The Lord says that we are intimidated by His goodness. Oftentimes there is only so much that we allow to the Lord to do for us, because of our mindset, our rational mind. But I hear the Lord say SUPPLY this morning.
In John 15, the Lord begin to highlight to me being the vine. And He said to me, the branch needs what's in the vine. He said, "Do you know all the good that exists in Me?" When He asked me that question, I knew that regardless of what I thought about God and how much I profess God is good, and how much I think about the Lord, I realized that there was more in the vine.
But everything the Word reveals about the vine, the vine wants our life to reveal about Him.
"My people perish for lack of knowledge." Not for lack of power, not for lack of God's ability or God's desire, we perish for our rational minds.
Everything the Word reveals about the vine, about Christ, the Lord says, it's declared so that it could be available to be in your life. There's more in the vine. There's more in Christ that He desires to supply to the branches. So that we could bear fruit. Fruit in all areas of our life - spiritually, naturally.
Even in the areas where we lack peace - I could feel the desire for the vine to supply, I could feel the desire for the Lord to have His children set free from that spirit of fear, there's a lack of peace, which means there's a lack of supply. Not because the vine is not giving it. The Lord says it's not because He's not giving it to you, it's not because the vine is not supplying it. IT'S JUST THAT WE HAVEN'T BEEN RECEIVING. Oftentimes there are things in the way, the number one hindrance to us, to man is the rational mind. Because something that the Lord was sharing with me this morning, "The enemy can't stop My flow." The enemy has no devices to stop God. Man can't stop God. If God has determined to supply you- how many of you know, that He will command the birds, He will command fishes, He'll command the earth to split open and pop out what you need. He can't be stopped. The greatest hindrance - oftentimes comes from our rational mind. But there is such a desire of the Lord to supply this morning.
There is more of a desire from the Lord to supply you than you even have to be supplied.
When I allow what's in the vine, to come into the branch, THE VINE IS GLORIFIED BY WHAT IT PRODUCES ON THE BRANCH. When Jesus saw the fig tree, that was unfruitful, He cursed it. BECAUSE THERE'S NO GLORY TO A TREE THAT HAS NO FRUIT. He cursed it. IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO JUST LOOK LIKE YOU GOT IT, BECAUSE THAT DOES NOT BRING GOD GLORY. WHAT ALLOWS HIM TO BE GLORIFIED IS IN THE SUPPLY IN THE VINE REACHES THROUGH TO THE BRANCHES TO PRODUCE SOMETHING. NATURALLY. SPIRITUALLY. If it can just produce something, to bring forth fruit, then the vine is glorified. WE'VE SETTLED SO MUCH FOR TRYING TO LOOK THE PART. We settle for trying to look the part, chasing one another, tracking each other down, fighting with one another because we're posturing. You see, but when you are really supplied, you don't have to pretend. Why? Because somebody can come and eat. It don't matter if you're looking the part, if nobody can come and eat. The glory of the vine- the branches. What brings the vine glory is if in the time that is appointed, there's fruit on that thing. Jesus says, "I don't want you to look the part. I want you to really allow Me to supply you." And sometimes through our false humility, we're like "Lord, don't supply me, You can't wash my feet, You can't supply me, I'm just you know..." He said, "If you don't let Me do this for you, how can you have a way with Me, because I'm glorified in My supply, and without Me, you can't do it. Even in the time that's contrary, even in the time where the world is at its darkest point, the vine says, "I'm still the supplier."
He said something to me, "Son, am I not the supplier?" "Yes You are." But He was challenging my notion, and when I felt Him challenging my notion, He said, "Son, people don't have no confidence that I am who I am."
John 15:7 If you abide in Me - meaning I got to abide in Christ.
And My words abide in you. Now what is the Word? What God says about Himself, what God says about you. If it abides, if it lives in you. "I am the supplier." That is the truth about God, that is the Word of God - but is it alive in me? Not have I heard it. Not have I read it. But, is it abiding in Me? Do I acknowledge and accept this as the reality and as the truth about God that affects my disposition towards God. Is it alive in me? Everything that God declares about Himself and declares about you, must come alive within you. It must abide in you. And the word abide means to live, to dwell. It's a truth that is alive.
