
10/3/2020 Redefine Love / Love Corrects (Part 1) (Redefined TV)

Love takes maturity. Healthy holistic Kingdom Love

It requires for you to be mature or to die to yourself

When you really love somebody, you correct them in love. And it takes maturity for you to be able to not use their inadequacies, failures, shortcomings as ammunition and being corrected by the person whom you know their worst version.

A lot of people feel like they're stuck: stuck in this place / life / relationships / marriage. They feel like "How do I get out of this?" 

But in all actuality, it's not those things that are stuck, it's your head that's stuck. One of the problems with holding a record of wrong, is holding records blind you to growth. Ex: You're holding a record of what somebody did in 2018, but the thing about growth is I may not have the same outlook, the same perspective, the same attitude as I did in 2018, now in 2020, when you hold a record of wrongs and you're stuck on an offense / insult / on a flaw, you won't be able to see they're not the same person. This is why it's so foolish for people to gossip about people because when you're growing you evolve on the regular, I'm not the same person I was 6 weeks ago, 3 months ago. Matter of fact, what you heard was outdated information. Be able to be mature enough to not let your mind be stuck on what happened because many times we mislabel our life being stuck. No! Your head is stuck on a thing.

Love comes with correction - a lot of us need to learn how to do is love ourselves correctly. When you don't have a correct version of your value, then you risk trying to repair someone that is breaking you. When you know your value, it's easier for you to identify those people that don't. And they could tell that you haven't identified your value so they'll try to give you a price. 

Not understanding what you carry or your value or your assignments causes for us to make wrong picks and the danger of wrong picks - wrong picks create cycles and cycles place you in seasons and a lot of us have been in recovery season after recovery season not necessarily because the people are bad but because I have a bad perspective of myself and I haven't learned to love myself correctly. So I can't identify health from toxicity because I haven't produced health in myself. It's not just about receiving correction from somebody else.

Have you corrected your mindset or attitude?

The enemy knows I don't have to get their life, I just have to get the mind. He knows that if he can get your mind, he can  get your life, because their life moves in the direction of their most dominant thought.

All the enemy could do is present, persuade, try to help us agree. That's all temptation is. Just having the thought of nobody wants me, that's just a thought, it becomes dangerous when you become in agreement with it. I don't think I'm ever gonna find love, that's just a thought. It becomes problematic when you become in agreement with it, because there's power when 2 or 3 touch and agree. And I wonder if the 2 or 3 been your mind, your heart, and your perspective. They all have come in agreement and now the reason that you keep saying that you're having a bad day is because you have bad thoughts which are creating bad vibes.

When you correct yourself, that means you truly do love yourself because you really do want to be the best version of yourself. For your children, family, friends, spouse, for God.

Correct yourself in love and not being hard on yourself. Remember there's no condemnation in Christ Jesus so you're not beating yourself up.

God doesn't want us to be ashamed. He wants us to be shaped and molded for His glory. When we love God and ourselves, we'll do the necessary things to be the best we can be. Because that what God wants. When you get corrected, you can't be sensitive not to get in your feelings before you get sensitive ask these 3 things:

1. Do they love me
2. Are they trying to hurt me
3. Is it true

If I want health, it's gonna take work. Nothing that has value comes with ease. If you want a healthy holistic relationship, I have to be able to consider those things when they approach me.

When you live in your feelings, feelings don't allow you to filter - this is not an attack, this is correction in love.

Feelings were made to serve you, not master you.

So I won't be able to receive love in correction if feelings are my master vs me mastering my feelings. 

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