
8/3/2020 TRY ME Part 30 - I need some space (Redefined TV)

* What God is about to do is gonna blow my mind.
* What God is about to do is gonna be bigger than what I expected, but it requires my NEVERTHELESS.

Luke 5:1-7
So it was, as the multitude pressed about Him to hear the word of God, that He stood by the Lake of Gennesaret, and saw two boats standing by the lake; but the fishermen had gone from them and were washing their nets. Then He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And He sat down and taught the multitudes from the boat.
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”
But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink

Sometimes when somebody asks for space- they're not saying this because you're toxic or smothering. Sometimes it's because you're causing for them to step up to another level of maturity that they don't want to step up to. 

Some people rather change partners than change themselves.

Wrong people will really have you be out here thinking that you're asking for too much but the truth is, they don't have much to offer. 


Some of us don't even recognize that we've hit God with that line. We've told God, "Hey, I need some space! I'm tired of being convicted. I'm tired of You keep on pushing me towards spiritual maturity. Give me a moment, why can't I be petty like they're being petty. Why do I have to live at another level of maturity?"  Sometimes we forget due to what God is calling for you to be, you have to be an example. "I need some space from that inward tension." 

When you know that you shouldn't be engaging in something, but you want to do it anyway - are you gonna keep your standard or compromise?

If they don't see how awesome your idea is, don't want to endorse, they must not matter to your destiny because whoever matters, God is gonna give you favor with them. If there is somebody needed in your life to usher you to a platform / to a room / to a place, God is going to give you favor with them. So you can stop running behind people. Many of us are frustrated because you want somebody to put you on but God is saying ain't nobody gonna put you on because nobody's gonna get the credit but Me. I'LL PUT YOU ON. You're looking for a pathway but God is calling you to be a blueprint. 

You can never LIVE IN THE MORE THAN ENOUGH until you give Me your not enough. God is saying, "Give it to Me, your pain, your doubt your insecurities, give it to Me. You have more trust in your doubts than do your faith. START DOUBTING YOUR DOUBTS. YOU TRIED EVERYTHING ELSE, WHY NOT TRY GOD.

God is saying, I need some space, not in the way culture means it, not in the way, 'stop talking to me, get away from me.' I NEED SPACE IN YOUR LIFE. I need for you to allow Me to step in because you're never going to experience the catch if you don't allow Me to have space in your life / boat.

You call the shots, you do what you want to do, you don't consider Me. You like people without praying first. You take deals without praying first and just because you have a peace about it, you make the erroneous assumption that I have peace about it too.

Give Me space in your decision making. God says, He wants you to be a lender to the borrower and I want you to leave an inheritance for your children's children. Leave an inheritance, not debt.

Space in your relationships. Some are so picky but picking the wrong one. That's the problem, you're picking and not Me. Seek My direction before your selection, because I am the Author and Finisher of your faith, this means I can see what you can't see. I can see who's conducive for your chapter 10 while you're in chapter 5. Sometimes God removes them now so He doesn't have to remove the knife from your back later. 

God didn't give Noah an ark, He gave him a blueprint.

Many of us are frustrated because we expect our answered prayer come in ark form. But God doesn't answer your prayers by giving you an ark, He answers your prayers by giving you trees. God blesses us in seed form not in crop maturity. 

We serve a God who can fill it. If your heart is broken, He can fill it. God doesn't just give me some gas for my journey, He fills the tank all the way up. Not provide with just some funds for my dream, but enough funds not only for my dream, but also fund the dreams of others. Because whenever God favors a person, He doesn't favor that person for that person, He favors that person for a people. 

Simon caught such an abundant amount of fish that He had to signal for his partners to come help him. This is why you have to be able to celebrate when other people celebrate when you learn that I have to roll with people who have made space for Jesus to step in their boat. This is the danger of being connected to disconnected people, you'll always experience a shortage. 


Then He got into one of the boats  >>> He allowed Jesus to step in . 

Birds, they neither sow nor reap, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. How much more will God take care of you? But how many of us have forgotten because of out empty nets, because we have toiled all night and have caught nothing. Birds are supposed to be evidence that He's Jehovah Jireh. How discouraging empty nets can be? WHICHEVER ONE YOU LOOK TO THE MOST IS GOING TO AFFECT YOUR HEART POSTURE.

It's all of these, "by now's" that mess us up. I should be further down the line by now. Vaccine by now. It will get better by now. Be careful. Because the "by now's" are the permission slip which allows the enemy to turn up the volume of his voice, "you praying all hard yet nothing happening - quit."

Could it be that nothing is working because God is working on the answer. Could it be because God is not talking to you, He is talking to the answer. What if your yes is tied to breaking somebody else's chain? That book that you're so insecure about writing, God is working on you to answer His plea because somebody else is going to read that and get free from something. Example: Moses. The children of Israel were in bondage and were crying out to God for a deliverer and bondage 400 years. Saying, "God, we're tired of making bricks without straw." God goes over to Moses, "Go tell Pharaoh, let My people go." Are you procrastinating and somebody's waiting on your yes. You're giving God all of these excuses, while you're so frustrated because you don't recognize why things haven't happened. 

God is working things out ahead of you while you're in chapter 7, God is already finished with your story and He's just making sure the stuff's in place so when you get to chapter 8, you could just walk on in the room because He's in our tomorrow, today. The way God wires us is He dresses us for the future, while we're in the present. Example: I was going to NY on November. In Houston, it's 91 degrees, in NY it's 26. I wore on my jacket, scarf, boots and my wife was like, "you gonna sweat, why you dressing like that?" I'm not dressed for where I am, I'm dressed for where I'm going. People always make fun of your outfit when they're content on being where they're at. When I got to the airport, a whole lot of people had coats on. Now I'm in the atmosphere of people who are going places. If your circle keeps on criticizing you because of your outfit, it must be because they have classically conditioned themselves to adopt and adapt to the atmosphere they're at and why God keeps dressing you for the next is because you're not staying here. Stop worrying that you don't match the culture, that you're not fitting in with society that you're abnormal or doing things differently. God is calling you to be the blueprint. I'm making you My billboard. Set forth an example. You're gonna live a lifestyle that's awkward to other people. Are you willing to embrace the temporary discomfort to maximize the Kingdom lifestyle?

Simon was probably frustrated having caught no fish then there came this loud crowd and Jesus steps in Simon's boat with no permission. Has Jesus ever stepped in your business? What do you do when He becomes the God that stands in your way? In the way of that relationship? In the way of that opportunity? He wasn't looking for Simon's ability. He was looking for Simon's availability.

Give God your nevertheless. He is not looking for your excuses. He's looking for surrender.

WORRY - fear playing dress up and exposes the lack of trust in God in an area. Downpayment for a problem you may never have

CONCERN - when something disturbs me but it doesn't rob me, not robbing me of my sleep or joy

GOD FACTOR - when everything around you says no but heaven says yes. Example, they're not hiring but when they saw you, they'll create a position for you.


1. It was on purpose. 
I need Simon to be in position because I need him in the morning to be my stage.

2. Answered prayer in disguise.

3. Introduction 
Simon didn't know who Jesus was. His first introduction was Jesus blessing his business.

4. Spaces create stages

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