Proverbs 18:22
He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord.
- You are a wife before you are a wife. You're the bride of Christ.
- There's this attachment. This Kingdom ethic, kingdom exclusive that really we don't understand. If we did have understanding of it, we would have more people desiring to be holy, more people desiring to live a life of obedience, and more brothers who desire marriage, not just marriage, but desire a godly marriage. More brothers who will desire a godly woman, not because she's a godly woman, but he first is a godly man, because I can't expect God to send me a Proverbs 31 if I'm not Ephesians 5 type of man. And if we did, I think we would have less ladies who feel as though a man's arrival in your life is an upgrade.
- A man 's presence doesn't remove or cure you from loneliness. It exposes it.
- How we're doing must be more important than how it looks like we're doing. Because God can only anoint the authentic self. Not who you post to be, not who you act to be.
- There's something about the favor of God. You don't want to live life free from the favor of God. Opportunities that you thought you missed out on but favor held your seat. Favor specializes on keeping some stuff on reserved.
> King David - seven of his brothers went under the ram's horn before he got there, but the oil didn't flow until he got there.
- It doesn't matter who applies or tries first, or gets there first. They can even have the interview but if that's yours, if God has your name on it, if God has your position on it, it doesn't matter if the boss likes them, it doesn't matter if they apply or they even get the interview, the oil can't flow until you get there.
- Favor allows you to get for free what other people had to pay for.
Jesus is the best usher. He paid for stuff that we no longer have to try to pay for. There was a time we tried it with the blood of bulls and goats, but Jesus is the sacrificial lamb. Now has it where I have joy, peace, and I didn't have to pay for clarity, because Jesus paid the penalty.
- Favor - an attribute that comes with the godly woman
Genesis 6:7-8
So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created from the face of the earth- men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air - for I am grieved that I have made them." But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
- Wrath / Judgment was coming but Noah found favor.
- Favor is when God's hand of special preferential treatment becomes your usher and your security.
- Noah had security that protected him from what was about to happen. Noah found favor - it didn't say that his family found favor.
- Please be more concerned about their attachments vs their accessories. Accessories - 6 pack, curves, looks, she makes you laugh, he's always there for you, but his attachment could be a storm, trauma, drama, bad attitude
If I have people in my life that have kingdom attachment, godly attachments - it may not even be your season but it will end up feeling like your season because you connected to somebody who's connected.
- Noah, loving the Lord and being obedient caused him to be an arc builder and I wonder, have a lot of us settled for a flood producer instead of an arc builder, so your life's flooded with drama, pain, anxiety, because instead of trusting God to send me an arc builder, I settled for a flood producer.
Genesis 37:3-4
Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, because he had been born to him in his old age; and he made a richly ornamented robe for him. When his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them, they hated him and could not speak a kind word to him.
Sometimes your people who hate you in private, you won't know about it until your favor goes public.
You won't really know who doesn't like you in private and in secret until your favor goes public, because favor cuts the grass which reveals snakes.
When they saw Joseph walking, they already couldn't stand Joseph, but they had a real problem with Joseph when they saw him wearing that robe - all the robe was - was an outward confirmation of favors participation. And whenever favor shows up, haters start conversations.
Favor makes people hate more.
Blessed is the man that does not walk in the council of the ungodly nor sits in the seat of the scornful. - Scornful people are always seated. They always say the most but do the least. The first to criticize the last to contribute, sitting on the bench, bench warmers and constantly criticize the starting line up. They don't understand how favor operates. If you're jealous because your sister got a raise, you don't understand how favor operates. If you're jealous because your brother got a promotion, if she got married, if because of what God just gave them, you don't know how favor operates, because God never gives favor to a person for a person, He always gives favor to that person for a people.
If you live a life of obedience / of purpose / if you follow My word / if you seek Me day and night / meditate on My word - you're gonna live a life of favor.
>> Joseph's brothers didn't recognize this. And if you don't recognize it, you'll get jealous of you over your future provision. God favored Joseph to get you behind some grain in the midst of a famine. If you don't understand how favor operates, you could be throwing your own Joseph in a pit.
Favor on me, is favor for you.
I don't want to make choices without the favor of God. I don't want to live life without the favor of God because when you have favor on your life, you live life with the favor factor. Just because they say they're not hiring, that doesn't always apply to you. Just because the doctor says we can't do anything, that doesn't always apply to you. Just because everybody doesn't know how to find a way out of this, that doesn't always apply to you, because favor causes you to transition into the law of exception. Everybody's getting divorced except me, losing their mind except me.
