
2/10/2020 Proclamation of God's goodness (Prophetic Drive Time)

God is making bitter waters sweet. Your sacrifice has been a sweet aroma for God- your praise upon the struggle, your faith, your tears. Do you think that He will forget? He is faithful. 

Belief is a form of power, form of spiritual currency that empowers. What you believe you empower. You believe God, you empower the Lord. Look at what Jesus said when He went to His own town to heal, the Bible says that He went to do many mighty works but He wasn't able to do what He wanted to do. They limited Him because of their unbelief. So the attacks on your mind, you have to start disbelieving what the enemy is saying because you believe that they are effective, you have empowered them. And so your real struggle is how do I take back the power so I can find the strength of being hidden in Christ. How do I take back my power? Because people told you all the devil this, all the devil that, and you start believing, you lent them your power. You gave the enemy's camp your power to manifest themselves as oppressors in your life. So how do you take it back? You got to say, "I disbelieve you. I believe I'm hidden in Christ." The Bible says in the Book of Ephesians, 'for above all principalities, powers, mights, and dominions.' Now it doesn't mean that the enemy won't come against you, but you don't have to believe in his threats. You can choose to believe in the power, choose to believe in God's ability to hide you in Christ. If the Bible says you are hidden in Christ, then hidden from who? God can find you, God can see you. But who are you hidden from? That means the enemy has to always go through Christ. What the enemy has done is to convince you to come outside of Christ to take him on, make the enemy work. Get back in your safe place! It's one thing to be sober about the enemy's devices, it's another thing to lend him your belief to fear him. Jesus said, "Don't worry about those who can kill the body. Only fear the One who after kills the body will destroy the soul also." If you lend any of your belief to the enemy, he will put you on bondage. Because he is only coming to kill, steal and destroy. 

When I was going through all these things, "Oh the devil.." I have magnified the enemy so much that I could no longer define Jesus. I was so lost on the fear of the devil that I could no longer find where Jesus was. I couldn't even find my strength. And I was talking to the Lord one day about the devil doing all these kind of stuffs. Lord says, "Why are you afraid?" And I said, "Do you see what the devil was trying to do?" He said, "The devil's been trying to kill you since you were born." And when He said that, I said, "Wait a second... he was." God says, "If he was so powerful, why can't he do that when you're the most helpless?" If he couldn't do that when we can't protect ourselves, means we've extended too much belief in his camp. The enemy is looking for someone who he can destroy. God says, "Give the enemy no belief. Give all your belief to Me."

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