
2/25/21 Do it God's way (Prophetic Drive Time)

• There's a way that we think a thing should be done and we grew up learning the process from point A to point B.  And there could be a difference between families and friends, you could have different ways from your neighbors across the street.

• Oftentimes without us knowing, we tend to pose the way we believe a thing should be done onto God.  And oftentimes our breakthrough or victory hinges on that fine line between wanting it, believing it, but finding the way to execute it sometimes eludes us because it's at that moment, that fine line, we start to interject how we think a thing should be done versus relying on the simplicity that is in Christ. The Lord is saying, I have not crafted things to be so difficult, the answers to be so difficult that you can't find. There's a simplicity that is in Christ that we oftentimes struggle and stumble with because sometimes it can be hard to see how - "if the Lord tells me to do this, how it could relate to producing these things to my life." And so oftentimes, we lean on the more complicated processes of - "this is how I grew up believing a thing should come to pass, this is how I grew up believing how you accomplish a certain thing."  And so we tend to interject some of those things. It's the simplicity that's tripping some of you up. Who would have thought that for Naaman (2Kings 5:14) the answer to his prayer was just to go dip seven times. And as a result,  people bring all these convoluted extra dynamics to the Body of Christ and present them as answers and people fall for it a lot of times because there'll like, the more complicated it is, the more it seems so deep. In actuality, where you really find the power of God is in the simplicity that is in Christ. He has not made it complicated. 

• Confidence triggers the power. The enemy is bringing in relentless pressure. For My people, to find the peace that I have for them, to find the victory, cast the cares. When the Lord says "Cast your cares upon Me because I care about you." That becomes a way the things that you think you have the right to worry about, or to be concerned about are the doorways that the enemy will come and thwart you, derail you, it's a constant pressure , the unrelenting pressure on the mind on the heart in dreams in thoughts, in your daily. The Lord says, these things cannot continue to have a hold.

• When you can rightly align your sight and your mind and see God clearly not everybody see the benefit of that but this becomes your ability to access your power. Because nothing happens to the Lord by you seeing Him as He really is, but something happens to you. because it empowers your confidence. Once my confidence is empowered, then I am no longer available for the enemy to devour me. 

• What The Lord is showing me was really about peace, how to find your peace and in this time that we're in, one of the most important dynamics is to be able to cast our cares. This is also a form of laying down your life. The reason why the enemy's been so successful over many of us at times, is because we're trying to figure out how we protect ourselves. But the Lord makes it very clear, those who look to save their lives, they're gonna lose it along the way, but those who lay down their lives, they're gonna find it. When you effectively cast your cares onto the Lord and you're no longer worried about you, you find something. 

But the devil wanna tell you and some other people, that's wisdom - you got to take care of yourself. If the Lord is not in control, then what are my efforts? So they discourage people from discovering the life. When you are no longer worried about you, what you find is how much God is concerned about you. The Lord says, IT AIN'T NO NEED BOTH OF US WORRYING. IF YOU'RE GONNA STRESS, I'M GONNA REST. IF YOU GONNA REST AND I'LL TAKE ON ALL THE STRESS.  That's the dynamics. If you would just do it God's way, what you would see is the life. The enemy wants to wear you out, he wants to stress you out. But the Lord ain't gonna stress with you. Jesus will never come into the hall with you and be like, "Lord I'm stressed out." "Yeah, Me too. What we're gonna do?" No matter what the storm is saying, no matter how bad the winds are. If you're going to Jesus, "Lord I'm so concerned." He'll be like, "Why?"

As soon as the enemy loses his advantage, you gain the advantage. Never underestimate the part you play. 

The Lord wants you to know that He is good. The Lord wants you to know that He loves you. You got to see that. You got to know that to be true. Because It's not that the Lord won't take your burdens, but you won't give it to Him. Jesus will be like, if you give it to Me, I'll take care of it, if you keep it you deal with it. That's the agreement. YOU GIVE IT TO HIM, YOU LET GO. The first thing is you're gonna find the life, you're gonna discover the peace that comes with your trust. And that would be your receipt, that the Lord has it under control, and as that peace begins to move into your life, as you begin to receive that peace what you're also gonna start seeing - things begin to level out and the Lord begins to lead you to a different direction. Some of you will find your way of escape, some of you will be catapulted into promotion. And what you're gonna find out is that there's actually life in the Word of God, if I am willing to do it God's way.

As your perception with the Lord changes, you'll find out that the dynamics change. When I know that I am loved, then I am aware that God is here. But He's here as the Person who loves me. It's not that Jesus is here, some see a powerless Jesus with them, that's why they are crying every single second, 'I know that God is with me but.' You got to take the 'but' out of the situation. When you know that the Lord loves you, not only you know that He is here, but His love for you is here. That changes everything. Faith works by love. 

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