
10/7/2020 God's favor!!! Everything changes!!! (Prophetic Drive Time)

Favor has been the missing ingredient in your life. It's one thing for God to be with you, but it's another thing for you to know it. Favor allows you to know God is with you. Once you realized you've been favored, once God opens up your eyes for you to step in into His favor, and for you to see His favor, everything around you changes. 

Number one that changes, you become the blessing. People will become blessed by their interactions with you. When God begins to favor you, you show up as the blessing. And people will get blessed by you in their life. Example: when you are in the midst of people you doing business with, people will find themselves increasing. They will know that it's because of you in their life. They will know that the effect that you have on their life is when you came around, God began to increase me, because the favor on your life was so strong. Favor is gonna produce a deep satisfaction.

What favor does to you- it causes you not to be afraid or worried about disappointment anymore. When you know that God got you, if a certain situation don't work out, then you are on to the next one because you know that you are favored. It's only when you doubt, when you're not sure that you are favored. Do you panic, grieve, mourn, lament, are broken over things that don't work out? Because you are not confident in God's favor on your life. 

When you know that God favors you, it's easy for you to, it's a navigation tool, it's a protection from the cares of the world. It's one thing to say that God got me. It's another thing to know it. It gives you a peace. It allows you to tap into the peace that Jesus has already secured for you. 

God's favor causes my soul to be at peace. It gives me confidence and courage. Favor is how you find Him.

Luke 2:51-52
And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.

Favor- disposition of knowing that your Father is with you. It allows you to speak the truth with people and be able to be unbothered by who they are, what their faces look like, when you know that God's got your back. One of the great hindrances of people for performing their assignments, doing what the Lord says, is they're always worried about how or what people are going to think. Sometimes, when it seems that God is not favoring you, you look to maintain favor with men. And if you say something that offends people, you say something that people don't like, then people will turn around, and sometimes they'll tell you "I'll take away my support." Because you are trying to please men, it's hard to please God. But favor- when I got God on my side, your support is secondary to God's support. If I got God's support, then I got all I need. Favor will cause all things to abound towards me. It takes you out of being in bondage to people when God got you. Some people are in that place not because they don't know what's the right thing to do, know what's the right thing to say, but because they feel like they need people. Why? Because favor has been absent in their understanding. But when you know that God got you, what happens is if they even walk away, God will send ten others in their place. So people would love to rule over you, but when God's favor is upon you, it takes away their ability to rule over you. So they gonna either come for the truth, and come and get right. Or they can walk out and find somebody who can tickle those ears.

Favor- confident expectation that God is on your side. 

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