If My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done to you. Why then will I ask and it be done? Because the truth about Me has become alive in you. Who I am, what I say about Myself, what I say about you is now alive. So not only do you come to Me boldly, but you come to Me expecting because what I've declared about Myself is alive in you. THE FACT THAT I DECLARED THAT I AM A GOOD GOD IS ALIVE IN YOU. And because My Word is alive in you, you can ask Me and I'll do it.
Philippians 4:19 But my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches and glory in Christ.
Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
all spiritual blessings which means not just of the rational mind which means they go beyond your ability to process what's in Christ for you.
Jesus says I am the vine. And what's in Me for you.
"What's in You for me, Jesus, that's going to bring You glory? What's in You for me that I am lacking, that I need right now? "
Not of the rational soul this word is saying. Not of the rational soul which means our prayers are often constructed with limitations. Because sometimes it's hard to fathom the above and beyond. It's because we don't have an above and beyond perspective of God. The type of perspective that the Word of God declares about Himself, His faithfulness to us, His promises to us, His word to us, they are already established as above and beyond. But when it comes time to petition, we petition from the rational soul oftentimes. Or we may even petition supernaturally, our expectation is from a rational. But He says, what's in Me, don't make sense. What I have for you, don't make sense. What I have in My heart, what's in the vine for you, doesn't make sense. The level of peace that I leave with you, is not rational of the rational soul. It's not like the world's kinda peace. The peace that I leave with you, it doesn't make sense. It's crazy peace, it's something extra. It's always above the world.
When we find ourselves in moments, fearing tomorrow, and being in this place of fear, that doesn't bring God glory, because the vine is not supplying it. The vine does not supplying me the fear. What brings God glory is the peace. He said the peace I leave with you. He never said this great fear of tomorrow I'll leave with you.
The only thing that brings the vine glory, is what He supplies. Because fear is bondage, it's torment. Have you ever had fear and peace at the same time? They oppose each other. Why? Because they originate from two different places. GOD IS NOT GLORIFIED IN DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS. God is not glorified in being a two-headed monster. So He's not glorified in something that He didn't give me. But He's glorified when He delivers me out. He's glorified when He takes me out of. He's glorified when He breaks that stronghold. He's glorified when He breaks that bondage. He's glorified when He supplies me.
There are some of you are well aware that you've been through a time of suffering, a time of affliction, a time of trial. Your suffering season is over.
1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace who has called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus after that you have suffered a while make you perfect, establish, strengthen you and settle you. The Lord said, your suffering is over. That you have been suffering for a while and now He's calling it over. And what He's doing right now is He's preparing your heart, He's opening your heart to receive the supply. Have you received all that Jesus gives? Have you received all that the vine is supplying? Some of you received some, some of you received a lot. Have you received all? The Lord is saying to you, there's more to give. It's not even a hard thing for Him. Can you imagine, that's what He actually what He purposed to do. Some people equate it to robbery to allow God to be good to them, when they don't understand that when they allow the vine to supply them , they're allowing the vine to be glorified. Because a branch with no fruit brings no glory to the vine. Jesus Himself said cut it down, one He said cut down the other said cursed are thee. I believe the Lord is really challenging our perspective. He's really bringing an end to the show, the pretense. We always wanna look the part, and as a result, because we're just pretending, and trying to play the part, we rob our own mind and understanding from the reality, that this is real. You got to understand, your heart will grow whatever you sow. So if you tell your heart that all you got to do is just look the part, your heart will have no expectation for the Word to be real in your life. YOUR HEART WILL GROW WHAT YOU SOW. Just look the part - but why would I do that? If this Word is real, it's real. What are we doing? The Word is real, that's what I sow into my heart - the Word is real. So I see real things come from the Word. How long will you be satisfied by playing the part? Having no expectation that God is actually who He says He is. Your focus is always on you. So only thing you're getting out of life is what you are able to do. Focus is on yourself, so only thing you getting out of everything is what yourself can do with your own hands, your own self. It's because you've taught yourself to play the part, to look the part. You taught your heart, you sowed that in your heart. But if you could just submit and say, Lord I acknowledge that Your Word is real. And then ask by Your Holy Spirit that You quicken it on the inside, that You make it alive in me. I don't mind being challenged by God's truth. And I realized something, that everytime I think that I've come to a place that the Lord always shows me there's more. Everytime I feel like I've come to a plateau or a level of understanding, the Lord says, "Oh you think you know Me. Here's more."