Esther 2:8-9
When the king’s order and edict had been proclaimed, many young women were brought to the citadel of Susa and put under the care of Hegai. Esther also was taken to the king’s palace and entrusted to Hegai, who had charge of the harem. She pleased him and won his favor. Immediately he provided her with her beauty treatments and special food. He assigned to her seven female attendants selected from the king’s palace and moved her and her attendants into the best place in the harem.
When favor is on your life, you never have to spotlight yourself. When favor is on your life, and you're working faithful in the shadows, nobody knows your name, you're behind the curtain, when favor is on your life, you'll never have to spotlight yourself. Because favor will become your marketing specialist, nobody can market you the way that favor could market you.
Someway and somehow, your website will just come across the desk of a CEO. Your flyer / business card will somehow end up in the hand of somebody who has influence and that can open a door for you, and that can get you on a stage or that can connect you with people, because God gives you favor with people who matter. God gives you favor with the critical people who are essential for your destiny.
When favor is involved, it will allow you to connect with people who could allow you to get on a stage / platform, or in a space that you need for your assignment.
When favor is involved, that dream that you're hustling on at night, will no longer be a side hustle but it'll transition into your primary source of income - your gift will make room for you.
When favor is involved, it will have people just as confused as you. They'll be like, how did you get on that? How did they hear about you? How did you do this? Like we're spending thousands on marketing, who is your marketing specialist?
Favor will have you end up getting noticed, when you're not even trying to get noticed.
The Bible says, after Esther won the king's favor, he immediately provided. Favor can reach and get off the top shelf what everybody's reaching for. But they're not favored for. The thing about favor is, favor will have you getting on accident what people are straining to get. They hustling and trying and doing everything they can to get it. But favor has a way of causing you to get stuff on accident. Favor ain't fair.
Favor moves you. It provides. Hustling can't get you that, grinding, overtime can't get you that. Favor has a way of being your tall assistant that can reach and get off the top shelf what everybody's reaching for but they're not favored for.
Esther was provided with beauty treatments and special food, not just food but special food.
Favor will have you having a fruitful life while those who are settling have a stale life.
Favor will move you from your one star struggles to your 5 star accomodations.
If you're Noah, favor moved you from coming wrath to being the captain of the first cruise line called Noah's Ark. If you're David, favor moves you from being in the pasture with sheep to being in a place with servants. If you're Joseph, favor moves you from being in a pit to being the 2nd most powerful man in Egypt. And if you're Ruth, favor moves you from gleaning in the field, to now being the wife of the owner of the field. This is a critical component for all of these people's destiny. How much more do you think you need favor?
Luke 2:51-52
Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
If they including Jesus needed favor for their assignment, how much more do you think that you don't need favor for what it is that God has called you to do. When favor moves you, you have to learn to let certain things go, because just because you move, doesn't mean things can move with you.
Favor shows you what is no longer needed.
When God takes you to a new level, what used to charge you can't charge you anymore. You got to get a different charger, a charger that could handle and it could release velocity. It could release the oil, the anointing, the clarity, because there are a whole lot of features on the new that you'll never be able to experience if you keep on trying to be charged by old things. The same way you outgrow clothes, is the same way you outgrow circles.
The sign of growth is I should be able to outgrow some outfits. You should be outgrowing your pity, your clapback...
When you live a life of obedience, doors will open that you never have to knock on.
Favor will put a ring on your finger. Favor will make you its spouse.
When we live a life of disobedience, favor will divorce you.
Just like obedience could expedite the process, disobedience causes delays.
If you can't handle criticism / people talking about you / If God gave you an assignment, why are you giving your effort to bench warmers? If God gave you an assignment - you won't have enough time for these people.
Can you handle just one side of the blessing? On the side of favor and blessings, there's always a dirty side, and a lot of us are asking God for blessings, and God's like "Yeah, you can handle that, but you can't handle the dirty side." Because the more your ministry grows, the more people try to take you down, the more God favors your life, the more Joseph brother type people you're gonna have, and God's like YES, I know that you're ready for the blessing but you still will respond to the dirty side of it. I need you to be so free and so secure in Me, that I could bless you, and you won't even give your attention to the dirty side.
Their favor in this season, might be your provision in the next season. And whoever you are connected to, and God has given them favor, celebrate them, praise God for them. Sometimes God will allow somebody to get promoted in your face to test your heart.
When a man surrenders his life to God, he positions to have a Noah effect. Everybody who's connected to me benefits from my favor. Don't be jealous because their favor is not even about them.
And what God is doing in your life is for somebody else. The fight that you're going through is not even about you.
What you're going through is going to be somebody else's survival guide. We become so self-centered, my stuff, my car, my house, my money, my name.
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