Proverbs 21:9
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.
Proverbs 27:15-16
A quarrelsome wife is like the dripping of a leaky roof in a rainstorm; restraining her is like restraining the wind or grasping oil with the hand.
2 Timothy 3:6
They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires
> I trust God enough. I trust His pace. I trust what He's doing.
I trust God's "YES" just like I trust His "WAIT"
I trust God's "YES" just like I trust His "NO"
Because they're both submerged in the same amount of LOVE, the same amount of grace, goodness, mercy.
> You wouldn't be tripping so hard if you knew what was behind that closed door.
> Give God praise for the hedge - thanking God for the stuff we don't even know about.
> I trust YOU just because YOU are GOD
How we could self-sabotage healthy relationships:
- Could it be I can't even identify health because of my unhealthy ways, my unhealthy cravings / desires / perspectives?
- Have we arrived to a place where we've gotten so used to unhealthy ways that when somebody healthy tries to come in our life, we call them unhealthy
- It's possible for you to be in dysfunction so long that when somebody tries to introduce you to functional, you call that dysfunctional, because you have learned to function in dysfunction
- This is what unhealthy people do: when somebody healthy convicts of you of your unhealthy ways, we'll go find somebody else who's unhealthy too, who gleans from the same diet you glean from. Because we don't try to find people who grow us. We try to find people who agree with us. Then we'll have a relationship with another unhealthy person and then start talking about a healthy person and start to say how unhealthy they were, but really it's just you're so used to unhealthy things.
- Sometimes we bring our unhealthy ways in the form of drama. Drama - one who brings, births, and thrives off of a dysfunction.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
- The same way the enemy send people, the same way God sends people.
- God sends people that are important for our destiny. He also sends people that help us detox from history.
- We all got in trouble by what was hanging on a tree. We all got out of trouble by who hang on a tree.
- We all got in trouble by a woman eating a fruit and extending it to her husband and then he ate it and then the fall of man happened.
We all got out of trouble by a woman extending her body and allowing the Holy Spirit to impregnate her with the Son of God and He will be called Emmanuel which means "God with us"
- Is it we're so guarded to watch out what the enemy sends that we don't know how to receive what God sends.
- Some of us, you're so caught up with trying to prove a point that you missed the point.
- We're in denial about a lot of stuff.
- Dramatic people - severely unstable. They have no grounding / chaotic, all over the place. There's different levels to people with drama, you have those people that feed off a drama, they always got to get their point is right no matter what. They are validated and justified in everything that they think and what the other people think doesn't matter. It's extremely selfish. The sad thing about people that breed and just their whole lives are just full of drama is that it affects the people that love you the most.
- We have to get to a point where we can manage our emotions.
- The other type is where, you might be that person that's always just wrapped up in your emotions and you play the victim all the time. And something's always wrong. You're always woe is me. That's exhausting too. If we're not careful, we will pass these things on to our children. Our children already came here with their own set of issues. Your children see you having dramatic arguments with your spouse and they see you act dramatically to a certain situation, they see that and they coined it as normal, and so that shapes who they are.
Purpose - Life's bullseye. Life's calling. Target.
ex. What is the purpose of us being together?
If a couple does not know their bullseye / target - this is how you can end up living life aimlessly.
You can be married 22 yrs / 40 / 50 yrs, and have no bullseye. When you're in a relationship and you don't know the purpose of it, it's almost like going grocery shopping while you're hungry. You'll end up purchasing a snack.
Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.
Before you say "I DO" get understanding.
Before you QUIT get understanding.
Before you CUT THEM OFF, get understanding. You could have cut them off just from an assumption. And assumptions are the termites of every relationship.
- How arguments and how drama hits marriage - it's when one of you has a standard in something and I don't so when every storm hits one, I'm getting drenched, getting wet by her pain, by her in-laws, my in-laws, by her stuff, because there's a certain thing that we both don't understand.
- When you have a target, it helps you prevent drama and you both have a standard that you're understanding together as one. Then it will help you identify the drama situations. The drama people, and then you will be able to together make sure you navigate through life eliminating the drama and keeping your lives free from drama. Sometimes drama is gonna try to come and find you. It happens but when you both are standing under the same type of standards, then you can go through this thing together. And this is something we're not gonna entertain. This is the type of drama and the type of stuff that we don't want to infiltrate what we got going on. We have a goal in mind / purpose / vision in mind. If there's anything or anybody else that's bringing any type of drama into this. what's going - we're gonna have to keep you at a distance, or maybe eliminate some things. Enemy's tactic is to bring drama into peaceful situations. If you get the understanding that this is the type of thing that you want in your life, then you're gonna have to get a handle for yourself and make sure you don't have the drama going on within yourself and within your life.
1) Drama is incubated in dysfunction - The familiar blanket of childhood / community / this is how drama infest environments
Have you gotten comfortable in a drama infested environment to where it doesn't even faze you when you see drama / toxicity. It's possible for drama's touch to become your normal touch.
2) Drama has been normalized
Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.
Just it means it's normal to culture, doesn't mean it's normal to Kingdom. Everything that's normal to culture is abnormal to Kingdom and what's normal to Kingdom is abnormal to culture.
3) Drama Junkie - Type of people who spawn drama, feed off drama, instigate drama
- Drama's native tongue is gossip
You may not be able to know the difference between keeping it real and gossip, but your harvest will.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
4) Drama Deflection -
People who really don't like themselves and they have self-resentment and so since they don't like who they are and they don't like their reality since they're unhappy, they'll try to bring their unhappiness in your happy life, project their issues on to you, they don't want to deal with who they are, and so many times they try to spawn up drama. Do you know that person who comes in the room - it's like when they enter, peace exits, and when they exit, peace enters. People who don't want to confront their own internal turmoil.
5) Drama attention - they want attention. I just want somebody to notice me.
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