
9/22/2020 How to receive from God!! You have to hear!! (Prophetic Drive Time)

How do you receive from God? You receive from God by what you hear. Many of My people have not understood the significance of the things that they have heard. What was happening is that heaven came knocking by your door. Whatever you're hearing by the preacher, it was the Lord bringing it to you. And people have not learned that the value of what they hear, and how it was the Lord bringing it to your doorstep. So they hear a word, and then they leave that word, still being in want, in need, still making prayers, still petitioning God for the very thing that He sent His word to provide. "My words are spirit and they are life."

Isaiah 53:1
Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

Galatians 3:2-5
This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

The Lord spoke to me and said, you receive by what you hear. There are a couple of different dynamics that are important in this process. The importance of hearing and the importance of believing. When a preacher comes and tell you that Jesus loves you, once you hear that and believed that, then you can receive that. What you've been doing with what you've been hearing has been your greatest hindrance or your greatest blessing. 

Romans 10:14-17
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

(verse 14) One it is showing you how significant belief is. When the Lord puts a word in the mouth a preacher to begin to declare, the preacher is releasing your miracle through his declaration. The prophet reveals what he sees, the preacher comes bearing the miracle, he comes bearing the power of your miracle, transformation through the communication or the anointing of the Holy Spirit, or the download that the Lord has given. Which means the preacher comes to introduce heaven and earth, to merge the two, through the word, the spirit of the living God speaking unto you to give you insight, declaration to the very thing that brings access to the very thing or petition that you need from God. 

(verse 15-16) The words came into their ears, but they didn't believe it, they didn't know what to do with the word that had come to them, because when the preacher brings the word, it is bringing the Kingdom of heaven to them, through the declaration or preaching of the gospel, that causes a person to believe, to receive and to be transformed. 

Some of you believe. For instance, you struggling with God's love for you, so here comes the preacher, declaring God's love for you, when you believe it, receive it, then you get access to it. But there are some of you who move by their works - there is nothing that you do could do that initiates or creates or where God's love begins. The reason why some people can't receive God's love is because they look at themselves and they can't see the qualifying or the merit needed to be able to receive - "I haven't done enough., I've been here..." so they struggle with the ability to receive God's love when they don't understand that God's love for you, it precedes you.

When you are at your broken, your filthiest, your nothingness, your worst, God's love had already been revealed. Which means before you were even conceived in your mother's womb,  God was loving on you when Christ came. You had nothing to do with the origin of God's love for you. It's more revelatory of who God is who loved you from the beginning. That's why some people don't have a good grasp on who God is, they're not able to be rooted on who God is, they're not able to be strong and centered on God's love for them and see God and believe God and go into the dimensions, in the levels, in the places that God's love wants to take them. Because you think that the complication between you and God's love is you- that is deception all day. Anybody who makes you believe that is lying to you, they are working by the spirit of the accuser not by the Spirit of the eternal living God. Because God's love was revealed when Christ came. So if any you existed prior Christ's arrival? If all of us are subsequent to Christ's arrival? Then God's love for you was established because not only did Christ come, but the eternity of God's love was carved out on the cross. 

It's one thing for Christ to come, which means if God loved you just enough to send Christ. But then Christ came here and be like, "They are filthier and dirtier than I thought. They are more wretched than I thought."  Those are the things that the enemy has been trying to keep you from receiving God's love, because those are the things that he's been warring with your mind on today. But Jesus walked it all the way out, which means that He went to the cross, which means you are not a hindrance. It's one thing for Him to sit in heaven, but it's another thing for Him to come down here and be like, "Let Me see what's going on. They are really bad..." He would have had every opportunity to turn and say, "Nah." If He didn't disqualify you then, what makes you think that He is disqualifying you now? The devil is a liar. But if you understand the significance and the value of hearing that God loves you, and then you can receive it, if you can receive it, you can believe it, if you can believe it and receive it, you will have it. 

