Now you have a place to petition the Father because of Jesus, because before the blood, we had no place. When Jesus said He is going to prepare a place. He wasn't going in heaven to build something that wasn't or that didn't already exist. He is going to prepare a place that we could have to come boldly before the throne of God. It's important for us to see it as it really is with clarity and understanding there's access, and see we are going to have access to things that you didn't have before because you've been praying from the backside, from the wrong side- you've been praying out of alignment with who God is, with what God has done. What happens is you pray amiss, you bring a level of desperation, you bring a level of unbelief, the enemy gets you to waver. Imagine this you asked somebody for $10 and the enemy fights you the whole way like, "They won't give it to you." But then once they give you the $10, the fight is over - the enemy can no longer fight you whether or not you have the $10. And the fight is over once you understand that you have already been blessed. That what you need is already settled in heaven from the Alpha and the Omega, who prepared your life from the end of your life. It's important for us to walk in alignment, says call forth heaven on earth, thy kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let manifest in my life what You already settled in heaven on my behalf because You did it for me. The Lord says, "I did it for you." It's important for us to pray in accordance to what is already settled. It's important for us to pray in accordance with who God really is. 

"Wait a second, why am I praying like God is not all knowing? Why am I praying like God is not the Alpha and the Omega?" Think about it, when you pray out of alignment, things don't work. Your prayers don't get answered. Jesus prayed in the garden, "Father, if it is Your will let this cup pass for Me, if there's any other way now's the time to do it, and the Father said No. Why? Because it's already established in heaven. You were already slain before the foundations of the world. My Son You must go through this, You must walk through this out, because it's already established in heaven. Jesus got any prayer answered. Lazarus resurrected, He walked on water, etc. because His prayers were in alignment to what was already established in heaven. So He said if you can believe it then you can have it. Think about the things Jesus said NO to. Heal my daughter, woman with the issue of blood - was able to come to take some- healing. Why was the woman able to take healing? Because healing had already been established and Jesus was like, "Who did that? Who touched Me?" And Jesus was like after the woman admitted, "Well done!" You didn't take nothing from Me that hadn't already been established. If it wasn't, she could have not taken from Jesus except what had already been established. Bible says, "I am the bread of life." The communion is all about My body being broken for you. She said, "If  I just touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole." In that moment her declaration put her into alignment with what was already established in heaven, and allowed it to manifest for her on the earth. The earth was created to be a reflective realm of the parent spiritual realm. When Adam and Eve was deceived, they broke the unity. Jesus came to restore that order between us and have the ability to be in alignment with God again. If you've read Exodus or Leviticus, and you see the Lord spoke to Moses, I need you to create these things in exact alignment with how I showed you. Create the tabernacle in the precise way that you've seen, the exact measurements, everything you do on earth, bringing forth on earth, do it according to the exact measurements of what you see in heaven. Why? Because then they've been when you do it precisely- this becomes alignment and this is what prayers according to what has already been provided for in Christ are prayers that get answered. Desperation doesn't necessarily bring the manifestation. How many of you know that? How many of you prayed on something desperately but didn't see it happen. Now try praying with understanding, "Lord, that is Your will has already done for me in Christ. I acknowledge that this is already done for me Lord. " The Lord is always trying to sync heaven and earth. So He says, "Build a tabernacle according to this." Because there's a tabernacle in heaven and you need to build it in an exact alignment because that alignment brings unity between heaven and earth. It presents if you will the Jacob's ladder- where the prayer goes up, supply comes down- it brings the merger. Alignment from God, brings the merger from heaven to earth. Jesus said this, "I only do what I see My Father do. I only say what I hear My Father say" - walking in alignment. 

Hebrews 8:5
They serve a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. For when Moses was about to erect the tent, He was instructed by God, saying, “See that you make everything according to the pattern that was shown you on the mountain.

In the Old Testament, when they wanted to seek God, they had to burn some offerings. When they wanted God to bless them, they had to sacrifice. Sacrifice - that's an example of what had already been established in heaven- that your access to God's wisdom, supply, blessings, protection, would all come through the sacrifice of the Lamb. All your provisions would come by the sacrifice of Jesus. So they had to manifest, execute in the earth to bring the unification. Why? Because Jesus Christ had not come but His sacrifice was already settled in heaven which means the way we approach God is through Jesus. 

7/2019 What's God's perspective Part 2 (Prophetic Drive Time)

Once God gives you His perspective on a matter, it open doors for you to just enjoy God. And then you can receive the spirit of increase. When you change your perspective, in alignment with God's the benefit of that is increase - power. 

From wilderness transitioning to promised land, there's resistance. Enemy attempts to make you believe you have no power. And so what God has to do is through faith, God has to reacquaint you with the fact that you got power on the inside of you. In Matthew 10, when Jesus called His disciples, He gave them power. If you awaken to the fact that God has power, that God has placed power in you, then what  do you think that does to your enemy? So what he does is he's trying to get you in the very critical stage of transition, he tries very hard to discourage you, to break you down, to keep you from realizing or awakening to the power that lies within. Because something happens differently, when you are coming out of the wilderness. 

When Jesus was done with the wilderness, He came back with power. It was a power play. It was like He didn't have power before He went there, but it's like sometimes when you go through the wilderness, it was like we're disconnected from the power because it becomes a matter of faith, so it's like we don't have access to what's inherently ours- the same Spirit that raise Christ from the dead dwells on the inside of us, and it is full of power.

