The Lord says, "I answered your prayer when you asked Me. I already said yes the first time you asked Me."
It's significant to know who God is and where God stands on your communication to Him. Oftentimes, the break or delay in time of the different things that come up, and we attribute it to God and it has nothing to do with God. There's a set of circumstances and dynamics that happen for between the time you petitioned the Lord, just like in Daniel. The first time Daniel prayed and the angel came to Daniel and said, "Before you even opened your mouth, the Lord sent me and had already answered it and sent me to speak to you." The first time was immediately. The second time Daniel didn't get an answer for two weeks because there was this hindrance. The enemy came to hinder but it didn't mean that the Lord already said yes. The answer from God's perspective was already yes. The reason why you need to know that, when you ask God, it helps you the way you receive. It's not God who's holding it up. You need to understand that because if you wave in your thought process at all, on whether or not God has said yes, or where God is on that matter, then you become the hindrance and you will attribute it to God when God has already said yes. So if you can keep your eyes on God's perspective, then it keeps you in perspective. If you know where God stands on the matter, then you know where to stand on the matter. But the enemy comes to make you think that God has not said yes. God has not done it and what happens is that your perspective of God changes and when your perspective of God changes, your blessing or your prayer changes. Now the enemy has come able to come in and bring full disruption, but God says, "I already said yes." This is so urgent for the Lord is because when the Lord brings revelation, He brings revelations to bring ability to bring life, and to bring you into a new dimension. I can't access what is not revealed, but once it becomes revealed, I now have access to what was formerly concealed. Once He takes the lid off and reveals it to you, now you have access to it. Some people do not pray for things according to God's will, which means they pray for things that are ungodly. God's not saying yes to that. All of the promises of God are yes and amen.
The Bible says when you pray, believe that you received because God is not the issue, your ability to receive becomes the issue. Problem is that, most people only receive it when they see it. But the spiritual dynamic is, my prayer is spiritual, so if my request is spiritual, then also my receiving has to be spiritual as well.
Mark 5:40 (Jairus and his daughter) Jairus went to Jesus for petition to heal his daughter, so Jesus said yes and was on their way. Along the way, came the woman with the issue of blood, which seemed as a distraction, and then people came to Jairus saying, don't bother the Master anymore, your daughter is dead. Jesus said to Jairus, don't be afraid, only believe. Don't get taken by what you heard that the contrary to what your petition is. You made a petition to Me and I said yes. Now in the natural, people are coming to tell you that it ain't gonna be, or it don't look like it's going to be what you asked God, or what He already said yes to. Jesus didn't say, "Oh, sorry, if only I would have been there." NO! What He said was, that won't stop Me. That won't stop your prayer from being answered. If you stay in faith, stay believing, and stay receiving. Don't let that information or that news affect what you asked Me for. And what happens sometimes, we'll let the news, we let the things around us, new developments, affect our ability to believe, to stay in alignment with what we ask God for. You ask God for something, things look another way, you hear some news, you see some things and then what happened is that you're no longer in alignment with what you ask God for.
He's adding this new dimension to you, of exchange between heaven and earth, because He wants this to be a constant in your life. This is not a word just for the moment. As the time goes from today, and you start seeing things showing up. This is not for the moment, but this is when you go back and new requests, new desires become part of your heart. When you begin to pray according to kingdom alignment what's going to happen is this- the Lord is adding this to you for life. He's adding this to you for your walk. Not just for the moment.
People get flighty in their head and they don't allow the word of God to set the standard or dynamics. They say "If God is all powerful and God is almighty, why?" It's not only we come under structure, the word brings Himself under the same words that He professed. So if the Lord sets the standard and criteria, then He abides by that as well. The Lord can do whatever He wants to, and if the Lord decides to do something, who will let Him. But when the Lord establishes a dynamic- exchange between heaven and earth, that's what that dynamic must be. Sometimes He has overruled it but when He says this is the pattern I want the exchange from heaven and earth to be, then He abides by it as well.
