
9/28/2020 WORLD WAR ME Part 15 - Like A Child (Redefined TV)

 Matthew 18:1-5
At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.

Do you remember what it was like before you ever discovered what insecurity was? 
Do you remember what's it like when there's no such thing as good hair or bad hair?

To overcome overthinking - Ask yourself, "Who told you that?" If you can't give a name, it's all in your head until you have further evidence. If nobody told you that, all the stuff that you're feeling is what your mind is telling you. The enemy is not after your job / car, he's after your head, he knows, if he can get your head, then he can get your life, because your life moves in the direction of your most dominant thought. He can only do 3 things: 1. Present 2. Persuade 3. Try to convince you to agree

Thinking that you're dumb or damages goods, that's just a thought, it becomes a problem when you agree with it. When you agree on it, you meditate on it and embody it. The enemy knows there's power when things touch and agree.

In childhood, that was the person that you were in childhood before whatever happened, that was the original form of your personality which was going to be a navigational system to help you identify your purpose. No internal wars, nothing churning in his soul that was robbing of sleep at night, no worries.

Unless you go back to being like a child, some of us have become so lost and the pain that we've gone through, and the trauma.... go back to your childhood videos / photos, before whatever it was that happened, you wouldn't even recognize that child. You're calling it childish but it was your personality.

It was never God's original intent for us to know good and evil.
The reason why our childhood had died is because we've been eating from this tree. Culture has provided us with fig leaves. Now here we are standing in forest of regrets, forest of what ifs, and if this never would have happened, and if I never would have done this.

You're not supposed to lose your child, that joy, happiness, fun, freedom, purity, innocence.

A lot of us are struggling to change, and the reason it feels like you can't change is because you're interested but you're not committed.

When you're interested, you'll do what's convenient.
When you're committed, you'll do what it takes.

Are you committed to do what it takes to remove the fig leaves, the rope, to do what it takes to discover the child, that personality.

You're not always going to be motivated which is why you have to have discipline. When your motivation evaporated, your discipline makes you stick to the routine.

How elephant trainers would train elephants - is they would get the elephant when it's a child, and will put a rope on it. Elephants are made to roam, made to be free. When the rope is put on, the elephant would pull, struggle, would want to be free, would want to break loose, and want to be able to roam, and do what it's supposed to do. 
The elephant trainer has to never change the rope because the elephant had a season of his life where he's fighting and struggling and just gets to the place where 'I'm bound.' 
Have you just gave in to "I'm always gonna be bound"? And so the elephant evolves and become a full grown adult and he's strong enough now to break the rope but he never does it because he has been classically conditioned that he can't break free from this. Full blown powerful elephant, colossal animal won't even try to break the rope because his whole life, he's always known being bound. Psychological warfare.

The enemy knows, I just have to get their head. There's some ropes that have been placed on us when we're kids, and the reason the enemy allowed these ropes to be placed on your life, was because that was his downpayment / security deposit that the enemy won't have to worry about them when they're grown. Devil is a liar. 


Where was the know tied? Because there's power in recognition. Recognition gives you ability to trace.

Thieves wear mask because it makes it harder to recognize who he is because if you can recognize it, you could trace it. Hell knows that childlike faith can move mountains.

Childlike faith can activate the miraculous.

Childlike faith can touch Jesus' heart so much so. Children don't worry about things because they know their parents gonna provide. GOD HEARD YOUR PRAYERS, HE GOT YOU COVERED.

When you see a child, you'll see a trust that has not been polluted by a world. We're in this world, but not of this world.

We can't go back to this childlike state because a lot of us have trust issues. It's not as though we have trust issues with God. It's because I have trust issues due to misplaced people. Anybody who says "I don't trust people" trusted people and they violated your trust and that bled into our relationship with God.

Jesus showed us the paradigm, you got to place people right. Some of us keep hurting ourselves because we don't have discernment.

Jesus spoke to thousands, sent out 72, selected 12, but was vulnerable with 3. Can you identify your 3? Or are you sharing information with thousands that was only supposed to be shared with the 12? Ever so often you're gonna face a situation, you're gonna face an option when you don't know what to do. And it's a scenario where you must have a needed discernment. And needed discernment is God's way of calling us to intercession. You're not going to get this one on your own. You got to pray, fast, seek God's face. You have to bury yourself to figure out the answer to this one. A lot of us if we be real, you don't have trust issues, you have patience issues because the longer you wait, the less that you think it's going to happen.

How does hell give us a rope and take our child?

1. Hell introduces the rope
If the hell introduces the rope, now you're personality will start to alter and you're no longer in that place where you could wear anything you want. Now you put on clothes because you want likes, now what you wear is more about what people think.

2. You're gonna have a struggle with the rope
There's a time in your life where you're like,  "I don't want to be like this. I'd rather struggle than embrace the rope." There's value in your struggle.
When you struggle with stuff, you're working out, you're getting stronger. A lot of us, you could break free from some things but you stop fighting, you stop pulling, you stop trying to seek God. You just got like this elephant, and said, "This is just the way it's supposed to be." There's value in your struggle.

The greatest places where I ever have really ran into encounters with the Lord was in a season of struggle.

Struggling - transition of Jacob to Israel

A lot of us are confusing bad weather as bad season. Sometimes the weather gets more violent because the seasons are changing. Birds struggles and tries to break through the shell is because they're about to feel the breeze of heights and about to feel what it feels like to have wings. The caterpillar that is in the cocoon is struggling and trying to break free is because you're about to be a butterfly. The struggle is part of the cocoon process because you're going to be free from this.

3. Rope friends
Every single one of your friends has a rope and so now since all of your friends have a rope, and you look and see you have a rope, you start to think this is the way it's supposed to be. All trends, coolness, and what the society says is cool, all that is handing you a rope. Maybe you're so mad because you're tired of the rope

Proverbs 22:24-25
Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul

4. Normalize the rope

Heaven wants to take the rope and introduce you to being a child of God


1. Gives you a new trainer
Jesus broke every cord, every chain, all addiction, all doubt, break all insecurity. Be trained by the Holy Spirit. Let the Word train you. Fasting, prayer, sermon, listening

2. Exposes the rope
Pray for your enemies, you'll be healed from the rope

3. Renew
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind

4. Repeat

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