The Lord is breaking off for you today the hindrances that have affected your ability to receive from the vine. And He's calling to life the Word that you once read about Him, the Word that you heard about Him, the Word that testifies of Him, He's calling it to life in you. That you will be able to ask.
The Bible says, those who come to Him they must believe that He is - fill in the blank - the supplier, the healer, the provider. Those who come to Him you got to believe it. I don't make it true, but me acknowledging what is true, allows me to access what I acknowledge. If you abide in Me and My words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it should be done to you. Why? What Word is abiding on the inside of you? The Lord says this, I am your supplier.
That diligently seek Him. See, it's not those who diligently seek religion, it's not those who diligently seek traditions, it's not those who diligently seek error, diligently seek themselves. There's a difference between diligently seeking me and seeking Him. There's a difference between me diligently trying to strain and seeking Him. If I'm seeking You, then I got to humble myself to be wanting to know what do You say about You? He says I am love. I am faithful. I am the Vine. I am your provider. There's people seeking the Lord but they never find Him. Because they won't acknowledge what He says about Himself.
The Lord is here in an abundant way, the power of the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord, the anointing of the Lord is here to supply. Some of the most challenging Words that we find ourselves dealing with has to do with God's provision and God's supply. The enemy has done a great work to slander the hearts of God's children to where when Jesus said if you being evil know how to give good gifts how much more will your heavenly Father. Attributing a level of goodness that far surpasses even the best of us. But the enemy has worked so hard to slander God in our hearts, to the point that we don't have any confidence that God is who He said He is. That the revelation of Christ is going unnoticed in the lives of God's children. And so the Word of truth, it doesn't live in us. It's something that we hear, and it falls to the ground. You hear about how good God is, and it falls to the ground. We read it then it falls to the ground. But that Word is supposed to be alive on the inside of us. We have to allow that Word to be alive on the inside of us. Because that's the reality and the truth about who God says He is. It allows the supply of the vine.
Will you allow the Word to live on the inside of you? To abide in you today? That you will find the dimension of children and understand this particular dynamic to be able to ask your Father and know that He will do it. It's not even a question - why. Because who You are is alive in me. Your love for me, the Word of Your love for me, it's alive in me. The Word of Your faithfulness is alive in me. And whatever Word of God is living on the inside of you, these becomes the door, the avenues that grant access to the supply of the vine. Why? Because the vine will only supply you according to the Word of God. You must believe that He is. You got to. One of the greatest illusions of Christianity is just to want it. But the Bible says those who come to Him, you got to believe that God is and who He is. You got to believe that God is the someone to do something about what you're asking. It's hard for me to ask God to do something good for me if I don't believe that He is the someone who is good. It's hard to ask the Lord to forgive me if I don't believe that He is the someone who loves me enough to forgive. You got to believe that He is the someone. Do you believe that He is the someone to address the very thing that you're praying about? The someone who will address the very thing that you need supply for today.
Some of us need radical transformations of who God is, we need to allow our minds to be transformed by the Word of God through renewing of our mind - the mind of Christ. You want to know the testimony of Christ was according to Martha. Do you really have the mind of Christ? Martha said "You know Jesus, You're late, my brother's dead, but You know what, even now, whatever You ask the Father, He'll do for You." And do you really believe you have the mind of Christ? See for Me to supply this life to this dead thing was the natural thing that the Lord was doing by the way, it wasn't spiritual. He took a naturally dead body and brought it to life again. He supplied the life. Even more so, the Lord is here to supply for you the life.
You're wondering, just how much could God supply me? How much is in the vine for me? Look at the cross. It's a crazy amount of supply.
It's on that level of sacrifice, His love, but it's also His goodness to you, His faithfulness to you, it's all on that level, they all follow on the same road, which is high and above. It all follows His love.
That's just how much supply He has, that describes the yearning because the Lord says, I'm not glorified in you going without. I'm yearning to supply.