This is how we discover the enemy's voice and God's voice. The enemy wants you to become an introvert. The first time man became an introvert, he died. To walk in Christ means to eat from the tree of life, not the  knowledge of good and evil. I'm so bad though, but Christ is so holy, so faithful, so powerful. Look at how bad you are but look at how good God is. Because when He hung on that cross and decided to lay His life down for you, His righteous, pure blood was enough to cover all of your insecurities. When we are not rooted and grounded in Christ- there's a lot of different things that people think that root them in Christ, but nothing roots you in Christ like the gospel. The one thing that the enemy does not have an answer against, is the work of Jesus Christ at the cross, that's why he tries to get people in what they know, in what they think, in their gifts, in their talents, in their own self-righteousness  because eventually those will all become avenues where he will eventually expose you if you are not grounded on the finish work of Jesus Christ. If you are not rooted in Christ, you are not rooted in Him at all. Eventually you're gonna stumble and that enemy is going to be right there to pounce on you but since you have not learned to root yourself in the finish work of Jesus Christ, the cross of Christ will not be any effect to you. Because you are not rooting your life on what brings life in the first place which  is Jesus Christ. You can't live long enough making a mockery or devaluing what Christ has done. And for months, weeks, years, people get away with being able to maintain, to flow in their giftings, but the enemy is so crafty  that you could be the most anointed, most gifted, most righteous, but eventually, that flesh gives way and that's when what your whole life have been rooted on becomes exposed, and if it is not Christ, you won't know where to turn, because when it is not Christ, the first place you go is inward- "look at me, I'm a failure, I'm this, that, I'm not this, not that.." and then where do you turn and it can seem like you have no hope or no answers. Why? Because the beginning of your faith should have started by who Christ is to you and what Christ has done for you. You're supposed to build your house on that. But when you don't no matter how valuable or important those auxiliary things are, if it's not built on the Rock, it's still sinking sand. So if I fall short, I gotta know what my life has built upon and say, "Thank You Lord for the blood of Jesus Christ, Father forgive me." I can repent and find my way back to the Rock of my salvation.

The Word says, let God be true and every man a liar. So if God declares that His blood is good enough, who are you to say that it is not good enough for you - that means you are listening to something that you shouldn't be listening to, you're hearkening to the wrong voices. If God says He loves you, who can say He doesn't? If God says He's forgiven you, who can say He doesn't? 

How do you receive from God? You receive from God by what you hear. But look what happens, the truth comes, the scriptures read, but look how many people reject it. There are some people who receive it, some people who reject it. Reject it based upon what they feel, reject it based upon yesterday. Yesterday don't matter when God has showed up to do something about your life today. 

How do you receive from God? You gotta hear your answer. You either hear your answer from a preacher, or if you say it yourself. Hear and believe it and you will receive it. Outside of things that pertain to destiny that are scheduled for a specific time, the Bible says, you are already blessed, with all spiritual blessings (Ephesians 1:3) Which means, how do you access all the blessings that are already in Christ? You gotta hear because they are spiritual which means they are word form, they come to you in word form. God will send your breakthrough in word form. This is why we have all struggled, because we didn't know when that word was coming, the breakthrough was coming right along with it, so we didn't know what to do with the spiritual form of our own breakthrough, with the spiritual form of our own prayer request, with the spiritual form of our own answer, and we didn't know how to bring it into the manifestation, because it is first spiritual, before it is natural. Blessed are those who hear. 

Galatians 3:5
Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

Works of the law- which means what I did good, what I didn't do. He said, does He bring forth the miracles by the action which is what a lot of us believe.

That's why when the first time that miracle don't come through, "I gave, I fasted, I've abstained, I was doing this or that" - but those don't bring forth the miracle. The Lord don't work miracles by the law. The Lord will work miracles among you by the hearing of faith. You got to hear your breakthrough, your miracle, your blessing. And so when the Lord is good and ready to deliver you, the Bible says in Psalms 107- "I'll send My word." They were people who were crying out, and they were in the midst of the sea and the waves were rising up to heaven and falling down and they were just scared out of their minds and they were like, "I don't know what to do." And the Bible says, the Lord sent the angel? Nope. The Lord calmed the seas? No. What the Bible says is the Lord sent His word to deliver them. He sent His word to answer their petition. 

This is what you got to understand, natural people look for natural solutions, this is why people who walk after the flesh often miss the move of the Spirit of God. There's a price of carnality. You walk after the flesh if you want to, you can throw more tantrums than a toddler, but the only person who will be left out and hurt from that exchange is you. There has to be a destruction of the flesh so that we can move in the Spirit of God. That's why we have to be spiritually minded. Look at the simplicity that's in Christ. 

When you finally take God at His word, then His word will start showing up powerfully in your life. 

When you live by your feelings or whether I feel like I'm blessed, I don't have time to continue wasting my days for the feeling as if I'm blessed. I have to start walking out the fact that I am blessed because the Word has already declared it. How many of you have another day, another week, another month, another year to give to your feelings? Feelings: the architect of your own delay. You could give another week or year if you want to, trying to chase down your feelings, or you can submit yourself to the Word of God. 

Do you know how valuable, when the Lord brings across your path a preacher whose bringing that word, He's bringing your miracle. What you do with your miracle is on you. 

The system of heaven says this, first you must hear it, you must believe it, and that's how you receive it, and then you will see it. 

Kingdom of heaven is established by the word, it's spiritual not natural so if you want to petition a spiritual God for natural provisions, when the spiritual God wants to give you your provisions, He's gonna speak it to you. So He's gonna send His blessings in spirit form. When you understand the value that your life will begin to take the shape of whatever God speaks to you.

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