
10/9/2020 Red Flags / Cuffing Season Part 3 (Redefined TV)

Proverbs 8:1-11

 Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? At the highest point along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gate leading into the city, at the entrance, she cries aloud: “To you, O people, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, set your hearts on it. Listen, for I have trustworthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. To the discerning all of them are right; they are upright to those who have found knowledge. Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 22:3

The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.

What are we paying for because we kept going?

Too many of us are living at midnight. In a dark place, dark space. It could be due to the pain, unbelief, doubt, trauma.

Midnight - technically a new day. You are not called to live in darkness. You are called to be a child of the light. One of the ways we could avoid unnecessary pain or unnecessary trouble (we're gonna have trouble, Jesus already said it) is by identifying red flags. 

In Proverbs 22 - one person sees danger, keeps going and suffers for it.

One person saw the red flag and took action. They ended it. Broke up. Walked away from something, no longer doing business with them.

When you are desperate, you'll always confuse God's red flag as a green light. 

This cut off is not personal. It's spiritual. This is unhealthy. Not conducive for my assignment. God sends kings not leeches. How do you know if something is a leech? Parasitic? It's when it's draining you. Draining your sleep, your prayer life, passion, desires.

One of the ways and the benefit of you residing in the Kingdom is you can spot royalty. One of the reason you can't identify kings is because you're not engaged in kingdom living since I have not applied kingdom principles to my life. That is the catalyst on why I keep getting deceived by their life. Kings establish order, they lead and they regulate the chaos.

So whenever a man shows up in your life, this doesn't just have to be romantic, - business partner, mentor, coach, future husband - if he does not lead but he follows, he doesn't establish order but brings disorder and chaos - Red flag.


Why do you keep letting people get in front of you who slow down your spiritual acceleration

Marriage, relationships, business will either be a capsule or catapult. Whoever you decide to do life with will either capsule your life or catapult your life.

For brothers, God aligns us to discover help meets. He allows us to cross paths with someone who will be a help meets not damsels in distress. In the Kingdom, if you're a damsel in distress - Jesus saves you. The King of kings. 

There is nothing more frustrating to a man of vision or purpose to encounter a woman who has dreamed about being a wife but hasn't prepared to be a help meet. Wife is the title. Help meet is the function. Husband is the title. Being head is the function. Any woman can walk down the aisle with a beautiful dress on, say I do and put a ring on her finger. That's just the title of a wife. But to be a help meet. When God saw Adam, He recognized there are some places that this man can not meet without her help so I gotta make him a suitable helper. There are lot of ministries who are monetizing your idolatry. They sell you the title but they don't equip you for the function.

Have you prayed over your mouth? With the same intensity that you prayed for God to send you something?

Because the mouth of a woman is an activator. She knows how to activate his king or activate his fool. Inside every man there's flesh and there's spirit. Do you have the skill-sets to Biblically be able to speak to this man's spirit or do you only know how to communicate to his flesh. 

Have you prayed over your sensitivity over your emotionalism? Have you taken the intentional steps to get the therapy to get the healing and to get the counseling, so that every single time he tries to lead you, you don't view it as an attack but rather it's a king establishing order. Not talking about him being a dictator or controlling because kings make decisions that benefit their domain. It's not for the benefactor of himself . It's for the benefactor of my wife and my children. If a man ever puts his foot down and it benefits him, but doesn't benefit his family, that's not a king, that's a tyrant. That's not king like behavior.

Do you really want a kingdom man? Do you really want somebody who puts God before themselves? Do you put God first in all that you do? When things don't go your way, do you still represent the kingdom? I know we're not perfect and we all have fallen short of the glory of God, but for the most part, do you represent the kingdom right? When something doesn't sit right with you, do you represent the kingdom or do you allow your emotionalism to be a permission slip that can override the fruit of self control. Be mature. Is he supposed to support you or push you? Support you in your pettiness or push you to be virtuous. Even when they're venomous. 

Kingdom men have to be able to see a spot or blemish and his love, tenderness, consistency is gonna wipe it off.

There's a level of godliness that the man is supposed to give you as a king that he can't even do when you do not reveal to him your spots. Is this man, do they have washing capacity? Does he know how to help me cleanse of what marked me, or this man causes spots or blemishes? Not the one who helps, but the one who scars. The more you talk to him, the more spots, the more blemishes, the more pain.

Kingdom man - purge you and wash you through his love, consistency, grace. It's his job to love you in such a way that you could forget that your heart was ever broken.

Do you really want an individual who will take you out of your comfort zone? Have you ever gotten comfortable on the palate of the graveyard of your excuses? Could you imagine being married to somebody who constantly disturbs your comfort zone?

Proverbs 8:3
Beside the gate leading into the city of the entrance she cries aloud.

Red flags are always at entrances. Before you enter the city, the red flag is there. God is saying don't go here. Before you make that decision.

Confirmations and red flags are always at entrances.

Red flag-  sign, signal, exposure or an alarm that God gives His children that says this is not ME!

God exposed you to something. This is not what you thought it was.

Once God shows you that this isn't Him, do you seek refuge or do you keep going?

What is a red flag?

1. It's anything that talks you out of what God has talked you into.

2. Secrecy

You don't have to hide what you're not doing.
Why can't I know your friends?

When people don't want multiple eyes, it's because they got multiple personalities. Since you're caught up with this business deal / growing your platform / marriage / with what you want, do you really get to see that there's a red flag behind this. But when there are multiple people around you, they could see the red flags.

Devils love concealment / secrecy, because it limits the power for shepherds to be able to identify that's a wolf. The enemy tries to keep us isolated and away from the pack because people in groups is harder to hit, will keep the weakest and smallest in the middle of the pack so I can protect you from the lions who are watching.

I believe you should meet family quick. - So I can see if there are any strongholds I have to deal with. Be aware of what's in the bloodline.

You can't be spirit led and serial date at the same time.

Proverbs 14:11 Where no counsel is; the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.

3. Enhanced Temptation 
Have you ever been around an individual and it's harder for you to be holy (socialism)

Some of us, you are good as long as you don't hang with them and this is not always friends, co-workers. This could be your family. If you have to decide constantly between compromise and keeping God's command - Red flag.

Anything that makes it harder for you to follow Jesus.

4. Confusion
 If you don't know what this is, where this is going, what we are. 
When you walk with God, you may now know what God is doing but you know it's Him doing it. That's the difference. 
When you walk with God, I may not know what God is doing in this season but I do know that God is doing it.

5. Fits of rage
Constantly angry / ticked / pissed. It shows lack of control

6. Possessive Behavior
Have you met somebody like they own you / control you. They usually come narcissistic / manipulative.

7. Is when you can't identify the red flags in you
The red flags in yourself. You don't even know they exist. She / he got a red flag, but you never stop for a moment and take inventory of yourself. So you could identify, maybe I'm a walking red flag. Maybe I'm the one who enhances temptation / talks people out of what God has talked them into / possessive / fits of rage / secretive. Because if you can't identify you're a red flag, you definitely won't be able to identify other red flags.

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