Jesus is now coming into the house and Jesus is making known what His intent is. He says, "Look the child is not dead but she's asleep." And they begin to laugh, scorn. But Jesus did something very significant. It was significant for unbelief to be out of the house at a time of manifestation, or a time of miracles. What did He do? He put them out. Which shows you how powerful unbelief is. Unbelief is a spiritual force that interrupts, disrupts the yes of God, intent, desire of God, in the manifestation from heaven to earth. How often have you been in a place where you've been excited to share some news with somebody and then that unbelief came in and the next thing you know, you become undone and now you've become the hindrance, because you haven't stayed in place with your petition to God. When God already says yes, the only person who needs to remain in place is you, so God will never be the issue. It's where did you go? Did you move?
You prayed and asked the Lord for something and then this came, or I got this news, or this happened, somebody said this, and then you're no longer in place, because I'm no longer receiving it or believing it. Now people enter into the place where the wait and see, "Alright Lord, I'm gonna believe it when you do it." And the Lord's like, "Well, I've already done it but your unbelief." Your belief is the position that you need to take to see it manifest and so when you know God has already done it.
So they laughed and scorned but when He put them all out, He take the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with Him and entered in where the damsel was lying and perform the request.
When you get unbelief out of your circle, some of you there has been people strategically put in your circle by the enemy to affect your faith, because if your spiritual disposition changes, it affects the manifestation, that's why there are some people who are like, "Hey, what's going on with you? What's happening with you?" Answer like this, "God is good!" Because when I'm in a time of transition or manifestation, you'll never know. When I'm in a place of believing and receiving, you won't see it until it manifests... "Where that come from?"
There are certain people the Lord brought with Him in the place of manifestation because not everybody wants to see the damsel arise. Not everybody wants to see that thing brought back to life in your life. Not everybody wants to see the best, the goodness of God manifesting in your life. It's a shame, but it's alright. So sometimes when you ask the Lord for something, you don't want to go around telling everybody because people got to prove that they want God's goodness for your life. But the Lord is good, the Lord will expose them for you. When the Lord came in the house, He said, "Listen, she ain't dead, she's sleeping." Everybody was like, "Hold on.." and they begin to laugh. Sometimes the Lord will have to expose some people around you so you can see, who's believing supernatural, who's on that level with you. They laughed and scorned, now I know who to put out. Because you're gonna see the manifestation, but you ain't gonna see the process. Because a blessing happens when you can see the process. There's something that you get when you see it happen for somebody else, but it's another blessing that you get when you're in the room. Because when you can see that thing happen, your life will be changed forever. It's one thing for the thing that was dead to be presented to you, but it's another thing to be in the room when it gets up. It's a place of honor that changes you and it sets you up to see even greater.
He could there do no mighty works except for that He laid hands upon a few sick fold and healed them.
It shows that the Lord is limited. This is offensive for some people because they can't rationalize their place in the manifestation of their prayer requests. They can't rationalize the responsibility that they have for their own. Never underestimate your value or your place, role that you play in your ability to receive from God because God doesn't.
Then He went from there and came to His own country and His disciples followed Him. And when the Sabbath had come, He began to teach in the synagogue. And many hearing Him were astonished saying, "Where did this man get these things? And what wisdom is this which is given to Him that such mighty works are performed by His hands?"
Which means He was bringing forth revelation which was preparing them for what He was wanting to do. So He came speaking, bringing the Word to prepare them for the miracles, that He had in His heart for them. He could have just showed up and start touching people, but first thing He had to do was to speak to them.
Is not this the carpenter the Son of Mary?
The reasoning kicked in, "How is God going to do it when the bank account says this, the corona virus, etc.?"
After they begin to reason, and then they were offended at Him. Understand when I make a petition to the Lord, He says yes. And it's my responsibility at that time to receive it, believe it. When I ask Him for it, don't even ask until you're ready to believe. Pray in the Spirit and build up your faith. Praise and worship God. How good is He, how faithful is He, and then when you can feel your faith rising, when you can get your flesh out of the way, and when you know that God is faithful, God is good, then you make your petitions known, because it's at that point when you're making the petitions, you got to be ready to receive. Be ready to receive when you ask, not when you see it because if you're waiting to see it, you're already too late. Your prayers have already been answered. You'll about to see things pop up in your life.