
10/12/20 Things I wish I knew before I got married / Cuffing Season Part 4 (Redefined TV)

Proverbs 24:27 (NIV) 
Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.

> Before you do anything else, put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready then build your house.

> Are you so focused on what you want to build, that you're overlooking the disorder of the outdoor work?

> God has wired the wife (supernaturally wired) to be an elevator to her husband's evolution process

A man who doesn't understand this, views his wife / his helper as just pushing buttons. The brother who has a kingdom lens, he understands this, he doesn't view this/her as one that's just pushing buttons on the keypad. He views it as her activating a command to take you up.

> She has level up capacity. She makes business level up. However, there's a language that you have to know. If you're going to be able to speak and invest in his evolution process.

> The condition of the heart, is tied to the condition of the mouth.

>  I can't speak evolution into her/him if I'm in destruction in my heart. She can't help him evolve if she has a heart that hasn't been healed.

> God wants us to have a whole heart, so you can pour into others.

> A whole glass can quench your thirsty but if that same glass if broken can cut you.

> I want you to have a whole heart so you can help other people in their wholeness process.

> I forgot to take out the trash. Waste management did not come to my door, knock and say you forgot to take your trash out. If you don't put your trash out, they don't take it and God is the same way, a lot of us are wondering why our life is a mess were wondering why we're living in waste. Why our mind is like this, our heart is like this. It's because you haven't put the trash out. God will only take the trash that you give to Him. "I have to put it out."

If we're talking about the same God who won't force you to be saved. He's the same God who won't force you to release your trash. What trash are you complaining to God about? That God is saying, if you would just put it out.

> If you would just get rid of it, if you would just address what hurt. If you would just talk, if you were just to act like this doesn't bother / didn't affect your heart, if you take it out, I'll heal you. But as long as you don't take it out, I'll let your heart, keep stinking.

> A lot of people in this world feel like they're ready to get married. They have their basics. I have a car, I have a house, I have a career, I'm not crazy, I'm not a bum. But anybody that has been married, knows that it takes so much more than that to not just have a functional marriage. But to have a long-lasting thriving fruitful kingdom marriage. Just like your basic needs - like food, shelter and water. You can survive off of that, but you may not necessarily thrive and a lot of people are living their lives just surviving and not thriving.

> Most people should never be satisfied with just surviving, with just working. You don't want to be just functional. You should always want to do more. You should always want to be greater. You should always want to be better. You should never be satisfied with just where you are. And that's what a lot of people's lives look like. And then people want to have this bomb beautiful relationship, the moon and the stars, rockets and fireworks going off and you don't have all the details of your life worked out - always be the best version of yourself that you could possibly be - whether married or planning to be married.

> You have never arrived and there's always work to be done. You can have read the entire Bible all the way through and God can still give you new revelation of what is in there.

> You can never have enough growth.

> If God has it for your life, He's gonna send it. But until then, continue to do the work and build. God's got you.

> Don't settle. God will not make you wait long and give you some trash. No season is wasted.

> God prepares us in seasons that doesn't look like everything that you dreamed and asked God for.

> He'll place you in a season that looks like He's not answering your prayer. But from this particular text, I'm seeing that God's method is I have to get you to first work on the outdoor work and fields in order then we can build on the house. God is a type of God where in the wilderness, when you have wells that you did not dig, vineyards that you did not plant,  we see nothing but desert, cactusses, rattlesnakes and sand and then tel you when you have grapes you did not plant. God is saying, you're right here, but you're not staying right here.

> Have we gotten so conditioned to the pasture, that we have started making ourselves have a pasture preference. You've started to adapt to the pasture when you oil for the palace and so He said okay, focus on the outdoor work. Focus on that before you build. This is what it looks like, I have all these trash in my life - anxiety, porn addiction, anger issues, and I'm asking Lord, "When?" How many of us are trying to build things but your trash is affecting your building ability?

> God is trying to build your character, your faith, but you can't as long as you're holding on to the attitude, to that petty, as long as you haven't forgave, even though you're trying to build, you could never do it because I haven't dealt with my outdoor work.

> Ladies, have you ever felt like you're the one building, but he's the one that's always knocking stuff down? Have you ever felt like a mechanic, like you just keep on repairing stuff?

> God wants you to build something so that both of you can stand in it together. So now, we can stand in something - we can stand in purpose, in covenant, in agreement, in prayer, because everything in my life that I'm aware of .

> When you get somebody, you're going to discover stuff in you, you never knew was there.

> Marriage doesn't heal, cure. It exposes me. You don't know how selfish you are until you have to do life with a person, how prideful. If I'm intentional with taking my waste out, and saying God, take this trash, then maybe we could stand in something.

> Our minds, our emotions are cluttered with a bunch of stuff and we will never be able to help a man build anything if we don't deal with it. It's going to be much more difficult. It's gonna create a lot of obstacles, much more problems in any relationship. If you have all of your stuff and all of your trash, and then you expect to help build some empire, platform, ministry, purpose with a husband, it's gonna be hard. Deal with your issues before you get married. Because when you get married, it does not disappear, they get magnified.

> It's not rejection. It's redirection. The very person that you thought was going to be part of your future, they were messing up your future. And so God will wreck your plans before your plans will wreck you. This is why it's dangerous to say "I want somebody who will be there with me if I hit rock bottom." What if they could only handle your rock bottom but they can't handle your level up. So I have to trust God's removal in every season.


1. Feelings buried alive don't die

ex. Lust issue. That's something that needs to be killed. Now you have problems with infidelity. If you don't realize that you need to address those issues before, how do you know that you need to address the issues.

Marriage doesn't cure low self-esteem, insecurity. Marriage is not gonna fix him. It's not gonna make him be faithful to you, make him want you, make him love you. He is gonna have to change himself. He is gonna allow God to change him in order to be suitable enough of a man to lead you. Some think that marriage is the end-all, be-all, fix-all.

2. Importance of Fasting

Fasting - to turn down the volume of your flesh

A lot of times the reason marital problems become huge problems is because you always had your way when you were single. This is why a lot of people don't want to get married. Marriage is not an upgrade. It's a mission. For his assignment, for her assignment, you have to come together. It's a calling and everybody's not called to it.

There has to be two dead individuals in order for your marriage to live. How it becomes suffering is when one person is living and the other one's dying - that's when it hurts.

3. Address the trash

4. Marriage is not a cure

5. Knowledge of a unified front -

It's no longer me, my, I. It's now we, us, our.

6. Learn to listen

7. Letting the man lead

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