
10/5/2020 A man is ready when / Cuffing Season Part 2 (Redefined TV)

 Genesis 2:15-22
2:20 Or the man 
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals.
But for Adam no suitable helper was found. So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs  and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib  he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

I will make a suitable helper for him  - a lot are caught up with receiving Adam but you're not caught up on the part where God says 'I will make'. Until God makes you, you won't be suitable for what He is about to send to you. It's not just about getting Adam, it's about receiving the process of being made.

Every choice is pregnant with the potential to give birth to a season and the sobriety of my choices is married to the health of my soul.

Make choices that reflects our growth and our healing, not choices our of frustration and brokenness.

Make choices that reflect our healing and becoming process.

Methodology of God:


Have you allowed the cares of this life to rob you of your rest? God cannot perform surgery because for Him to perform surgery, you must be asleep. And you're not resting due to the bills, pandemic, anxiety, typhoon of emotions.

God scheduled an appointment for your operation. He wants to deal with your fractured soul, with your fears and doubts, with what happened to your heart after they betrayed you. But He can't deal with you as long as you got the knife in your hand trying to be your own surgeon because you're cutting the wrong things, the wrong parts, the wrong Scriptures, wrong people. 

God is not gonna let you drown. If you still have a pulse, God still has a plan. God did not bring you this far just so that you could come this far. If we can rest in the fact that God is a God who cannot lie. 

If God didn't closed that wound, it would have gave space for infection. There are some men walking around infecting people. 

Woman -  God has wired you to be a helper, God has wired you to make things level up. You have to understand your value and have to have discernment. Because every broken man is not your rescue mission. You will confuse your contribution as confirmation. You have been given oil for whom you're assigned to. You have not been given oil to your preference. You are the favor factor. 

So why does you feel a man coming in your life brings you favor. That's not biblical.

Carrier of favor. He who finds a wife finds favor from the Lord. You are a wife before you are a wife.

How is it you're looking to say I do to a man more than you say I do to God. Your attachment is favored. Rather you somebody's or not. You can be single and favored. You can be married and favored. 

God has wired men to be protectors. Protect her purity and spirit. Protector of your name, of your bloodline, inheritance, sons, daughters, of your wife. 

One thing you can identify if a man really loves you - not by giving you flowers / chocolates, not just by providing for you.

It is if he protects you because whatever a man loves, he protects.

Never allow the lack of exposure for you to doubt the existence of a thing. Until this brother had a collision course with Jesus, had ran into the King, has waved the white flag of surrender, he ain't ready. He has surrendered his life to God.

One of the painful things that hit the human heart is to be deceived. When you have the revelation that what you thought was genuine, was really artificial, when a person discovers that they thought was real was really fake, that has the propensity to callous our heart to love and to trust. No wonder the devil traffics in deception because the residue to be deceived is to distrust. And the main quality for the Christian is to be able to trust. 

How enemy trips us up many times is by light glimpses. It's those light glimpses that get us confused. It's the spirits of you could do better that messes us up.


Bipolar leadership gives birth to confusion.


1. When he has a garden 

Garden is symbolic of intimacy with Jesus.

Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden. 

This man has been captured by God. God has taken his mind, his passions, his thoughts, his ways. Then God gives this man identity / a job (legal)

And take care of it - God makes him consistent.

Notice his garden - notice his relationship with the Lord, because unmowed gardens give rooms for snakes.

2. When he takes responsibility

Can acknowledge and take responsibility when he's wrong. God is gonna call Adam first. He called, "Adam where are you?" Nothing happened until Adam ate the fruit. For kingdom men, everything on the side of you and under you, is your responsibility. Biblical manhood - is it may not be my fault, but it is my responsibility. One of the ways that you really can know that you're a man, is your ability to put things away.

1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 

How well do you put away blaming people or not sharing or sin.

3. He can provide

Provides you with clarity. If marriage is the goal, it's going to be clear. You're not going to be the one that has to keep on bringing it up. Purity or the altar.

Provide you with vision, destination, food, shelter, clothing. 

Watch how you mother your sons because that's  a king in the making. 

Manhood is when I have provision, and I can provide not just for myself, but for somebody else. 

4. When he listens

If a wife is a helper, this means your evolution is tied to your ability to listen. A man that listen to the counsel of your woman / your wife.

Ladies, this means you have to get control over your emotions so that when you speak, you're able to speak out of help vs speaking out of hurt. What is the condition of your mouth? His evolution process is tied to your words.


Well-being and welfare of a man is tied to whoever has access to his ear.

We're all a byproduct of the level of teaching we sit under. 

5. When he wars for self-control

6. When he has been in the refiners fire

We have to allow God to make him. God has to build him. Before Eve came along the scene, Adam had time with God.

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