You can't allow the wilderness to reprogram you, sometimes we do, because the wilderness was not just a hard time. The wilderness was fraught with a lot of spiritual dynamics that challenge us in the most extreme ways. Sometimes it's not just what we lose naturally, it's the warfare that comes with it and you rebuke it, cast it down, and it seems that those things aren't working. So we start or at that point we tend to get discouraged, lose confidence in the power that is within us. But coming out of the wilderness we have to be awakened again to the power that lies within us. Because as you're coming out, God says, "You now have access again." But we've been continuing the posture of the wilderness (false posture). And so God says, "I have awaken you to the power that lies within you." And so that becomes about us receiving a new perspective- divine perspective. And as soon as we seek God's perspective, He begins to reacquaint us to the power and what that power had: spirit of increase, spirit of abundance, spirit of authority. And so what the enemy does was he's trying to dishearten. But the Lord is telling you, "I have given you power. I'm going to do abundantly and exceedingly beyond all that you could ask or think, and I'm going to do it according to the power that's already in you, that works within you." And so we're excited for the promised land.

So having a divine perspective means, we become intimate or acquainted with the power that's working within us. God says, "You gotta be aware of the power that's within you. I have not left you powerless." So if you're in a financial situation, Deuteronomy 8:18 says: The Lord says, "I've given you the power to get wealth." In the outflow of the power of God is, the power - spirit of increase, authority, love, dominion - all of these things are the characteristics of who Christ is.

Can you reconcile, is God good? A lot of people say it, but not believe it. God is good and God is generous. Because if He gave us His only Son, Begotten Son, can you imagine what it takes to give up your son for somebody who loves you? But imagine giving up your son for people who go to curse you, disrespect you, be ungrateful. It's difficult alone to give a sandwich for people who will turn around who'll be disrespectful and don't appreciate the things I do for, let alone give your child. 

The goodness of God goes beyond my ability to reason, because when I was dead in my sins, I was unworthy of such generous gift. Some people have not reconciled in their heart that God is truly good. So when God comes talking about the spirit of increase or abundance, these people get the cringing, they can't stomach it, because they have not really reconciled. Because they dishonor Jesus. Because they dishonor the gift that Jesus truly is. And what they say is, it's not about Jesus, it's about my righteousness, it's about how obedient I was and how amazing I am, it's about me. But it's all about the gift- Jesus. It's the goodness of God that led me to a repentance that caused me to wanna walk upright and holy before Him. It's the love affair I have with God. It's not about me exalting myself, but it's about me exalting Jesus. So I'm discovering the power that exists in His goodness. So in His nature, in the power that works within us, there is love, kindness, goodness, authority.

Don't let the wilderness mislead you into thinking that you have access to no power. Because some are saying, or when are going through the wilderness we're rebuking, casting down the enemy, and it's like they couldn't, but it's like the enemy wouldn't flee. It didn't flee from Job either when he was going through the wilderness, but what about when Job was done. Because once God shows up talking to you, letting you know what it was all about, giving you revelation on the things that you had gone through and letting you know that your time has changed, then now you have freely access to the power. But some people, instead, they're moping around and they're afraid to tap back into the power that's within them, because they're like "Lord, You know the last time I try to tap into the power, there's none available. The last time I pray for increase, believe for increase, it didn't happen." Why? Because wilderness is in a time of manna. But when God tells you "I have a land overflowing with milk and honey, you shall eat bread without scarcity, will give you houses you didn't build..." then that's exactly what He means. Now you have access to the power: power to cast out/down the enemy, to tread on scorpions, power to get wealth, a power to be whole in the name of Jesus, a power to have intimacy and fellowship with God, a power to go to the throne of God boldly. 

The power that lives in you is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead - the same power that's raising you from the dead spaces in your life. 

When you pray, get out of that pitiful space because it's not pleasing to God. Though God pities us, He's not pitiful. Pray and thank God because He placed power within you, means, you're acknowledging the wonderful work God has done. Acknowledge the power God gave you. Ask God how to access it based on your situation, like, "How do I access the power for the funds that I need? Because You said, You gonna do it all." Allow God to be your teacher. We don't do it on our own. We do everything through partnership, so talk to God. It's one thing to say we do it by faith, but how does that really benefit if you don't know how to do it by faith, you just make a bunch of decrees. But when you partner with God, when you go to Him, this is about the same time cultivating intimacy. According to Jesus, He only do what He sees His Father do, and say what He hears His Father say. Because there are different ways God may want you to access the power For example: Jesus healed 2 blind men differently. One, Jesus spoke to. The other, He took some dirt/mud, spit on it, placed it on his eyes. The same healing but different method. Why God was using different methods? To make sure that He was constantly depending on God. And not going  before God saying "I'm doing it by faith and I'm just gonna do it" Ask God how He wants to do it through you. It's about intimacy. Jesus was sensitive to how God wanted to do it. Power is within you. But the Author of the power, ask Him how He wants to do it (divine strategy). Ask God how to utilize the power in a situation. God says, "I want to do abundantly through you." This is a time of multiplication.

Simile: "Feed the flock." "How? We don't have enough." But Jesus commanded them to do it, means, they had the ability to do it, but they didn't have the know-how to multiply. He told them, "Feed them." God does not speak empty words, so He didn't tell them to do it, if they didn't have the potential to. It's not they didn't have the potential, it's that they didn't have the know-how. Thus Jesus said, "Give it to Me." He blessed the food. Now God is releasing the power to increase you.

Wilderness - power to sustain you
Promised Land- power to increase you
Divine strategy - thinking as a child of God

"When I came into your life, I did not leave none of who I am behind. I came into your heart, I came into your life with all the power that I have." God does not leave part of Himself to come into your life. He brings all that He is into your heart. When He creates you brand new, He brings everything that He is. 

"I am God wherever I am." That's why He always tell, "Why are you worried? Don't you know who's with you? Fear not."