
3/29/21 Something very significant is about to happen for you! (Prophetic Drive Time)

• Situations don't change who God is. And if I don't understand something at the moment why this thing happened, once I count God faithful, the revelation will come later, and then I'll be like, "Oh Lord, now I see. Now I get it."   But we live in a time where since we don't count God faithful, we're not attributing any honor and glory and if you don't attribute any honor and glory and esteem to God, you're not attributing the level of righteousness to God that is due Him then how can you be intimate with Him, and as a result, this is why religion is so appealing to people because in religion, you don't really have to commune with God, you get to commune with yourself and tell you how good you feel, how good you doing but there's a criteria to communing with Christ. Those who come to Me, you must believe. 

• The Lord will attack you with His love. 

• You should never want to pretend to be whole for nobody when you can be whole for real. You should never pretend like you got it all right when you can have it all right for real. I don't want to wear a mask but sitting here entertaining all these demons. I don't want to pretend. I want to be free for real for real. That's what the Lord offers, He offers real freedom, for real. You never have to pretend. Amen.

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